Rocco breathed a sigh of relief, but as a king, he couldn't even execute a person, and he had to be controlled by others, which was really embarrassing.

In order not to be scolded by Rocco, nor to want him to be punished, the guards next to him left quickly and went to track the group of men in black just now.

Qin Yan should really be thankful, because originally he was sure to die, but he didn't expect that someone with a good heart would come to rescue him and let him save his life, so he was really grateful to the man in black.

"Thank you so much. I don't know the name of the benefactor. In the future, I will definitely drop the grace and repay it."

At this moment, he had escaped from the palace and came to a safe place, so the man in black released Qin Yan... Qin Yan was also the first to express his gratitude to the man in black.

The man in black pretended to be mysterious, even though she really rescued Qin Yan, she didn't want Qin Yan to know what she did, so she refused to show her face, didn't say much, turned around and was about to leave.

"Hey, don't go, you haven't answered my question yet"

Qin Yan really couldn't understand the man in black.

The man in black turned around and then jumped, and in an instant he disappeared like a black crow, leaving only Qin Yan left to wander alone.

Qin Yan was puzzled, but in this situation, he really felt that he couldn't stay here, lest Rocco's guards would catch up and cause trouble.

Chapter [-] Windfall

Chapter [-]::::Windfall Qin Yan hurriedly ran away. As for who rescued him, perhaps there is no need to think about it now, because there will always be a day when the truth will come out.

"Hurry up and speed up, those men in black and that... Qin Yan must not have gone far, they must be around here, we will split up and catch them."

At this moment, Qin Yan also heard the voices of the guards coming from nearby, so he needs to be more careful and must not reveal his whereabouts. If he is caught by them, it will be miserable.

"When Lao Tzu is detoxified, you rubbish, let alone only a dozen, even if it is dozens, or even a hundred, Lao Tzu will not take it seriously."

Qin Yan is really depressed now, although he is very angry, but he also has to face the reality, since he can't fight, then he can only swallow his breath, dare not let the air out, and wait for the guards to leave.

The guards searched, but did not find Qin Yan, let alone the man in black, which was quite helpless, so they had to leave here and look elsewhere.

Qin Yan now really feels that because he has carried the poisonous gas-shrouded holy crystal on his body for a long time, he has indeed been enveloped in poisonous gas, and it has eroded his internal organs and is in danger.

"It's really an ominous thing, which makes me so embarrassed now, but I'm really reluctant to throw it away, if I don't throw it, it will only kill me, what should I do now? Really... "

Don't mention how tangled Qin Yan's heart is now.

Qin Yan feels a little difficult to walk now, but his perseverance is really very tenacious, he is definitely not an ordinary person, and he can be compared with him.

"Qin Yan, you are not allowed to give up, no matter what...

No matter how old you are, as long as you still have a breath, hold on for me."

Qin Yan was on his way, and at the same time, he was also in his heart, cheering for himself, and making himself persevere, because he believed that he would not be unlucky all the time.

God sees him so down, Xu Ye really couldn't bear it, so he was going to give him a surprise, Qin Yan was too weak due to poisoning, and as a result, he didn't pay attention and fell into a trap.

"Why am I so unlucky, it's really because the house leaks and it rains overnight, why do you do this to me, God?"

Qin Yan was really very depressed, and at this moment, he dropped himself and felt pain all over his body.

Qin Yan scolded, but since this trap was really a certain distance from the ground, and there was no one around, so even if he shouted, no one would come to rescue him.

"Am I so unfortunate, am I really going to die here?"

Qin Yan couldn't help but feel depressed at this moment.

Qin Yan is really depressed, but for him, death does not mean... liberation, he must live, because only living is the only truth.

"what is that"

Qin Yan accidentally caught a glimpse of a sparkling object, which aroused his curiosity.

Qin Yan didn't doubt anything, anyway, he had already fallen into such a situation, how miserable it could be, so he hurried over to prepare to see what it was.

Qin Yan picked it up and took a look. It turned out that this glowing thing was actually a medical book. It looked quite old. For Qin Yan, it was really a treasure.

"It's really God who helped me."

Qin Yan seemed to have discovered a new continent, not to mention how excited he was, he quickly opened it to look.

Qin Yan is now looking forward to it, hoping that in this medical book, there will really be a good way to help him detoxify.

Chapter [-] Mysterious Old Man

Chapter [-]::::Mysterious old man Qin Yan took a serious look at it. He could not take his eyes off the line, and he had ten lines in one glance. In addition, he had the ability to never forget, so he could remember it in his mind at a glance. For him , is really good.

"It's really strange, why is there no record of rat poison?"

Qin Yan was about to read this medical book several times, but he didn't find the result he wanted, so he became a little discouraged.

At this moment, Qin Yan suddenly heard that a head suddenly appeared from the top of his head, that is, the top of the trap. This person was very strange and kept looking into the trap.

"Hey, is there anyone down there, have you seen a book?"

That...strange old man found someone in the trap, so he spoke to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan heard someone speak, listened to his tone, it should or could not be the guard that Rocco shot out to kill him. In this case, he might as well ask him for help and let him pull himself up and talk about it.

"I do have a book here."

Qin Yan also told the truth.

"Then throw it to me."

What the little old man said was....... light.

Qin Yan really wanted to throw it to him, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not appropriate, so he had an idea.

"I'll return the book to you, what good is it for me? Why don't you pull me up, and I'll give you the book."

Qin Yan is really a little clever, he arranged it like this, it's beautiful, anyway... He knows the contents of the medical books by heart, the medical books are useless to him, it is better to use them in exchange for a way out.

The old man was also helpless, who made that book important to him, so he could only promise Qin Yan, so he found a rope, clenched one end by himself... and threw the other street into the trap.

"I'll throw the rope down, and I'll pull you up in a while."

The old man was a bit kind, and Qin Yan didn't think much about it, so he cooperated with his help.

After a while, with the help of the old man, Qin Yan also escaped from the trap very smoothly, and then he also fulfilled his promise and took the initiative to hand the old man the medical book in person.

"Thank you for saving me, this medical book is of no use to me, so I gave it to you."

After Qin Yan finished saying this to the old man, he waited until he picked it up, and then he was about to say goodbye to him. Next, he should find a way to get rid of the rat poison on his body... ........

The moment he saw Qin Yan turn around, the old man also saw that Qin Yan's current state was really bad.

"Stop for me, I think you have been poisoned by rat poison. There is no antidote for this poison in the world. If you don't treat it in time, I'm afraid it won't take long before you die."

Qin Yan was just about to leave, but suddenly he heard the old man's voice coming from behind him. The old man said in a sincere way, and it seemed that what he said was true, which gave Qin Yan hope.

Qin Yan felt that since the old man said this, maybe he should have a way to help him, so Qin Yan quickly turned around and knelt down for him.

"Old man, save me, I can't die, and I don't want to die, as long as you can help me, no matter what...

I will do whatever I want to do."

Seeing Qin Yan's life so ruthless, it really moved the old man's mind. He is the leader of the Five Poisons, specializing in the study of poisons, so he decided to use Qin Yan to test poison for himself.

Chapter [-] Fighting poison with poison

Chapter [-]:::: Fighting poison with poison Although the old man is not a good person, he is not a bad person, because in this world, there are no pure good people, and there are pure bad people, so the old man will not feel anything wrong .

"Although I can help you, I can't guarantee that I will be able to help you detoxify. I can only say to give it a try. If you have any concerns, then just pretend I didn't say it, and you can ask someone else to be wise."

The old man can be considered a bit of a conscience. After all, since he is not completely sure about this kind of thing, he naturally cannot accept it indiscriminately. He still has to be responsible to others, so he also tested Qin Yan's psychology and defense line in advance.

When Qin Yan heard him say this, it turned out that he was not sure, which made his originally full hope instantly discouraged. Could it be that he was really so unlucky? He doesn't know how to answer now.

The old man shook his head helplessly, it seemed that Qin Yan should not be able to test the poison for him, and since that was the case, then he could not force others and was ready to leave.

"Old man, I promise you, anyway... I have no cure, but it's just a bad life. I can test the poison for you, and maybe there is a chance."

Just when the old man was about to leave, he just turned around and walked a few steps, but Qin Yan actually took the initiative to chase after him, and he told him this very readily.

Qin Yan's decision to make such a decision was also a helpless move, because he had no other way, so he managed to seize such a life-saving straw. No matter what, he couldn't miss it.

"Ruzi can be taught."

The old man also particularly appreciated Qin Yan's decision.

Under the leadership of the old man, Qin Yan had been heading towards the mountain, and he didn't know how long he had walked. In short, Qin Yan himself couldn't remember the way, and finally came to a small ruined temple.

Now outside the broken temple, Qin Yan felt that although this broken temple looked different, others might not be able to see it, but they couldn't hide it from his eyes, it was full of black smoke.

"You're not a doctor at all. Just tell me who you are. It's clearly poisonous here. What are your plans for me?"

Qin Yan also did not hesitate to tell the old man what he found on the spot, and he hoped that the old man could give him a satisfactory answer.

The old man didn't want to hide him, and besides, everything was what Qin Yan thought, and he didn't admit it, but since he had already come, he still had to ask for his consent.

"Did I say I'm a doctor? You think it's your own. You're right. I wonder if you've heard of the rumored Five Poison Sect Master?"

What the old man said was.... very relaxed, and then smiled at Qin Yan, what did he mean by what he said, was he just showing off his true identity.

"You are the leader of the Five Poisons. I don't want to cooperate with you, I want to leave."

Qin Yan was really disappointed because he had heard that the rumored leader of the Five Poisons was notorious and had no good reputation.

"If you want to go, you can take it easy, I will never stop you, but don't regret it, if you miss the opportunity, then you will soon stink all over your body, and when you die, the body will be eaten by mice... ..”

Qin Yan had just walked a few steps when he heard the old man speak again from behind, which made him also uneasy.

"Okay, don't talk about it, arrange a poison test for me as soon as possible."

Qin Yan finally decided that this might really be the only chance for him to detoxify, and he must not miss it so easily.

Chapter [-] Painful Torment

Chapter [-]:::: The Five Poisons Sect Master who tortured the five poisons in pain did not hesitate, lest if Qin Yan changed his mind again and left him, wouldn't he really have to give up all his previous achievements? "This is my latest If you drink the highly poisonous poison developed, I hope you can fight poison with poison and dissolve your rat poison."

The old man took out a bottle of potion. The bottle was quite delicate, but the strange smell of the potion was really pungent. Qin Yan held it in his hand and was a little hesitant at the time.

"What are you dawdling at? In this world, there is only this bottle of potion. If you dare not drink it, then forget it."

The leader of the Five Poisons deliberately said this, hoping to let Qin Yan understand how precious this bottle of poison is, if he didn't think he was destined, he would not be willing to use it for him.

Qin Yan finally stopped hesitating, whether it is life or death, success or failure depends on it, so the worst result is just sacrificing this life, but if it can really achieve the effect of fighting poison with poison, then his own life, not also Did you pick it up? Qin Yan no longer hesitated, and immediately picked up the bottle of medicine, took the cork, and drank it like cold water.

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