Qin Yan categorically refused.

The woman was stunned for a moment, but she didn't expect that anyone would dare to reject her.

She breathed a sigh of relief and said again: "I am the protector of the Ziwu Kingdom, Mu Lingshang, my name is Ghidorah, and I have an honorable status. You only need to give me the Ziwei clover, and you will be guaranteed a promotion and a fortune!"

Qin Yan didn't want to entangle with her, and said categorically, "You will exchange your life with me, and you won't exchange it!"

After speaking, Qin Yan immediately.

Transform into a panda and fly high into the sky.

Ghidorah was stunned for a moment, this person turned out to be a panda who cultivated and did not expect that there are pandas in Ziwu Kingdom, but that can help people become gods and can extradite the soul of Huang Quan.

If you capture him and take him as your subordinate, or even a blood pact, there will be people in the Ziwu Kingdom, and even the entire Wanshen Continent, who will not surrender to them! At that time, I was not just a protector of the country. Mu Lingshang will definitely be a man of power on the continent of the gods! Ghidorah thought of this and immediately.

Mind the movement method, support your body with strength, and fly through the air.

Qin Yan was flying anxiously when suddenly he heard the wind whistling behind him. He turned his head and said, I'm going, that... how did the middle-aged woman catch up! In fact, Ghidorah was dressed to look old and mature because of her status, but it was true Only thirty years old.

He was only a few years older than Qin Yan before the time-travel.

But she is a national protection wooden lingerie, and every move represents the Ziwu Kingdom, so when it comes to speaking and dressing, she can only be solemn and solemn.

Seeing her chasing after him, Qin Yan slandered: "This woman is thinking of being evil, why is she desperately chasing Lao Tzu!"

He fluttered fast with his huge wings and flew faster.

Ghidorah got more and more angry when he chased, this panda is quite strong, and he tried all his strength, but he couldn't catch him.

If so, knock him to the ground.

Ghidorah got more and more angry as he chased him, this panda was quite strong, and even with all his strength, he couldn't catch him.

If that's the case, let's knock him to the ground! Ghidorah thought of this, squeezed a magic formula, and a force went straight to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan can deal with Mu Lingshang and Mu Yuan well, this Ghidorah's realm is obviously much higher than those two people, where is he an opponent.

Lao Kong felt Ghidorah's coercion, and said in a puzzled way: "There are actually masters of the Mahayana realm here! ... Run away!"

Pfft! Qin Yan almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, he thought that the God Emperor had to give himself a trick, and let him defeat Ghidorah by three and five.

Unexpectedly, the clear path that the old man pointed out to him was... escape! That's right, thirty-six is ​​the best plan, and life is important! Qin Yan quickly fluttered his wings and flew high.

Ghidorah's face was sullen with anger, she urged a dull thunder and slashed directly at Qin Yan.

Qin Yan's wings were accidentally split, and he staggered and fell down.

"Ah...! Help!"

When Lao Kong heard Qin Yan's screams, he couldn't be in a hurry, but he was just a remnant of his soul, and he was very weak, and he had to rely on Qin Yan's blood to survive.

Where is the ability to save people! He watched Qin Yan being beaten down, helpless.

Below is a desert, Qin Yan fell on the sand, and his feet jumped.

It was noon at this time, and the temperature of the sand was so high that the station could not stand.

Ghidorah restrained his mana and fell, and the blue clothes danced in the wind, which was really beautiful.

Qin Yan was stunned:.

If he saw Ghidorah before crossing, Qin Yan would definitely admire: This is the real beauty of temperament.

Ghidorah, who was as cold as frost, saw Qin Yan staring at him in a daze, and couldn't help but feel even more annoyed.

"Stinky boy! Hurry up and give me the violet clover, and I will spare you!"

Ghidorah threatened.

Qin Yan answered embarrassedly: "Mu Lingshang, it's not that I won't give it to you, but that there are comatose people waiting for Clover to save their lives!"

Chapter [-]: Ziwu Kingdom

Chapter [-]:::::Ziwu Kingdom Ghidorah said: "You are actually a life saver"

Hmm, listening to this, she was also saving people, but she used purple vine clover to save Qin Yan while she was annoyed and explained patiently: "No, I found this first, even if I save people, I have to save them first!"

It is the same person, you can't favor one over the other,,, distinguish between high and low.

Ghidorah didn't listen to Qin Yan's words. She said unreasonably, "I'll exchange a carload of gold for you!"

Ah...! Qin Yan almost cried out, a carload of gold was about to make a fortune. "Uh, is it a train or a truck?"

Ghidorah didn't understand: "What do you mean"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Qin Yan coughed and muttered softly, "Forgot to cross.

There's not even a match in this broken place, let alone a train!"

"Stop... crap,"

She roared lowly, urging her strength again, and was about to throw a dull thunder at Qin Yan.

"Hurry up and hand it over, or I'll kill you!"

So fierce... Qin Yan, who is sure to marry, slandered in his heart, turned into a panda again, and was about to fly away.

Unexpectedly, Ghidorah was on guard this time. She came to Qin Yan in an instant and leaned forward to report Qin Yan's head! Qin Yan, who had changed into a panda appearance, immediately stopped beating. After a long while, Ghidorah, See, the furry face of the panda has become: red! ...... Panda can also blush. Red! Ghidorah was afraid that Qin Yan would fly away again, so she lost her temper, and she even caught Qin Yan.

Qin Yan was very embarrassed for doing this all of a sudden.

He is still an innocent boy who has had girlfriends, but he has no real contact! Sure enough, a thirty-year-old woman is very enthusiastic.

Qin Yan thought about it, and quickly broke free from Ghidorah's body.

Ghidorah only remembered at this moment that the panda in front of him was transformed by a man! He didn't expect that he would do such an outrageous thing, and Ghidorah's old face suddenly blushed.

Qin Yan took the opportunity to break free of her and flew away.

Ghidorah looked at the panda's back, dumbfounded and did not chase after him.

Qin Yan finally returned to Tianyan Continent.

He came to Ling'er's room and saw her still in a coma, and his heart felt unspeakable.

Holy maiden, get well soon, the deity will become a god with you.

He meditated silently, looked at Ling'er for a while... and turned around.

When Lu Yi heard that he was back, he was overjoyed and called for it: "Sir, the ingredients for the refining of medicines to save the people of the Ziwu Kingdom have been found, and you can start refining them!"

Lu Yi said, and handed a space bag to Qin Yan's hand.

Qin Yan took it, and after Lu Yi withdrew, he asked Lao Kong, "How do I make medicine when I have the medicinal materials?"

Lao Kong said: "Use your panda fire, hold the flame in your palm, and put the medicinal materials on it to make it.

Your Panda Fire is born in the sky, you don't need to control the fire, so it's very easy to make."

Panda Fire Qin Yan almost forgot that he had this stunt, he slowly raised a flame in the palm of his hand, and then placed the two medicinal materials in the space bag in the palm of his hand.

His palm held the red flame, beating constantly, it was really beautiful.

After about half an hour, ten large and round medicinal pills were made, Qin Yan let out a long sigh, took out a white nativity ring, and put the medicinal pill into it.

After a cup of tea, Qin Yan came to Ziwu Kingdom.

He informed Lu Yi in advance, offered a letter of worship, and explained his purpose.

Luo Ke of Ziwu Kingdom heard that he was here to treat patients and was very excited.

Immediately ordered all the officials to come to the Purple Light Hall, which is the place where the courtiers discussed matters, to welcome Qin Yan.

When Mu Yuan received the news, he was scolding Qin Yan with Mu Lingshang gnashing his teeth, when suddenly someone came to report that the princes must go to meet the people who can save the people.

Chapter two hundred and ninety-fifth: show in front of everyone

Chapter [-]:::::Showing in front of everyone, Mu Yuan was beaten continuously, sprayed blood several times, and his body was already weak.

But he didn't dare to disobey the order, and with the help of Mu Lingshang, he came to the Purple Light Hall.

Everyone held their breaths and waited anxiously for the genius doctor who could save thousands of patients.

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, Qin Yan descended from the sky and landed on the square in front of the Purple Light Hall.

The others were nothing, and Mu Yuan's face turned pale: "He, he actually dared to come to Ziwu Kingdom, come quickly, catch him, immediately.


Mu Yuan's words startled the people around him, this is the genius doctor he invited, and he was about to shout and kill him! "Cheng Hao, why are you losing your temper!"

asked angrily.

Mu Yuan also realized his gaffe, and hurriedly fell to his knees: "This time I was instructed to find Ziwei clover with Mu Lingshang, but when I met this person, he beat me and Mu Lingshang unreasonably! "

As he spoke, he lifted up his clothes and showed the bruises all over his body in front of everyone.

"Not only that, but Mu Yuan was severely injured by him. It is impossible to recover without months of recovery!"

Mu Lingshang took the opportunity to say that Qin Yan must be put to death! At this time, when Xiao Qinghe saw that Mu Yuan was injured, he couldn't be more happy.

They looked at each other, because Mu Yuan was the most scheming: he was the most favored, and they wanted to get rid of it for a long time.

No chance.

It seems that their chance has come.

Their eyes unanimously turned to the man in the square.

Qin Yan strode to the front of the Purple Light Hall, and when Xiao Qinghe was about to meet him, he quickly said, "Welcome your distinguished guests!"

When Mu Yuan and Mu Lingshang heard it, they were almost angry, and they dared to say what they said just now. Qin Yan saw this to himself, and smiled slightly: "I have seen it, it is important to save people,"

He said, took ten large and round pills from Najie, "Dissolve this pill with water, and each person can take a sip."

Ah, the civil and military officials, hundreds of people including them all looked at the ordinary ten pills, except...the big dots, nothing special.

There are thousands of patients in Ziwu Country, how many... The famous doctor can't imagine, these few pills of his medicine can be solved and dissolved in water, each one sip, not to feed sparrows! Haha, it's a coincidence, the man in front of him ...a handsome and suave man, who is full of confidence and the ancestor of the famous doctor.

When Mu Yuan and Mu Lingshang heard it, the opportunity came, they knelt down at the same time, Mu Yuan shouted loudly: "! Even a pharmacist can't cure a disease, with just a few pills of broken medicine, it can be effective!"

Mu Lingshang also shouted: "Your Majesty, who knows if his medicinal pill is... poisonous! Maybe he is a spy of the enemy country, in order to kill our people in one fell swoop!"

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