"Brother Xiaoyao, is this your name? Why does it feel so strange, but it sounds pretty good!"

Ling'er opened her mouth blankly, unaware that there was anything wrong.

Of course, if Linger is also a traveler like Qin Yan, maybe you will be able to hear about a good relationship between Linger and brother Xiaoyao!

Chapter [-]: National Treasure and the old man are old acquaintances!

Chapter [-]:::::National Treasure and the old man are old acquaintances! "Linger, are you alright?"

At this moment, two young men in white flew down, with a little urgency in their voices, obviously very concerned about Linger's safety.

"Senior Brother Xiao, Brother Lu, I'm fine!"

Seeing these two white-clothed youths, Ling'er also showed a smile on her face.

The two young men in white, one named Xiao Qinghe and the other named Lu Yi, were brothers and sisters from the same family as Linger.

"Two senior brothers, thanks to Brother Xiaoyao this time, if it weren't for Brother Xiaoyao, I would have died in the hands of that big turtle!"

Ling'er stretched out her dexterous fingers and pointed at Qin Yan.

Seeing this, Xiao Qinghe and Lu Yi looked at Qin Yan at the same time, a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes, but they still clasped their fists and said.

"Thank you dear brother for your help, I am so grateful!"

"This... Brother Xiaoyao, we are all from the Destiny Civilization Galaxy. If we encounter difficulties in the future, even if you come to the Destiny Civilization Galaxy to find us, we will do our best to help you!"

Xiao Qinghe said sincerely.

"Fate Civilization Galaxy, you are the people under the hands of the old man, the supreme god of destiny"

Qin Yan was a little stunned, the supreme god of destiny is a transcendent existence in the entire universe, and the destiny civilization galaxy is naturally one of the strongest civilization galaxy in the entire universe.

Qin Yan did not expect that he would still meet people from the Destiny Civilization Galaxy here.

"Bold, to call the Lord God like that, you are courting death!"

Lu Yi scolded, and under the pressure, he pulled out the long sword in his hand, causing a few cold lights.

"Senior Brother Lu, don't worry, Brother Xiaoyao certainly won't!"

Seeing this, Ling'er was very anxious and said quickly.

"Brother Xiaoyao, although grandpa is a little older, you can't just call him old man. Grandpa is also a person with status!"


Qin Yan's eyes showed a bit of clarity. No wonder Xiao Qinghe and Lu Yi were so concerned about Linger's safety. It turns out that Linger is the granddaughter of the supreme god of destiny. This is really a little princess-level existence! And At this time, Xiao Qinghe on the side frowned, and was not angry because of Qin Yan's disrespect to the supreme god of fate.

Next, Xiao Qinghe's expression changed, and he said subconsciously.

"You are His Highness Qin Yan!"

"Qin Yan, that little yin-yang chaotic beast"

Ling'er's gaze also turned towards Qin Yan, and there was a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

At the beginning, Qin Yan became famous in the battle of cosmos genius, and the three of them, as geniuses of the destiny civilization galaxy, how could they not know Qin Yan's existence.

"His Royal Highness Qin Yan, this junior brother of mine has eyes and does not know Mount Tai. I have no intention of offending you, and I hope you don't blame me!"

Xiao Qinghe hurriedly bowed and pleaded for Lu Yi.

Qin Yan was an existence who dared to kill even the son of the highest gods who died. Lu Yi was a mere mere existence, and it was estimated that Qin Yan would not take it seriously.

At this time, Lu Yi was also cold all over, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

I never thought I would offend such a big man.

What kind of existence is Qin Yan, even the supreme gods of destiny dare not provoke lightly, if he offends Qin Yan like this, it is very likely that he will bring disaster to his family! "His Royal Highness Qin Yan, it was me just now. .. confused, if I knew it was you, how dare I be so presumptuous!"

Having said that, Lu Yi gave himself a slap in the face, and he was naturally remorseful in his heart.

"It's alright, it's alright, the national treasure and the old man are old acquaintances, so there's no point in arguing with you."

Qin Yan said with a light smile, he naturally wouldn't really pursue Lu Yi's fault, after all, the supreme god of fate still had some friendship with him.

Chapter [-]: Let the little turtle say hello to you!

Chapter [-]:::::Let the little turtle say hello to you! After hearing Qin Yan's words, Xiao Qinghe felt extremely uncomfortable.

The supreme god of destiny that he respects the most is called by others one by one, and he can only laugh and cannot refute. This feeling is simply more uncomfortable than eating flies.

"His Royal Highness Qin Yan, can I call you Brother Xiaoyao, I think this name is more pleasant."

At this moment, Ling'er's big watery eyes blinked lightly and asked tentatively.

"Also, that... I wonder if I can follow you in the future. Even grandpa is so afraid of you. If you are covering me, wouldn't Ling'er be able to walk sideways in Tianyan Continent in the future?"

"Haha, of course!"

Qin Yan said with a big laugh, he didn't expect the granddaughter of the supreme god of destiny to be so innocent.

"It just so happens that the national treasure still lacks a warm bed... ahhh, a little follower who will follow the national treasure in the future and bring you delicious and spicy food!"

Qin Yan said very boldly.

"Good, good, there will be someone covering Ling'er in the future, it's great!"

Linger cheered happily, while Xiao Qinghe and Lu Yi on the side expressed their sadness.

After all, they are also powerful late-stage immortals, and their cultivation is very prominent among the younger generation.

But if they had to compare with Qin Yan, they really seemed to be nothing. After all, Qin Yan was able to cut down even the supreme god of death.

No matter how strong they are, can they still fight against the supreme gods! "By the way, His Highness Qin Yan, the one just now..."

Lu Yi suddenly opened his mouth, obviously not thinking about the Xuanwu just now. After all, Xuanwu is one of the four divine beasts. Looking at the entire universe, the bloodlines of the four divine beasts are extremely rare. To be able to meet a Xuanwu in such a place is also Very easy thing.

"That little turtle has already been captured."

Qin Yan said with a calm expression on his face, it seems that it is not a big deal for him to drive away an immortal Xuanwu.

"Uh... little turtle..."

In the hearts of Lu Yi and Xiao Qinghe, there are thousands of grass and mud horses galloping past, and an immortal Xuanwu is actually called a little turtle. In the world, I am afraid that only Qin Yan can do such a thing.

Of course, if they were told that even Qinglong of the highest god level was called a stupid dragon by Qin Yan, they would probably be relieved.

"Little turtle wow, as expected of brother Xiaoyao, he was able to give that big guy such a cute name!"

Linger's beautiful eyes on the side were filled with little stars, full of admiration for Qin Yan, and it seemed that she had completed her transformation into Qin Yan's little fan girl.

"Forget it, since you are all so interested in the little turtle, then let the little turtle come out and say hello to you as a national treasure."

Qin Yan spoke lightly, and then his mind moved, and an order was conveyed.

The next moment, a black spot appeared in the sight of everyone, and then a terrifying pressure was covered. In just a few breaths, a huge Xuanwu had appeared in front of everyone.

The difference is that today's Xuanwu is no longer violent than before, but unusually docile.

Immediately afterwards, a scene of three views of the peak crowd appeared.

This Xuanwu with immortal strength turned out to raise his claws at the crowd, and then waved it vigorously. It seemed that he was really saying hello to them as Qin Yan said! For a time, Lu Yi and Xiao Qinghe both Looking at Qin Yan in shock, the dignified and immortal beast king was actually subdued by Qin Yan.

You must know that alien beasts with the blood of divine beasts are generally very arrogant, and they will never easily yield to others. Being able to easily conquer an immortal-level Xuanwu is enough to prove the terror of Qin Yan's strength!

Chapter [-]: I don't know if you haven't heard of Qin Yan?

Chapter [-]::::: I don't know if you haven't heard of Qin Yan, "Brother Qinglong, do you think the king has abandoned us?"

Not far away, Tyrannosaurus Rex said with a bitter face.

At this time, Qin Yan also had a good chat with a group of people from the destiny civilization galaxy, and it seemed that Qinglong and Tyrannosaurus were really forgotten.

Looking at Qin Yan not far away, Qinglong shook his head helplessly, just as he was about to say something, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

"Let's go, the master gave me a voice transmission just now, and let me take you back to see your father first."

"My father, what are you waiting for, let's go!"

As soon as he heard that he wanted to meet his father, the Tyrannosaurus Rex immediately regained his spirits.

............In the cave, two vermilion rays of light completely illuminated the originally dark cave, just like daytime, but with a little more scorching aura.

And the masters of these two vermilion rays of light are naturally the little phoenix who is in retreat and Lao Kong! At this time, Lao Kong's feathers are dyed with a strange layer of light, and the aura on his body is rapidly increasing, and the five-color divine light keeps flashing. Around the old hole body.

You must know that Lao Kong inherited the inheritance of the divine bird Vermilion Bird, which is almost the same as the Phoenix and the Golden Crow! Suddenly, Lao Kong's eyes suddenly opened, and a heat wave spread directly, sweeping the entire cave.

At the same time, Lao Kong's aura was completely frozen, and he actually stepped into the immortality level! Jumping from the world master level to the immortality level is enough to reflect the horror of the blood of the god bird! "Did you succeed?"

At this moment, a pleasant sound came from Little Phoenix.

Because Little Phoenix has completed most of the inheritance, so he ended the retreat early, and the reason why he stayed here is to not disturb Lao Kong.

"Well, from now on, my old Kong is also a divine beast!"

Lao Kong nodded excitedly, his body was full of powerful strength, making Lao Kong extremely happy.

Boom!!! Right at this moment, there was a loud explosion outside the cave, and then the whole cave shook.

"What's the matter, someone is fighting outside!"

Lao Kong's expression condensed, then turned into a vermilion light and flew out of the cave.

Before Qin Yan left with Jiaolong, he also informed Lao Kong who was in retreat, but now the sound of fighting is coming from outside the cave, I am afraid that Ghidorah, who is guarding the cave, had a dispute with others! Seeing this, Xiao Fenghuang also hurriedly followed. went up.

"Ghidorah, now I have set foot on the Immortal Rank Eight Star 8, you can't be my opponent now, obediently hand over this cultivation cave, I can spare your life and let you continue to stay in this Tianyan Continent. Go down, or else..."

In front of Ghidorah, a young man in gorgeous clothes held a long sword and looked at Ghidorah with disdain in his eyes.

At this time, Ghidorah was covered in scars and could be described as embarrassed, and the gap between the two was obvious.

"Luo Guhu, if you want this cultivation cave, just step over my body!"

Ghidorah spat a mouthful of blood, burning with fighting intent.

And at this moment, a loud voice sounded, followed by a five-colored divine light directly shrouded down, Lao Kong also appeared in front of Ghidorah.

"The divine bird Suzaku!"

Luo Guhu looked at the old hole in front of him and couldn't help but his pupils shrank, and then a light burst out in his eyes.

"Hey hey hey, it really didn't take much effort to get here. I was looking for a divine beast to be my mount, but now a Suzaku came to my door! Although the blood is not pure, it is enough!"

At this time, Lao Kong looked at Luo Guhu in front of him, and his eyes couldn't help but look a little weird.

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