Rocco was heartbroken.

There are many large and small countries in the Panshen Continent, big countries want to annex small countries, and small countries want to merge other small countries, so wars continue.

The beliefs of Ziwu Kingdom are more messy, some believe in Emperor Ziwu, and some believe in Zhenwu Shenjun.

These are the two gods who have cultivated into gods.

Their disciples are widely distributed in Ziwu Country, Mu Lingshang is... a believer of Zhenwu Shenjun, and Ghidorah is a strong "reward"

Qin Yan's... Protecting the Country Mu Lingshang is the supporter of Emperor Ziwu.

Because of this, not only countries must be wary of each other, but even within the citizens, there is constant suppression.

Could it be, as Mu Lingshang said, this person took the opportunity to harm the people and saw his hesitation, Qin Yan smiled and said, "You can find someone to test the medicine first."

Rocco immediately.

Order someone to do it.

The eldest prince Xiao Qinghe came here to please him, and he also wanted to verify it himself, so he stepped forward to take the medicine pill.

Chapter [-]: Stronger than before

Chapter [-]::::: Stronger than before, the followers on the side brought two buckets of water, Xiao Qinghe put five tablets in one bucket, and the medicinal pills melted in the water.

Muyuan ordered people to carry the dying patient, scooped a spoonful of water in the bucket, and fed him to drink it himself.

After drinking, everyone looked at the man nervously.

I saw that the man's closed eyes suddenly opened, and then he stood up! Everyone was stunned, this, just a sip of the potion, was overjoyed that Luo Ke was cured, and ordered all the patients from all over the country to be brought to the square. , and those who could not walk were ordered to be carried and lined up to drink water.

Uh, no, it's queuing up to drink medicine.

Mu Yuan deliberately ingratiates himself with the hard work and directs himself, and has been busy from morning until the sun is westward, and then he is busy.

Rocco personally supervised the whole process.

As a result, to their surprise, these patients all drank the potion the moment before and miraculously recovered the moment after.

Many of them were carried, but after drinking the potion, they were already walking like flying.

...not only healed, but also stronger than before! This, this is simply a resurrection pill! Not only did Luo Ke's eyes lit up, but Xiao Qinghe's eyeballs popped out.

If this person is taken under his command, wouldn't he not be afraid of illness, always be healthy, and the eternal topic of human beings, from ancient times to the present, without exception! Old Luo Ke looked at Qin Yan with a very kind look! Mu Yuan and Mu Lingshang finally realized that they had offended a powerful opponent! When they saw Qin Yan standing in the same place, they realized that they didn't give up their seats! "Hurry up and take your seat!"

He pointed to the seat next to the throne, and the guard immediately.

Move the chair.

Qin Yan sat down unceremoniously.

Then, he looked down at Yuan and Mu Lingshang.

From the beginning of the morning when they complained in turn, Qin Yan didn't answer, and later slandered himself.

Now relax and be good.

"I don't know the medicine refining, who is the teacher?"


That guy Lao Kong, his name is too loud, saying it casually may scare people to death.

Rocco was very disappointed when he heard it, and thought that with such a powerful apprentice, the one who inherited from his teacher must be stronger.

It would be great if I could stay in Ziwu Country! "That's self-taught, it's amazing! I don't know what my current residence is"

Qin Yan replied: "Tianyan Continent."

That... a small kingdom enshrined with a sparrow, he had heard about it long ago, a group of people established a new small kingdom, and the totem of faith turned out to be a sparrow.

It's even better to say yes.

When the people of Ziwu Kingdom heard the news, they all burst into laughter.

I have heard of lions, tigers, elephants and even monkeys as totems, and this is the first time I have heard of people who believe in sparrows.

The courtiers below snickered, but Qin Yan pretended not to hear it.

"My alchemy skills are so superb, it's better to come to Ziwu Kingdom, there will be a bright future!"

Qin Yan smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, thank you for your kindness, so far I have no plans to leave Tianyan Continent.

However, based on the fact that I have saved thousands of patients, please grant me something from Your Majesty."

Mu Yuan heard it and immediately.

He stopped by saying: "Absolutely not! If what he wants is the treasure of the Ziwu Kingdom, you can't give it to him!"

Qin Yan smiled calmly: "Of course it's not a treasure of the country."

Old Rocco was also very worried about what kind of lion's mouth would come from Qin Yan, who had made great achievements.

If you are greedy enough, even if you are a genius in refining medicine, don't worry about it.

Qin Yan said: "It's just a first-class spirit stone, please don't hesitate to reward your majesty."

When the old one heard that it was only a first-level spirit stone, he felt relieved.

"What you want is He Lingshi, even if you say it..."

Qin Yan was not polite at all: "Then I will say it.

What I want is a first-class Holy Spirit Stone, it is said that there are many in Ziwu Kingdom."

Chapter [-]: Falling on Qin Yan

Chapter [-]:::::falls on Qin Yan's body "The Holy Spirit Stone is not uncommon in Ziwu Kingdom: gadget,"

Say, immediately.

He instructed the chief steward, "Go and ask the queen for it. I remember that it was kept in her palace, and she used it to straighten her hair."

... Qin Yan was almost unable to hold back, and burst out with joy, he knew that women on Earth are especially popular with hair straightening before crossing the road, but I didn't expect that women in Wanshen Continent would also straighten their hair.

The steward agreed and went out to get the Holy Spirit Stone from the Queen's Palace.

At this moment, a woman's voice sounded outside the hall: "Your Majesty must not...!"

Hearing this voice, all the hair on Qin Yan's body stood up, oh! My god, that... Ghidorah! He was frightened and frightened immediately.

Get up and run away.

A glance from the side saw it, and asked in surprise: "What's the matter with you?"

It seems that today's treatment was done right, and he made a fortune all of a sudden! At this time, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Ghidorah had walked into the hall with his clothes fluttering.

It is estimated that this woman's temperament is too good, and the civil and military officials in the hall, including them, all stared at her with good eyes.

She looked straight ahead, with a icy look, and only when she came to the front did she salut.

He got up quickly and stopped: "Huangmu Lingshang doesn't need to be too polite."

Ghidorah was not polite, gave half of the salute, stood up quietly, looked around, and finally landed on Qin Yan's body.

She deliberately pretended not to know each other and asked, "Your Majesty, who is this?"

"Huang Mu Lingshang, you don't know anything, he rescued the people of the whole country."

Zhu... Seeing her contemptuous expression, Qin Yan held back his chin.

Ghidorah's eyes collided with Qin Yan accidentally, the former stared at Qin Yan, while Qin Yan looked at her with a condescending look.

When Ghidorah saw his appearance, he suddenly remembered the panda with red hair on his face, which is really not a good thing! However, at that time, it was someone who was in a hurry! Thinking of this, Ghidorah's ears were slow It slowly turned red, and then the whole handsome face also turned red.

Qin Yan saw for a while... gritted his teeth angrily, and for a while... his face was flushed again, and he couldn't help but become more and more confused, this woman, there is something wrong with her brain, right?"

"Huangmu Lingshang, what's wrong with your facial paralysis?"

In Ghidorah's heart, Qin Yan had already stabbed thousands of holes directly, but because of his own identity, he couldn't lose his identity in public.

"Bah! You thief!"

Uh, this woman... how can she swear! Qin Yan, who lives under the red flag and corresponds to the call of the most beautiful society, can't accept that a woman with such an outstanding temperament actually spit out swear words.

He didn't even think about why people would do this.

Rocco noticed something was wrong between the two, and he couldn't help but ask, "Why, Elder Huang knows you?"


"do not know!"

The two answered in unison, but the answers were diametrically opposite.

Some of the civil and military officials couldn't help laughing, and immediately realized the gaffe, and quickly closed their mouths.

"what is the problem"

Displeased, he asked with a sullen face.

Ghidorah was embarrassed to say it, and Qin Yan explained: "Your Majesty, there is a bit of a misunderstanding between me and Elder Huang. Yesterday in the end of the world, we met for the first time, and Elder Huang wanted to grab something from me."

Having said this, Qin Yan deliberately paused, seeing that everyone's eyes were round, and the desired effect was achieved, Qin Yan was satisfied.

The courtiers couldn’t believe that the dignified elder Ghidorah, who has always been a supporter of Zhenwu Hall, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, would actually rob someone of something, “May I ask the elder protector what you are robbing?”

Qin Yan replied: "Purple Vitiligo Clover!"

Ah... it's not a rare medicinal material, as for grabbing it from others!

Chapter Two Hundred and Ninety Eight: Murder My Husband

Chapter [-]:::::Murdering Husband Feeling that all eyes were focused on him, Ghidorah's face turned even redder.

There has never been a moment like this, she has always been respected and admired by others, how can she become the laughing stock of others! "Your Majesty, this person's origin is unknown and he has ulterior motives. The Holy Spirit Stone he asked for must not be given!"

"That's right! If this person asks for the Holy Spirit Stone to harm the Ziwu Kingdom, it will be too late to regret it!"

Ghidorah looked suspiciously at the person who stood on his side and spoke to him. It turned out to be Mu Lingshang! They have always been enemies, and they have never been pleasing to the eye, and they each have their own beliefs and are competitors for resources.

Today, it is unprecedented to stand on a unified stand! Not only Ghidorah, but even Zhou Yansong is surprised, two people who have never been pleasing to the eye, actually stop themselves in unison.

This should be considered carefully.

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