Mu Yuan also interjected: "Yes, Royal Father, who knows what this person is at ease, if we deliberately use favors to deceive us, in order to wipe out the Ziwu Kingdom in one fell swoop, wouldn't we fall for the trick!"

Qin Yan saw that everything went wrong on Ghidorah, and couldn't help but have an opinion on this woman.

It's enough for Nima to report to Lao Tzu, but she dares to harm herself!...Ling'er is still waiting for her to save herself! Thinking of that... gentle and virtuous woman, Qin Yan's heart is warm, and he The last Holy Spirit Stone is just around the corner, I have to get it no matter what! If you can’t do it, fight! Qin Yan said angrily, “Ghidorah, you forcibly reported me that day, and you don’t care about it in advance. If you hurt me today, I won’t do it. Forgive you!"

After saying this, the hall was immediately filled.

Surprised, Elder Huang reported this man! Elder Huang has always been pure and clean, known as a goddess, but he actually reported a man! Sure enough, the purer the woman on the surface, the bolder the heart! Ghidorah's face became: even redder, She has always been the purest woman in the hearts of the people of the Wu Kingdom, and she was exposed to her face to have done such a "bold" act.

She was so embarrassed about how she would meet people in the future, she shouted: "You damn bug! I'm going to kill you!"

"Help, she's going to murder her husband!"

"Help, she's going to murder her husband!"

Qin Yan shouted loudly while hiding behind him deliberately.

In anger, Ghidorah made a tactic with his left hand, and threw a magic sword in the void, slashing Qin Yan directly.

Luo Ke, who passively stood in front of Qin Yan, was so frightened that his face turned ashen, and tremblingly shouted: "Elder Huang, be merciful!"

Only then did Ghidorah see that what stood in front of Qin Yan was that she hurriedly recovered her strength, but it was too late.

The phantom sword slashed straight ahead with a gust of wind.

As soon as Rocco's eyes were closed, it was over, who could save him! Just when he was in despair, there was a burst of exclamation in his ears. He opened his eyes suddenly, but saw a huge bird in the air, spitting mouth by mouth with flame.

The people in the hall were stunned when they witnessed the huge bird that suddenly appeared in mid-air.

It took a long time for someone to react. Isn't this the totem at the head of the Tianyan Continent! Why did it suddenly come here! The phantom sword that threatened Dao was being swallowed up by flames and was safe.

He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with lingering fears, and shouted in a panic: "You are still safe and sound"

After shouting a few times, there was no answer behind him. When he looked back, Qin Yan was gone.

Besides, Ghidorah, all her strength was unceremoniously swallowed up by the flames! She realized that something was wrong, and stopped quickly, looking at him who had turned into a panda with a surprised expression, and reprimanded: "What kind of exercise are you doing that actually swallows up your energy?"

In mid-air, the panda replied solemnly: "This deity... I don't know!"

Hahaha! The people in the hall were amused, this is obviously... playing tricks.

Chapter two hundred and ninety nine: self-created stunts

Chapter [-]::::: The self-created stunt Ghidorah's face turned even redder, and at a young age, he was even laughed at by a little kid! "I'm going to kill you!"

Ghidorah was even more annoyed, and again urged her strength to call Qin Yan.

"What are you going to marry me"

Qin Yan deliberately pretended to be unbelievable, "You are so old that you want to eat tender grass"

... Ghidorah was furious, but Qin Yan said again: "Ghidorah, you should change your name and call it a scalper! Uh, no, call it an old scalper!"

There is no old cow eating young grass in the continent of the gods, not only Ghidorah, but everyone present did not understand.

It's just that it's not a good thing for people to change their names properly. Ghidorah is notoriously difficult to mess with in the Ziwu Kingdom. Today, this bird is hanging.

In fact, Qin Yan, the flame that can devour the opponent's skill, was just taught by Lao Kong.

Just as Ghidorah was urging her strength to turn into a sword, Lao Kong's voice suddenly sounded: "What pure strength!"

Hmm, Chun Qin Yan's mind went to another place, does this mean that Ghidorah is practicing Tongzigong and only Tongzigong, the strength will be particularly pure, and the power will be particularly huge.

In other words, Ghidorah is still... not easy. Qin Yan, who has traveled through the past in modern society, deeply knows that girls who want to be pure now are even rarer than pandas, unless they go to kindergarten to book.

Lao Kong took the opportunity to instruct him, and quickly used the swallowing skill of the indestructible golden body to devour her strength! It will be of great benefit to himself! However, the magic sword transformed by strength has already killed, Qin Yan conditioned reflex Spit out panda fire, and by the way, add the first-level devour of the inextinguishable golden body.

It's just... an instant inspiration, I didn't want it, but it became a stunt of Qin! Then, everyone saw a huge, spitting flame that could swallow Ghidorah's strength.

Ghidorah was shocked. She had never met an opponent before, so she became the elder of the Dharma Protector of the Ziwu Kingdom, and her status was even higher than that of Mu Lingshang.

Now I have encountered such strange things! "Stop! Don't swallow my strength!"

Ghidorah roared and stopped first.

Qin Yan is enjoying the huge harvest that Panda Shenhuo + Immortal Golden Body has brought to him. He checked the system panel, and the energy value has increased to more than three million! And the level of Panda Shenhuo has also increased to level [-]! Such a short period of time Time devoured so much of Ghidorah's skill, Qin Yan moved in his heart and practiced this skill, and his goal of becoming the head of all gods is within reach! Qin Yan thought of this, used the feathers of his mind, and recovered again. its own appearance.

The people in the hall were stunned, seeing that the panda suddenly disappeared, there was a beautiful man with a jade tree facing the wind in the middle of the hall, it was the talented Qin Yan.

...this is the latest popular magic bar, big change, big change, big change panda "how do you change"

Rocco was surprised.

How do people answer Qin Yanxiang? Do I have to tell them the truth? I was originally a human being, but when I traveled through time, I turned into a sparrow, er, no, turned into a panda, and was swept away by the blood of the saint. Will anyone believe me when I come out?" My true identity is a panda, the totem of faith in Tianyan Continent.

This time the people of Ziwu Kingdom are in trouble, and I came here specially to help them.”

Qin Yan simply pretended to be coercive to the end, he knew very well that in the time-traveling world, one could not live without pretending to be coercive.

Listen and understand, this is the panda everyone jokes about.

It's no wonder that he is self-taught without a teacher and has super-high medical skills.

"Lord God Sparrow!"

He immediately changed his name, "Ziwu Kingdom can also offer faith, please Lord Shenque for blessings."

They all heard that the divine sparrow in Tianyan Continent can come back to life, and the land he blessed can mature that day!

Chapter three hundred: drive away

Chapter [-]:::::: Drive away Now, their land has grown uneaten grain, and the rest is sold to others, for a lot of money! Not only that, their livestock and poultry are also growing fast , It is said that the few little wild boars brought back by the gods have given birth to hundreds of piglets! If the gods can bless the Ziwu Kingdom, Luo Ke thought, wouldn't his own people also be able to live and work in peace, food and clothing? I don't worry, I just don't know if Qin Yan can bless me, "I need the Holy Spirit Stone, you go and get it.

As for the blessing, just ask Lu Yi directly."

How dare Rocco be negligent, and hurriedly ordered someone to go to the queen to fetch it.

"No one is allowed to go!"

Ghidorah was anxious, this bastard made fun of himself, and he was so respected, really angry! She forgot her identity in a rage, and shouted arrogantly: "If there is him, there is no way, there is me. Without him! You'd better think clearly, the three masters in the Zhenwu Hall, those... are not good friends! If I hadn't maintained the relationship for you, you would have been able to sit on the throne."

Her words were in the ears of everyone, and they were all startled. Although it was true that Luo Ke was threatened and controlled by Zhenwutang, it was too hurtful to say it outright in a large audience! Where do you put your face! Sure enough, Rocco's face was very, very red, his lips were blue, and he roared: "You arrogant woman!"

Seeing the thunder and anger, the courtiers were terrified and secretly laughed.

In recent years, because of Ghidorah, Zhenwutang has received much attention, and its prestige in Ziwu Kingdom is also increasing day by day.

Because of this, Zhenwu Divine Sovereign is widely believed, and has increased a lot of divine power, thus blessing the people of Zhenwutang very widely.

These... terrified people, they are very worried that Ghidorah will be punished, and the Zhenwu Hall will decline since then and will not be taken seriously.

And those who... secretly laughed were Quito, and these people were headed by Mu Lingshang.

They very much hope to get rid of Zhenwutang together, so that they can stand alone.

Therefore, they looked at each other in unison, and the thunder and fire quickly burned.

After Ghidorah was reprimanded, her head calmed down and she realized she was wrong.

Roaring in front of the court, I'm tired of living! If Zhenwutang is implicated because of this, the sin will be serious! She was about to explain the relationship between Huanhuan and the relationship, but Mu Lingshang added fuel to the fire at the right time: " Your Majesty, Elder Huang is very tough, he dares to reprimand him in front of everyone.

If you don't punish them severely, how can you serve the world!"

I was a comrade-in-arms in the same trench just now, and in a blink of an eye, I fell into the ground, lest the opponent not die.

Intrigue is not exclusive to the earth.

Qin Yanyun calmly watched the two elders fighting, but he was thinking about Linger.

If the coma is too long, will it damage the body? If so, I can't delay any longer.

When Luo Ke heard Mu Lingshang's words, he became even more angry, as expected, he was too indulgent to this woman at ordinary times! "Come here, arrest all the people in Zhenwutang!"

Rocco said, staring at Ghidorah, wanting to tell the guards to arrest her, but he couldn't say:.

"Your Majesty! This has nothing to do with Zhenwutang. I made my own mistakes and I will accept the punishment. Please: arrest me!"

Ghidorah did not want to implicate others, and said firmly.

Looking at her fixedly, this woman is really ignorant! He has always had a soft spot for Ghidorah, but this woman is very cold, just...not interested in herself.

Today, all the officials in the hall are watching, and it is not good to condone it because they like it.

"Then arrest her and put her on death row!"


As soon as Rocco finished speaking, Qin Yan stopped him.

Everyone's eyes fell on Qin Yan to see what he was going to say.

"Your Majesty, you promised to find the Holy Spirit Stone. It's been so long, can you still find it?"

Chapter [-]: His face immediately paled

Chapter [-]::::: His face immediately changed.

Pale White "Uh, you saw the scene just now, I'm going to deal with this woman!"

"Let her go, I will bless Ziwu Kingdom within three days!"

What and the other ministers were surprised, they refused to agree just now, and declined to go out, but now they agree to obviously help Ghidorah! Ghidorah heard it and felt incredible, how could he help himself well, but this man is bad It's very, on the surface, it's to help myself, but I must have no good intentions! "Okay."

The overall situation is the most important, and Rocco doesn't necessarily want Ghidorah's life, just find the steps to go down.

"For the sake of today's affairs, I don't care about you, but the people of Zhenwutang must deal with it!"

He said, ordering Mu Lingshang, "You take someone and demolish the Zhenwu Hall!"

"What about the people from Zhenwutang?"

Mu Lingshang couldn't hold back the ecstasy in her heart, the political enemy for many years was finally defeated! "Drive away!"

Hearing the words, Mu Lingshang was very happy, he quickly took the lead, and took a group of guards away triumphantly.

Ghidorah's face immediately turned when she heard the words.

Pale white.

It's just that she didn't think too much about it at the time, and she was so impulsive that she actually involved all her classmates. It was really worth the loss! She was about to open her mouth to plead, but she had already walked down the hall and led Qin Yan straight to the Queen's palace.

Before leaving, Qin Yan looked back at her with a smile in his eyes.

Ghidorah's angry face turned red again. It was this bastard who made him mad, so he would reprimand him in public! If it weren't for him, how could his classmate be driven away! What should I do now! Qin Yan followed and came to the queen in the palace.

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