"Young man, I just want to ask you a question, I don't know if you have heard of Qin Yan"

Chapter [-]: Qinglong appeared, Luo Guhu was scared to pee!

Chapter [-]::::: Qinglong appeared, Luo Guhu was scared to pee! "Qin Yan, what is it?"

Luo Guhu frowned. Although he had participated in the battle of cosmos genius before, he was eliminated in advance. The reason why he can now be promoted to the eight-star 8 of immortality level is also due to the chance in Tianyan Continent.

Therefore, Luo Guhu naturally knew nothing about Qin Yan, otherwise, even if he borrowed [-] courage from him, he would never dare to provoke Lao Kong and Ghidorah! First go and find out about Qin Yan, and then consider whether to provoke us or not, how?"

Lao Kong said with a half-smile.

In the face of an immortal-level eight-star eight-star powerhouse, if he unites Ghidorah and Little Phoenix, he may not have the power to fight.

But if you can defeat the enemy without fighting, then why not do it?

"What Qin Yan is not Qin Yan, if you are my mount, I can let you live a little longer in Tianyan Continent, otherwise, I will let you go back to your hometown early today!"

Luo Guhu said viciously, obviously not planning to give Lao Kong a chance.

At this moment, a flaming arrow shot directly at Luo Guhu, drawing a beautiful arc in the air.

"You two are two big men anyway, what nonsense are you talking about with an intruder!"

The figure of the little phoenix appeared in front of Ghidorah and Lao Kong, bathed in flames, and the noble temperament belonging to the phoenix clan was undoubtedly revealed.

The sudden shot of the little phoenix also caught Luo Guhu by surprise, and the flame arrow wiped Luo Guhu's clothes and shot into the distance, causing the clothes on Luo Guhu's chest to appear black.

"Damn, who dares to make a sneak attack..."

Before the words were finished, Luo Guhu's eyes were already on the little phoenix, and the resentful eyes changed into: extremely greedy.

"It turned out to be a phoenix of pure blood, it seems that my visit is really worth it!"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to leave after you come!"

Seeing that Luo Guhu was actually attracting Huang's attention, Lao Kong couldn't help sneering, and his whole body was filled with killing intent.

"Oh, just the three of you want to kill me as a idiot!"

Luo Guhu sneered, the long sword in his hand shook, and he was about to shoot.

Ang!!! But at this moment, a thunderous dragon roar sounded, causing everyone's eyes to look towards the source of the sound.

"The king is back"

Lao Kong said subconsciously.

"It's not that I feel the pure blood of the dragon family! The one who came is not the dragon, but a real dragon!"

Little Phoenix shook his head, and a dignified look appeared in his beautiful eyes.

"True dragon! Is there still a true dragon and beast in Tianyan Continent?"

The next moment, a huge blue dragon appeared in everyone's sight.

But the appearance of Qinglong made Lao Kong's heart sink suddenly.

The Qinglong in front of him is completely different from the previous Jiaolong, not only in the realm of cultivation, but also in appearance.

The previous Jiaolong had brown scales all over its body. Although it wasn't ugly, it was definitely not as powerful and handsome as the blue dragon in front of him.

More importantly, in Lao Kong's perception, the aura on Qinglong's body is like an abyss, far more terrifying than the previous Jiaolong! "This...this is...the Supreme God The only dragon clan!"

Luo Guhu exclaimed, his body was filled with endless coldness, and his legs kept shaking.

The Dragon Race itself is powerful, far surpassing other races of the same rank. He is still difficult to deal with an immortal dragon, let alone a dragon of the highest god level! "This... this is impossible, Tian Yan How can such a powerful alien beast appear in the mainland!"

Luo Guhu spoke subconsciously, then stepped back a few steps, and then slumped on the ground with his legs soft.

Chapter [-]: Child, Dad has found a mother for you!

Chapter 8:::::Child, Dad has found a mother for you! Never thought that a dignified and immortal eight-star [-]-star powerhouse would be directly pissed by Qinglong.

But this is also reasonable. After all, Luo Guhu's cultivation base is all based on chance, and his own xinxing is still at the level of the weak. It is natural to see Qinglong behave like this.

"This senior suddenly came, and I don't know what it is."

Lao Kong spoke in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on the blue dragon in front of him.

Lao Kong now has the blood of the Suzaku, and it is no exaggeration to see a real dragon and call him a senior.

"That..., who is this little guy's father?"

Qinglong looked at Lao Kong and Ghidorah in front of him, and couldn't help but speak in doubt.

in spite of....

Whether it's Lao Kong or Ghidorah, doesn't seem to have anything to do with the dragon clan. Looking at it this way, no one looks like the father of a Tyrannosaurus Rex! "Is Jiaolong you?"

As soon as Qinglong opened his mouth, Lao Kong couldn't help but look happy. His appearance could be changed, but his voice didn't change at all! "Father, I finally found you!"

Before Qinglong could speak, Lao Kong only felt a black shadow flashing in front of him, and then a huge force directly threw him to the ground.

At this moment, the five-color divine light shrouded directly down, Lao Kong was just about to shoot, his eyes suddenly froze, and the wings he just raised stopped directly in the air.

"T-Rex! How are you..."

It was the Tyrannosaurus rex that knocked Lao Kong down. The shape of the Tyrannosaurus rex had undergone tremendous changes before. Fortunately, after Qin Yan's instructing, the Tyrannosaurus rex restored its appearance to seven or eight.

"Dad, I came to Tianyan Continent to have my chance, and now my intelligence has been fully opened, and I have also obtained the blood of the dragon family, and now I am also a real dragon Tyrannosaurus Rex said with excitement, eagerly talking to the old man. Hole shows off.

"Good...good! That's great!"

Seeing that the Tyrannosaurus Rex also has its own old Confucius is also very gratified.

Not far away, Luo Guhu looked at the scene in front of him, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Today, he seems to be poured down by a basin of cold water, and he has been poured a chill from beginning to end.

He never thought that the three alien beasts he easily bullied would have such powerful allies.

A true dragon of the highest god level, even if you look at the entire Tianyan Continent, it is estimated that it is the existence of the peak powerhouse level! At this time, Lao Kong and Tyrannosaurus Rex, who finally reunited with their father and son, naturally will also Luo Guhu ignored it.

"Dad, now I am also an immortal-level powerhouse, and I can protect you in the future!"

Tyrannosaurus rex said proudly.

"Your father, I am also immortal, the little brat is like an adult before the hair grows, and the father will protect you in the future!"

Lao Kong glanced at the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and was a little shocked in his heart.

He finally succeeded in refining Suzaku's inheritance, and then he was able to be promoted to the Immortal Rank, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex actually reached the Immortal Rank.

But in addition to being shocked, Lao Kong was also very relieved, after all, his child was strong.

"Old Kong, this is your son. You have a son!"

But at this moment, a very untimely voice sounded, it was the little phoenix! "Ah yes, this is my son, Tyrannosaurus Rex.

But this is not a continuation of my bloodline, I will explain it to you in the future."

A look of embarrassment flashed across Lao Kong's face, and he explained.

"I can tell."

Little Phoenix said lightly, after all, Tyrannosaurus Rex and Lao Kong don't care...

In terms of appearance and blood, they don't look like father and son.

"That..., son!"

At this moment, Lao Kong turned his head to look at the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and said with a twist.

"Child, daddy found a mother for you, call her mother!"

Chapter [-]: Congratulations, you got the answer right, so go to die!

Chapter [-]:::::Congratulations, you got the answer right, so go to hell! As soon as Lao Kong said this, Xiao Fenghuang's face couldn't help but climb a trace of red, but it was a pity that it was covered by feathers. Not obvious.

"What are you talking about, who is this little guy's mother!"

The little phoenix snorted, and his wings slapped Lao Kong hard.

And Lao Kong just laughed and didn't respond to Little Phoenix.


Fortunately, the Tyrannosaurus Rex acted upon the opportunity, shouted in a milky voice, and successfully played a wave of assists for his old father.

"Who is your mother!"

At this time, the little phoenix glanced at the Tyrannosaurus rex, and then directly spread its wings and flew into the distance.

For a time, Tyrannosaurus Rex and Lao Kong couldn't help but look at each other, and then they both laughed.

............At the same time, Luo Guhu, who was not far away, saw that everyone's attention was not on him, so he could not help getting up slowly, preparing for Chen Qinglong to leave here without paying attention.

Qinglong was promoted to the high god, and the aura was so powerful that Luo Guhu's heart completely collapsed.

But just when Luo Guhu got up and was about to escape, another powerful aura came, and immediately a huge black shadow appeared in front of Luo Guhu.

"This...this is the divine beast Xuanwu!!"

Luo Guhu subconsciously took two steps back, and his mind was already in chaos.

It shows the appearance of the divine bird Suzaku, then the divine bird Phoenix, followed by the appearance of the supreme god-level Qinglong, and finally another Xuanwu, and three of the four divine beasts! When did these divine beasts appear all over the street? On Xuanwu's back, two dexterous figures jumped up. It was Qin Yan and Ling'er! When Qinglong first arrived here, he had already discovered the existence of Luo Guhu and Kira's injury. The reason why he didn't take action It was the first time that it transmitted Qin Yan's voice, and Qin Yan let him take action.

Qin Yan was a very protective little brother who dared to hurt his younger brother, so naturally he needed to deal with him by himself.

"You... who are you"

Luo Guhu asked tremblingly.

Although Qin Yan's breath is only immortal, but he regards the immortal Xuanwu as a mount, which is enough to prove that Qin Yan is very human! "Qin Yan, I wonder if you have heard of the illustrious name of national treasure. "

Qin Yan had a cold smile on his face.

"Qin Yan..."

Hearing this name, Luo Guhu couldn't help but subconsciously recalled what Lao Kong had asked him before, and Luo Guhu couldn't help frowning for a while.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Guhu's pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes were full of horror.

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