"You...you are the one who killed the son of the supreme god of death...the yin and yang chaos beast!!!"

When the words fell, Luo Guhu slumped on the ground again, his face was gray, and his heart completely sank to the bottom.

He can't wait to give himself two mouths now, how can he offend such a killing god so blindly! "Congratulations, you got the answer right, so you go to death!"

Qin Yan sneered, and then Xuanwu behind Qin Yan suddenly rioted, directly opening his huge mouth and swallowing Luo Guhu into his belly.

Immediately afterwards, a halo slowly rose from Xuanwu's abdomen to the sky.

"Wow, Brother Xiaoyao, you are amazing!"

At this time, Ling'er ran directly to Qin Yan's side and hugged Qin Yan's arm, her eyes full of admiration.

"Well, brother Xiaoyao will let you watch a good show soon, and then you will feel that brother Xiaoyao is even more powerful than now!"

Qin Yan looked up at the sky, and there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

I have wasted enough time in the Tianyan Continent, and the strong man outside the universe is still there: staring at the entire universe, and now I absolutely cannot continue to stay here.

And the way to leave here is also very simple, kill all the geniuses in Tianyan Continent, this experience will naturally end!

Chapter [-]: Unstoppable beast riot!

Chapter [-]::::: Unstoppable riot of alien beasts! "Your Majesty, you are back!"

As the Xuanwu landed, Lao Kong was the first to run forward, his face full of joy.

I have to say that this time, Lao Kong can be called the biggest winner. First, he found the Taoist companion Little Phoenix, and then he also obtained the bloodline inheritance of Suzaku, and his son also obtained the inheritance of the dragon family.

This is simply to marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life! "Has Lao Yan not come back yet?"

Qin Yan looked around and said lightly.

Previously, he sent Lao Yan to look for other younger brothers scattered in Tianyan Continent, but now there is no news.

With Lao Yan's strength, as long as he doesn't show himself too much, there is no problem in wanting to protect himself in Tianyan Continent.

"Back to the king, Lao Yan hasn't come back yet."

The joyful look on Lao Kong's face gradually disappeared, replaced by a dignified look.

"Forget it, wait, when the Tianyan Continent closes, their consciousness will naturally return to Earth."

"Your Majesty, do you want to..."

At this moment, Qin Yan slowly waved his little paw.

"Silly Dragon, let your brothers start work, it's time!"

"Yes, Master!"

In response, I saw Qinglong's body shot straight into the sky, the huge Qinglong's body was entrenched in the sky, and the blue scales on his body reflected rays of light.

Ang!!! A dragon roar resounded through the sky, and then the entire continent trembled.

Countless alien beasts roared one after another, as if they had completely entered the carnival moment of alien beasts.

Immediately afterwards, screams came from all directions, and they were naturally the voices of geniuses who had been trained in Tianyan Continent! Previously, the supreme gods of destiny had to launch a large-scale beast tide in order to kill people, but now Qinglong is giving orders. , The alien beasts in the entire Tianyan Continent dare not obey, all the alien beasts are dispatched, this is the real all-round beast tide!...... Virtual Universe Headquarters.

"Sir, it's not good! There is a riot of alien beasts in Tianyan Continent, and the current situation is out of control!"

An extremely anxious voice sounded in the hall, causing the supreme god of destiny to slowly open his eyes, and a hint of surprise flashed in his wise eyes.

"Aren't all alien beasts suppressed by that god-king-level dragon? Why is there a riot of alien beasts for no reason!"

Tianyan Continent is a virtual world derived from Tianyan Pagoda, in which all alien beasts are directly controlled by Tianyan Pagoda, and the strongest Jiaolong is Tianyan Pagoda's means of suppressing alien beasts.

It's just that now the Jiaolong has been transformed into a real dragon and has broken through to the level of a high god, and under Qin Yan's talent for controlling alien beasts, it has completely escaped the control of Tianyan Pagoda.

"Sir, that Flood Dragon is no longer under the control of Tianyan Pagoda, and we can't trace the aura of the Flood Dragon!"

"What does it mean"

An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in the heart of the supreme god of fate.

"My lord, that Flood Dragon, I am afraid that it already has an independent power, and it is very likely that it has completed a breakthrough and become a supreme god!"

Bang! The teacup in the hands of the supreme god of fate suddenly turned into a pile of dust, and then his face was filled with a wry smile.

"His Royal Highness Qin Yan, what kind of tricks are you trying to play? Do you really want the entire Tianyan Continent to disappear..."

Jiaolong suddenly broke away from the control of Tianyan Pagoda. Looking at the entire Tianyan Continent, Qin Yan is probably the only one who can do this! And this time the riot of alien beasts must also be related to Qin Yan. It is clear that as long as Qin Yan takes action, then this time the riot of alien beasts is destined to be an unstoppable riot!

Chapter [-]: Tianyan Tower is in hand!

Chapter [-]:::::Tianyan Tower is in hand! "Sir, we need to act as soon as possible, otherwise the entire Tianyan Continent may not last for three days!"

The full-scale beast tide, in three days, is enough to kill all the geniuses in the Tianyan Continent! "Well, even if we take action, we can't stop His Highness Qin Yan. Before the Tianyan Continent is closed, try our best to destroy the Tianyan Pagoda. Take back your power."

The supreme god of fate sighed helplessly, and then closed his eyes again.

............Tianyan Continent.

In just half a day, the number of geniuses in the entire Tianyan Continent has dropped by half, and the terrifying beast tide is still continuing. Many powerful alien beasts have left their territory and attacked the geniuses who cultivated.

"Your Majesty, if you want to leave the Tianyan Continent, you should just tell the Supreme God of Destiny, why don't you do this?"

Beside Qin Yan, Lao Kong was full of doubts and asked.

"How can you leave here so easily? That old man has a good treasure in his hands!"

Qin Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes couldn't help but look at Ling'er not far away.

As the granddaughter of the supreme god of destiny, Linger told Qin Yan many secrets of the supreme god of destiny.

And the reason why Qin Yan wants to launch such a large-scale beast tide, there is only one purpose, that is to maintain the divine weapon of Tianyan Continent, Tianyan Pagoda! The entire Tianyan Continent is derived from the power of Tianyan Pagoda, which is enough to prove that Tianyan Pagoda of the power.

At this moment, the earth suddenly trembled violently, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth dropped sharply, and the power of the law of the whole world became: chaos.

A blue light fell, and the blue dragon appeared.

"Master, Tianyan Continent can't hold it anymore, I'm afraid it will be soon!"

"Very good, the show is about to start!"

Qin Yan laughed lightly, and then burst out at the same time as the law of resentment, directly covering the entire Tianyan Continent.

The two laws were intertwined, and they temporarily stabilized the power of the law in the chaos of the whole world.

The next moment, all the spiritual energy suddenly gathered in the direction of Qin Yan, and all the law power also rushed towards Qin Yan at the same time.

...........Virtual Universe Headquarters.

"Sir, it's not good, Tianyan Pagoda is slowly getting out of our control!"


The supreme god of destiny suddenly stood up, waved his big hand, and several white lights fell directly on the Tianyan Pagoda.

"This... How does His Highness Qin Yan know how to control the Tianyan Pagoda!"

Tianyan Pagoda is the supreme artifact of the entire universe, and it is also the core of the destiny civilization galaxy. If you can know the method of controlling Tianyan Pagoda, even the entire destiny civilization galaxy will not exceed ten people 10, and these people are the supreme destiny. The closest existence to the gods! The next moment, Tianyan Pagoda suddenly burst into the sky, and the terrifying power spread instantly. Except for the supreme god of fate, everyone was thrown out by the sudden burst of power from Tianyan Pagoda. .

At this time, the old palm of the supreme god of fate kept shaking, and beads of sweat the size of peas fell from his face.

One of the strongest supreme gods in the dignified universe, it is the first time that the supreme god of destiny has been so embarrassed.

Suddenly, the light from the Tianyan Pagoda was annihilated, and then the Tianyan Pagoda turned into a white light and shot into the distance.

At the same time, the connection between the supreme god of destiny and Tianyan Pagoda was completely cut off! "Is it still not retained after all..."

The supreme god of destiny said with a wry smile on his face.

The Tianyan Continent collapsed completely, and the consciousness of all geniuses instantly returned to their original body.

In the universe, a white light cuts through the silent starry sky. If you observe carefully, it is not difficult to find that the direction the white light is going is exactly the direction of the earth!

Chapter [-]: Black Beast Spirit

Chapter [-]:::::The black beast spirit Qin Yan turned back into a human, and then looked up at the Tianyan Pagoda, this endless expanse.

At this time, it is summer, the green trees and safflowers on the mountain ridge, and the clear springs flow, it is a beautiful place.

It's just that in the deepest part of Tianyan Pagoda, there is an abrupt peak that soars into the sky.

The peak was bare, without a tree or flower, and was dead silent.

Qin Yan looked at Tianyan Pagoda and made a decision directly.

...Go to this bald mountain as high as the sky first! Qin Yan spread his wings and flew up, and several golden rabbits climbed like monkeys, not much slower than Qin Yan.

It took about two cups of tea before Qin Yan flew to the top of Bald Mountain.

He stood on a large smooth stone and looked down.

I saw the continuous mountains at my feet, and I felt relaxed and happy in an instant.

Qin Yan, who is like Ziwei Clover, realizes a very serious problem. It doesn't matter if the old man is asleep, but he can't ask Ziwei Clover! No, he must be woken up! A few The Golden Rabbit surrounded Qin Yan and guarded it obediently.

Qin Yan closed his eyes... and called the old man to wake up.

Who knows, the call is... the middle of the night.

Later, Qin Yan couldn't take it anymore, and he fell into sleep.

The next day, when the sun rose three poles, Qin Yancai woke up leisurely, and saw that he was on a bald mountain with a towering sky, the sun seemed to be beside him, so close, he could reach it by raising his hand.

He was stunned for a long time before he remembered that it was from Dan material.

Lao Kong still didn't wake up, Qin Yan thought, no delay.

According to the name, the violet clover, as it should, also has three leaves.

Look for it first, and when you come across a special kind of spirit grass, just pick it.

He didn't turn into a panda, he just... roamed the mountains on foot.

A few rabbits were like faithful guards, following him every step of the way.

Qin Yan looked around, and sure enough, in a cave, he found a grass with purple leaves.

Next to the purple-leaf grass, there really was a curved spring, Qin Yan took out the prepared water tank, filled it with water, picked the purple-leaf grass excitedly, took the water, and went out.

Suddenly at the top of the cave, a black animal spirit rushed down.

Following behind Qin Yan, he grabbed him with his teeth and claws.

The bloody mouth that opened was like a bottomless pit, and the sharp claws also had a piercing light, like a blade.

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