This place is forbidden to the imperial palace, and most people come here.

It has not been here for a long time.

Because the queen is old and fading, Yan has no attraction.

At this moment, I felt silent and desolate.

Palace maids: I didn't expect that they would come here and go in to report the letter. After a long time, I took the Holy Spirit Stone and came out, saying that the queen would not invite them in.

She motioned the maid to pass the Holy Spirit Stone to Qin Yan.

When Qin Yan saw it, he stretched out his hand to take it, but was stunned when he saw a trace of black gas entwined on the Holy Spirit Stone.

Because this trace of black qi is very familiar, it is the black qi of the dark rat demon back then.

Qin Yan definitely remembered correctly, it was... the dark rat demon! He opened his mouth and asked, "This is indeed what the queen gave you."

The maid nodded.

Rocco asked: "What's wrong"

Qin Yan hesitated: "Your Majesty, can we go in and visit the Empress?"


Luo Ke didn't know what Qin Yan meant, so he took the lead in the middle palace.

As soon as Qin Yan came in, he felt a familiar smell, that is... the smell in the dark rat demon cave.

That's right! Qin Yangang didn't have a long time to get rid of the dark rat demon. He can't remember wrong about this smell, not to mention that pandas are naturally sensitive to smells.

"Empress! Empress! Your Majesty is coming!"

The queen was lying on the couch, and the footsteps she heard were still silent.

The palace maid hurried forward and shook her gently.

"Didn't you say don't let them in!"

The queen said impatiently.

For a moment, the queen had always been looking forward to her arrival. Once upon a time, she didn't want to see her and said gently, "Queen, the night is long, and if you sleep during the day, it will be bad if you sleep too much."

The queen was still lying on the couch, and upon hearing this, she dragged the quilt over her head.

... Qin Yan looked at the queen lying on the couch, shrouded in a layer of black smoke, and he was even more sure that his guess was correct.

The queen...has...he was about to say it, but turned around and said to him: "The queen doesn't like to be visited, let's go!"

Qin Yan said slowly: "Your Majesty, this person on the couch is not the Empress, the Empress... she is already dead."

"What did you say!"

All of a sudden, her eyes widened. It was obvious that the Empress was sleeping on the couch, so how could she have died? Indulgence is a genius doctor. Even though he has saved so many people in Ziwu Kingdom, this is not a hoax!

Chapter [-] Dark Rat Demon

Chapter [-]::::Dark rat demon Qin Yan has seen through everything, so he must tell the truth.......

Rocco was really angry, so no matter what he contributed to himself, it was absolutely impossible to let him go easily.

"Come here, arrest me for this bastard who speaks nonsense and slanders the Queen."

Rocco naturally wanted to show how infatuated he was with the queen.

At this moment, hearing Rocco say such remarks really made that... the fake queen secretly happy.

"Your Majesty, you have to decide for me. Even if the concubine is old and fading, she is also the master of the middle palace. How can you tolerate this person slandering me like this?"

Although the fake queen didn't turn around, she didn't forget to fan the flames at the right time.

Qin Yan really found it interesting, it was obviously the fake queen who was exposed by himself, so he jumped over the wall, but this Rocco refused to believe him.

Qin Yan thought to himself that this fake queen must be the one... The injured dark rat demon was transformed into a magical form, so this time he must completely eliminate the rat demon.

"Get out of the way. If you all want to die, then come and arrest me. I'm not afraid of you."

Seeing those guards coming to arrest him, Qin Yan was also unceremonious, and went mad at them.

Even so, he, Qin Yan, was unable to order these guards.

Seeing that a farce is about to be staged here, although that... the fake queen is still lying on the side of the bed, but she can't wait to take this opportunity to get rid of Qin Yan.

Facing so many guards and wanting to kill him completely, Qin Yan also made a decisive decision, immediately transformed into a panda, and slapped and slapped: hitting, and the guards were instantly beaten to pieces.

Seeing Qin Yan so arrogant, in front of him, such presumptuousness indeed made King Luo Ke a little uneasy, for fear that Qin Yan would clean up himself next.

"You foolish, ignorant, ignorant lord, it's a pity that I still want to identify the loyal and the traitor, but you don't distinguish between right and wrong, and you help this evildoer to plot against me, and today I will show you her true colors."

Qin Yan reprimanded Luo Ke in public.

Rocco is also powerless. After all, he understands martial arts, let alone those mastered by Rocco...... Divine powers and mysterious arts, since things have come to this, maybe what he said should be true, it depends on how he behaves Bar.

"You bastard, I'm here to see today, how long can you hide, and where are you running?"

Qin Yan immediately rushed to the queen's bed.

Seeing that the queen was about to be lifted up by Qin Yan, Qun never thought that this fake person really can no longer disguise.

Luo Ke looked at it very seriously. Sure enough, Qin Yan was right. It turned out that his queen had already died, and the one on the bed was really a monster.

"Damn stinky panda, do you think you are awesome? I hope you can take a look at your hand, because I put poison on the holy spar for you, and if I do the right thing with me, it will be a dead end. ."

With a burst of thick black smoke, it floated out of the queen's body, and then in the void, the shadow of the... dark rat demon appeared, she put down her cruel words, and tried to walk away.

"Come on, let me take down this evildoer who killed the queen."

Now that Rocco already knew what was going on, it was naturally impossible to let the dark rat demon go.

The dark rat demon sneered and didn't take it seriously, because aside from...a Qin Yan who made her worry, these....ordinary guards are not enough at all. for fear.

Qin Yan was about to take action to take down the Dark Rat Demon, but he did not expect that the poisonous gas on the Saint Quartz had already worked.

If at this time, a master appeared and attacked him, it would indeed put Qin Yan in great danger, but he still had to pretend to be calm and never let them see that he was injured.

"Qin Yan, what are you doing, aren't you very cool? Can't you transform into a giant panda? Why don't you arrest that evildoer for me?"

Because the dark rat demon had successfully escaped, Luo Ke was very angry, he felt that it was Qin Yan's intentional release of water.

Chapter Three Hundred and Three Weeds and Roots

Chapter [-]::::Cut the grass and remove the roots, Rocco is full of plans, thinking that he can take down the dark rat demon, but he is still delusional, after all, let the dark rat demon slip away.

"It really makes no sense."

Rocco yelled at the guards angrily.

At this point, even if Rocco scolded those guards, it would be of no use, so he had to go forward and come to see how his queen was doing.

The queen is indeed dead, perhaps it is because Rocco has neglected the queen for too long, and has not favored her for a long time, so that no one knows that she is dead, and now the body has a rotten smell.

"Your Majesty, the Empress is already dead, you should mourn and change."

The entourage around Rocco saw that Rocco was a little sad, and quickly comforted him.

At this moment, Rocco remembered the day-to-day love between the queen and him in the past, so he missed it more and more, so he refused to accept the fact that the queen had died.

"Aren't you a genius doctor? I'm ordering you now. You must save the Queen at all costs. If you can't save the Queen, I promise you that you don't even want to leave the Ziwu Kingdom alive."

Rocco is really domineering, and because he is the king, he actually does whatever he wants, and now he is also coercing and enticing Qin Yan, which is really irritating.

"Please forgive me for my helplessness. The queen has been around for a while. Even if I am the Great Luo Jinxian, I am afraid that I will not be able to recover. I will only cure the disease and save people, so this matter, I am really here."

Qin Yan also told the truth, but to make that...King Luo Ke annoyed, he felt that Qin Yan was clearly not giving himself face and decided to kill him.

"You bastard, since you can't save the queen, what qualifications do you have to call yourself a genius doctor? I don't think you're just deceiving the world and being abducted. Today, you will show this liar and swindler to the public."

Luo Ke really hated Qin Yan right now.

Hearing Luo Ke's decision made Qin Yan extremely disappointed with him. It seems that the king of the Ziwu Kingdom is really not a wise monarch, but a selfish monarch who doesn't know right from wrong.

"You stupid lord, do you think you want to kill me, is it that easy?"

Qin Yan is very confident in himself, so these ordinary people... ordinary people really don't pose any threat to him.

However, because the poisoning was too deep, Qin Yan was afraid that he was going to become a prisoner today. He originally wanted to transform into a panda and fight against them, only to find out that it couldn't be activated.

"Damn, this dark rat demon is so fucking pissed off, isn't that obvious to put me to death?"

Qin Yan is sweating profusely now, but Rocco really doesn't plan to let him go now. The guards under his command are also emerging one after another. It seems that he is really ready to kill Qin Yan.

"Hack me to death."

Seeing that Qin Yan had been surrounded, Huo Luo Ke continued to issue orders to them.

Qin Yan was really angry, if he hadn't been poisoned, he would never have allowed this drowsy monarch to be so arrogant.

Chapter three hundred and fourth secret help

Chapter [-]:::: Helped in secret and got the king's order, so the guards under his hands were also confident, and Qin Yan was indeed poisoned now, so they were not afraid, and they were going to give him to him. Slashed to death.

Qin Yan also knew that although he was indeed in a certain danger now, he couldn't sit still, but even if he wanted to run, he couldn't escape.

"Hunjun, don't think that if you kill me, you can do whatever you want. Even if I become a ghost, I will never let you and your country go."

Qin Yan thought that he would definitely die, so before he died, he had to say some harsh words to scare this Rocco............

When Luo Ke heard Qin Yan's words, he became even more manic. He didn't expect Qin Yan's death to be imminent, and he dared to threaten himself, so he kept urging the guards to act as soon as possible.

Countless swords, spears, swords and halberds, under the use of those guards, are also mercilessly moving towards Qin Yan's body. It seems that Qin Yan is really doomed.

Luo Ke also believed that Qin Yan was bound to die, but how could he have thought that at this critical moment, a group of men in black appeared out of thin air. to the side.

"escort, escort..."

Seeing so many people in black come out, Rocco was also uneasy, and quickly called the guards around him, it was important to come and protect himself.

Seeing such a scene, Qin Yan really felt incredible, because he felt that he had no relatives, no reason, no support in this Ziwu country, how could someone come out to save him? "Follow me."

Before Qin Yan could figure out what it was, he heard a woman's voice, and then he was pulled away by the man in black.

Qin Yan had already been taken away, so the other men in black naturally wouldn't stay here to fight with the guards.

"It's so abhorrent. Who the hell are these people? They dare to come to me to rob people. Isn't this an obvious challenge to imperial power? You must investigate for me what's going on."

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