
In this regard, Qin Yan naturally did not hesitate, after all, the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Flood Dragon had already completed their transformation and became the real dragon family, and Qin Yan naturally wanted to laugh at the remaining power of the dragon.

At the moment Qin Yan's order was issued, the residual energy of the empty energy instantly formed an energy vortex, and the core of this vortex was exactly where Qin Yan was! At this time, the changes in the surrounding energy also caught the attention of Tyrannosaurus Rex and Jiaolong. .

The original huge dragon power was scattered, but now it suddenly gathers, and the entire space becomes unstable, and it seems to collapse at any time.

But still: Qin Yan can use the laws of space to temporarily stabilize the space and prevent it from collapsing.

The power of the divine dragon rushed into Qin Yan's body like a flood, impacting every meridian in Qin Yan's body.

At the same time, a piece of black and white two-color scales covered with lines slowly emerged from Qin Yan's body surface, but...... there is no sense of conflict with Qin Yan's own color.

After a full breath, Qin Yan's closed eyes suddenly opened, and two colorful rays of light burst out from Qin Yan's eyes, and then the surrounding space suddenly collapsed, and countless rubble smashed directly towards Qin Yan.

Without any hesitation, Qin Yan stepped onto Qinglong's body in one step.

"Silly Dragon, get out of here!"

Qinglong got the order, and the huge body directly turned into a blue light, which blasted the surrounding gravel away, and flew directly towards the outside of the valley.

Outside the valley, just as Qinglong left, the entire valley collapsed with a bang, submerged by countless rubble, and the frozen Dragon Valley ceased to exist! two corners"

At this moment, Tyrannosaurus Rex asked weakly.

Isn't that right, Qin Yan now has black and white scales all over his body and two horns on his head.

"Why do you have so many questions!"

Qin Yan slapped the Tyrannosaurus Rex's forehead with a slap, and with a thought, all the horns and scales on his head disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Dragon Transformation is Qin Yan's innate skill, so it can be turned off at any time.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for absorbing the power of the dragon and getting rewards: physique + 15 trillion, soul + 15 trillion.

Congratulations to the host for being promoted to the Immortal Level 2 Star [-]!"

Chapter [-]: Take you back to see your father!

Chapter [-]:::::Take you back to see your father! "System, call up the attribute table and see!"


Feeling the majestic force in his body, Qin Yan nodded with satisfaction.

"Your Majesty, where are we going now?"

Tyrannosaurus rex asked suddenly.

Qin Yanshun looked around and couldn't help frowning when he saw the appearance of the Tyrannosaurus Rex now.

Today's Tyrannosaurus Rex has become a real dragon, and its appearance is more than a little bit different from the previous one. When it appeared in front of Lao Kong like this, Lao Kong probably wouldn't recognize it.

"T-Rex, can you change back to the way you were?"

"Your Majesty, of course!"

Although the Tyrannosaurus Rex didn't know what Qin Yan's intention was, it still changed its appearance, but the fine dragon scales on its body and the double horns on its head could not be hidden.

This is a symbol of its status as a real dragon, and it is also a manifestation of noble blood! In the world, all beasts are respected by real dragons, except...like Qin Yan who has a special bloodline Race, any orc above the bloodline must be suppressed by the dragon race.

"Okay, that's it.

The national treasure will take you back to see your father!"

Seeing that the Tyrannosaurus Rex was largely restored to its original state, Qin Yan nodded in satisfaction.

"Did my daddy find daddy too! It's great! I haven't seen daddy for a long time!"

Mentioning Lao Kong, Tyrannosaurus Rex was also excited. After all, Lao Kong was the first relative that Tyrannosaurus saw when he opened his eyes.

At this time, Qinglong on the side was shocked. You must know that the Tyrannosaurus rex has dragon blood in its body, and the father of Tyrannosaurus rex must also have dragon blood in his body! Dragon is very rare, but it suddenly appeared now. A Tyrannosaurus Rex, and its father, this Nima is full of dragons. If Qinglong knew that the father of Tyrannosaurus Rex was actually... a peacock with the blood of the Suzaku that it had seen before, I don't know what it would be. How do you feel.

Who would have thought that two unrelated orcs on the bloodline would be father and son! "Silly dragon, go home!"

Sitting on the back of Qinglong, Qin Yan gave an order, and then Qinglong turned into a blue light and disappeared into the sky.

Chapter [-]: The king was cut off!

Chapter [-]:::::Your Majesty has been cut off! "Fuck! Your Majesty, look at the big turtle over there!"

Sitting on the back of Qinglong, Tyrannosaurus Rex exclaimed as he looked into the distance.

Looking in the direction pointed by the Tyrannosaurus Rex, there is indeed a huge "turtle" floating above the sky.

, like a mountain.

"You stupid, this is Xuanwu!"

Qin Yan said angrily, of course, it can't blame the Tyrannosaurus Rex, after all, it has never seen Xuanwu, and Xuanwu's body is... a turtle.

"I didn't expect to encounter a strange beast with Xuanwu blood in such a place."

Qinglong also discovered the existence of the Xuanwu, even if they were far away, they could feel the power of the Xuanwu aura, at least it was an immortal existence! "Let's take a look at the national treasure, maybe take a little turtle. It's good to be a little brother!"

Looking at the huge Xuanwu, Qin Yan subconsciously rubbed his small paws.

Xuanwu, that is one of the four divine beasts, a terrifying existence on the same level as Qinglong, Suzaku and White Tiger.

Now that the Jiaolong takes shape, it can barely be regarded as one of the four sacred beasts, the blue dragon, and Lao Kong, a peacock with the blood of the Suzaku, may not be able to transform into a real Suzaku in the future. If he can conquer a Xuanwu, then the four major The divine beast is only a white tiger! As the saying goes, left Qinglong and right white tiger, with a Xuanwu hanging in the middle... As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Yan had already got up and flew towards the Xuanwu.

And at this moment, I saw that Xuanwu suddenly burst into a powerful aura, the surrounding space was suddenly as heavy as a mountain, and several mountain peaks collapsed.

"Run! Run! This is an immortal five-star 55, and we are no longer able to deal with it!"

"Linger, run!"

Around Xuanwu, several figures spread out like flocks of frightened birds.

And one unlucky one was bitten off by the Xuanwu, and he couldn't rest his eyes.

At this time, the Xuanwu obviously didn't want to give up, and stomped on the ground with its four feet, the surrounding space seemed to collapse, and countless powerhouses were directly crushed and crushed.

Dare to provoke such an immortal-level divine beast, most of the teammates in this team are in the mid-to-late immortal-level, but compared to the immortal-level five-star Xuanwu, there is still a big gap.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Qin Yan's body stopped in mid-air, and there was no other person at first, because a dexterous figure rushed straight towards him, and behind him was the huge Xuanwu! "Wow! Such a cute little monster. what!"

The girl fled quickly and happened to see "Stay in place"

Qin Yan, the young girl's heart overflowed for a while.

In fact, that's not the case. Qin Yan's cute and explosive appearance is definitely the killer of countless girls! At this time, Qin Yan looked at the girl who was rushing towards him, and his expression was a little dull for a while.

"Fuck, it's so big..."

Immediately afterwards, a sense of suffocation emerged, the girl actually hugged Qin Yan directly to her chest, her eyes still looking at Xuan Wu behind her from time to time, and there was a bit of anxiety in her beautiful eyes.

"Ding, congratulations to the host who has been kidnapped again, get rewards: physique + 10 trillion, soul + 10 trillion!"

Qin Yan: "..."

"Damn it! The king has been cut off, big brother, let's hurry up and chase!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tyrannosaurus Rex couldn't help shouting anxiously, and for a while he was extremely jealous of the girl.

What kind of existence is Qin Yan, even Qin Yan dares to kidnap, this girl is by no means an ordinary person! At this time, Qinglong coughed and said very calmly.

"Don't worry, how strong is the master, he should not be kidnapped by that human race, the master must have his reasons for doing this, we don't need to interfere."

Chapter [-]: Linger, I'm Brother Xiaoyao!

Chapter [-]:::::Ling'er, I'm Brother Xiaoyao! Qin Yan's brain was still blank at this time, and the feeling of softness came from all directions, making Qin Yan a little reluctant to leave this place.


Xuanwu roared in rage behind him, and then a water arrow shot straight at the girl.

The girl's eyes sank suddenly, and she quickly formed a seal with one hand, and hurriedly formed a barrier to resist Xuanwu's blow.

And the girl's other hand is holding Qin Yan tightly... "Little monster, this time I'm the one who has implicated you. If I had known, I wouldn't have run away in this direction."

The girl said with a look of despair, she was well aware of the terror of Xuanwu's strength. Although this barrier was her strongest means of defense, it was impossible to resist the attack of Xuanwu's rage.

Right now, it's already a mortal situation.

Kacha!! The sound of the barrier shattering came from behind, the girl didn't look back, with a miserable smile on her face.

"Hey, does this experience end like this?"

One breath, two breaths... "Can you let go a little, the national treasure is a little breathless!"

At this moment, Qin Yan, who was hugged by the girl tightly in his arms, suddenly spoke up. There seemed to be a trace of reproach in his voice, but there was still a trace of enjoyment... "Hey, you were talking just now"

The girl's beautiful eyes were full of surprise, and she slowly turned around and looked behind her mechanically, but there was still a figure of Xuanwu behind her, and even the breath of Xuanwu had disappeared! "Yeah! That big tortoise ran away. where have you been”

Xuanwu had been provoked by them before, and then confronted him: chasing fiercely, but now suddenly disappearing, it is completely unreasonable.

Of course, the disappearance of Xuanwu had nothing to do with Qin Yan. After all, Qin Yan possessed such a god-level talent for controlling alien beasts, so it would be very good for an immortal-level Xuanwu to be obedient.

"Hey little monster, is it because of you?"

At this moment, the girl remembered the existence of Qin Yan, and immediately lifted Qin Yan with both hands in front of her, and looked at Qin Yan curiously with a pair of beautiful eyes.

In Qin Yan's heart, thousands of grass and mud horses galloped past. When had he ever been treated like this! However, before Qin Yan could open his mouth, the girl said it to herself.

"You must be right. There is no third person here. I don't have the ability to make that terrifying big turtle retreat!"

Qin Yan sneered in his heart, hehe, he is quite self-aware, and it means that he is not stupid! At this time, Qin Yan was also looking at the girl in front of him.

As far as temperament is concerned, the girl in front of her is probably not inferior to any woman she has ever seen. Her glazed dress shows her fairy spirit, and her beautiful appearance is enough to eclipse the world.

However, it seems that her brain is a little bit weak, and she is obviously still an ignorant and ignorant girl who has not yet experienced the world.

"Since you saved me, then I will repay you.

Why don't we make friends, my name is Linger, I don't know if you have a name, if you don't have a name, I can help you find one!"

Ling'er said with a smile, it seems that Qin Yanmeng has already turned her girl's heart, and she has no defense against Qin Yan.

Hearing this, Qin Yan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, why did Linger feel familiar, "Linger, I'm brother Xiaoyao!"

Qin Yan responded subconsciously.

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