Hearing the wind, Qin Yan turned around and saw that it turned out to be a... black giant bear! The giant bear's body was taller and sturdier than Qin Yan, and his cultivation was not low.

Qin Yan carefully collected the purple grass, and went to a distant place to fight with it.

The giant bear is quite ferocious, kicking, hitting, slapping, biting, grabbing, and making moves to kill.

Qin Yan jumped and dodged, but was forced to the point where he had no ability to fight back.

With great difficulty, he turned to the back of the giant bear, spewed out a mouthful of panda fire, and went straight to the giant bear.

The giant bear suddenly saw a fire and rushed to him, stunned.

After that, it opened its palm and blocked it in front.

The panda divine fire burned to the palm of the giant bear and issued "呲呲呲"

sound, but it didn't burn.

Hey, recently, the Panda God Fire has failed again and again. Qin Yan spewed out a mouthful of Panda God Fire, but unfortunately the giant bear was still not burned.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, the giant bear stepped forward triumphantly, ready to capture him alive.

Qin Yan let out a low roar, and just as he was about to give his all, the golden rabbits who were faithfully guarding them rushed forward one step ahead of him.

It's important to save people! Qin Yan glanced at the rabbits, the size of a tiger, and it should not be difficult to escape.

You should leave first and go back to save people.

Qin Yan quickly used the feathers of his mind and turned into a panda, "Teng"

rushing into the sky.

He was in a hurry, faster than he had come.

Chapter [-]: Frightened Qin Yan to shiver

Chapter [-]::::::Frightened Qin Yan while flying, and he was worried about the golden rabbits, wondering if they could keep up.

...until they returned to Tianyan Continent, those golden rabbits disappeared.

Qin Yan's mood immediately changed.

Became: heavy, could it be that the golden rabbits are in danger, Qin Yan can't care so much, and quickly walks to Linger's room with purple leaf grass and ice spring water.

Ling'er was still in a coma, and her face became even paler.

It is impossible to wake up Lao Kong again, Qin Yan thought, and he would not be able to make alchemy, otherwise he would smash the purple leaf grass and feed it directly.

The refined medicinal pills only have better effects. In this situation, there is not so much time.

Qin Yan thought, mashed the purple leaf grass in the medicine spoon, and poured the ice spring water into it.

He sat on the edge of Linger's bed, hugged her gently and sat up, prying open her lips with one hand, and poured the grass and water into it.


Lao Kong's voice suddenly sounded, making Qin Yan shiver.

The medicine was spilled directly.

"You bad old man!"

Qin Yanqi said indifferently, "Obviously calling you so many times, you sleep like a pig, you can't wake up no matter what.

Now I wake up suddenly, but it's scary! The violet clover and the ice water from the cliff that I found with great difficulty have all been destroyed by you!"

Lao Kong explained: "It's just ruined! That's not the spirit grass and ice spring water we're looking for.

I’m just a remnant of my soul, and I’m only trying to repair my soul in deep sleep, so naturally I can’t hear the outside world.”

Oh I got it.

Qin Yan felt embarrassed and blamed himself for being too reckless.

"You just said that what I found was wrong"

"Well, it's also a three-leaf clover, a velvet clover, just a normal clover.

It does not have the slightest effect on the saint's illness, but it will become: more serious."

Become: more serious Qin Yan was immediately frightened.

I threw the medicine spoon in my hand, fortunately I woke up in time, otherwise I would have made a big mistake.

"Let's go right away.

Go to Tianyan Yecao, you must hold on and don't sleep again!"

"It's okay, I'll tell you that for the teacher.

The violet clover also has three leaves, but in the middle of the leaves, there is a small purple flower.

That little flower is the essence, and the holy maiden will take the medicine to cure the disease."

"I see."

Qin Yan immediately.

Fly back to Tianyan Pagoda.

Fortunately, now he has the strength and energy value, and it is fine to play back and forth in a day.

When he arrived at Tianyan Pagoda, Qin Yan deliberately looked for the golden rabbits, but as a result, not to mention the golden rabbits, even the giant bear disappeared.

...Could it be that Qin Yan's worried eyebrows were eaten by the giant bear.

All the rabbits sacrificed to save themselves.


Feeling his depression, Lao Kong asked, "Tutor, why are you sighing?"

Qin Yan landed on the top of the mountain while telling the story of how the golden rabbits saved him.

"Hahaha! The teacher hasn't told you yet that those rabbits are fine."

It's okay, Qin Yan listened attentively with suspicion.

"The origin of those two dozen rabbits is extraordinary. They are the guardians of the golden rabbits of the gods. For some reason, they were banished to the continent of the gods and became ordinary rabbits.

They are all protected by indestructible golden bodies, and no matter how fierce the beast spirits are, they can’t hurt them.”

No wonder the Golden Rabbit Guards of the God Realm received the inheritance of the immortal golden body, and they also turned golden yellow.

As if he knew what Qin Yan was thinking, Lao Kong continued: "I think back then, when they were sent to the Master's Palace for a period of time, at that time I was studying the magical skill of indestructible golden body. Experiment with them.

As a result, they all learned this magical skill."

......Take a rabbit as an experiment, thanks to the old man who can do it.

Qin Yan thought to himself, it turns out that these ...... rabbits come from the realm of the gods, of course it is extraordinary.

Chapter [-]: Guardian Spirit Beast

Chapter [-]:::::Guardian Spirit Beast did not expect these unintentionally rescued....The rabbit came from the realm of the gods, and has such a relationship with Lao Kong.

Then, the golden rabbit will definitely not be in danger.

Qin Yan was relieved.

He followed Lao Kong's instructions and searched for an ice-blue spring.

After inquiring about it, Qin Yan realized that the violet clover has a small flower growing out of the middle of its three leaves.

The Lanya Ice Water is blue ice spring water.

Alas, I made a big oolong and wasted a long time in vain.

Qin Yan looked around, and found the cave where it started. According to Lao Kong, that ordinary clover is also equivalent to the guard of the purple clover, and there must be more than one.

In the vicinity of ordinary clover growth, there must be purple clover, which is equivalent to their emperor.

Qin Yan really found more than a dozen ordinary clover, but there was no purple clover.

While in a hurry, the voice of someone talking came from outside the cave.

"Mu Lingshang, are you sure there will be purple violet clover here"

"Why, you question my judgment"

An old man's voice was displeased.

"no no!"

The man quickly explained, "It's just that we have been looking for three days and three nights, and we still can't find it. This prince is inevitably anxious."

"Mu Yuan, don't worry.

The old man has been refining medicine for many years, and he has come to the mountains to find medicinal materials countless times. He has rich experience, please rest assured Muyuan."


Mu Yuan said, and asked again, "Mu Lingshang, are you sure there is something in this cave?"

"Go ahead and have a look."

Several entourages walked into the cave first.

When Qin Yan heard them coming in, he quickly hid aside.

I thought to myself, how good it would be if I could just wait for the rabbit and follow him to find the violet clover.

However, in that case, it will be done.

Living under the red flag, a dignified and law-abiding good citizen of the new heaven, a young man who used to be nineteen years old would not be able to do such a thing.

Or rely on your own strength to find it yourself.

He quietly turned to the cave on the other side and searched carefully.


Qin Yan's ears were sharp, and he suddenly heard a tick of spring water, "I found it!"

After he blurted out, he regretted it at the time, because he was only separated from Mu Yuan and the others by a wall, and his words were heard very clearly.

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