Watching Qin Yan drink the poison, this also made the... Five Poison Sect Master touch his beard and show a smile. As for the result, it will take time to verify.

"Sit down now and wait for a stick of incense with peace of mind."

Since the Five Poison Cult masters have arranged it like this, Qin Yan has no objection, because if there are any side effects, if he stays here, he can let the old man help him control it.

Qin Yan suddenly felt very tired, so with the passage of time, the effort of a stick of incense will be over in a short time. As for what effect it will have, no one will say "God, bless me, it will take a long time." The poison that was developed after decades of hard work, I hope it will be successful, so that I will die without regrets."

The leader of the Five Poisons knelt on the ground, and God prayed. It seems that he is really persistent in the research on poisons, and he has even reached the point where he is not crazy and cannot survive, which is moving people.

"Ah... I'm so sick, what's going on, why do I feel like my body is about to explode"

Qin Yan suddenly woke up. In fact, it should be said that he was woken up by pain. The incense stick has ended, so the effect of the bottle of poison has already worked.

Seeing Qin Yan in such pain, constantly tossing and turning on the ground, rolling like this, and such a picture, the little old man, the leader of the Five Poisons, also expected it, because this is the effect that all poisons have.

"You give me perseverance, you must persevere, perseverance is... victory, as long as you endure it, you will be able to end your hardships."

The Five Poisons Sect Master said it so nicely, it is not himself who dares to suffer now, and the pain Qin Yan has endured is definitely not what the Five Poison Sect Master can imagine.

"You lied to me, you're playing with me, I'm going to kill you, kill you."

Qin Yan was in a lot of pain right now, and he blamed all the pain on the head of the Five Poisons, so he rushed over desperately to strangle him.

The leader of the Five Poisons is indifferent, because for this bottle of poison, he does not know how many lives he has killed, so he hopes that this time, he can really succeed.

"If killing me can make you feel better, then I will fulfill you and kill me."

The Five Poisons Cult Master was so decisive, it really made Qin Yan unable to do anything.

Qin Yan had no choice but to push hard, pushing the Five Poison Sect Master aside, and then there were countless black qi bursting out of his body, which made him feel relieved.

Chapter three hundred and ninth

Chapter [-]::::A hundred poisons do not invade Qin Yan instantly felt weak, as if he had no strength, and then his whole body slumped, fell to the ground, looked up at the starry sky above his head, really felt There is a kind of: a feeling of being relaxed and happy.

"Boy, are you alright, how are you feeling now?"

The leader of the Five Poisons didn't bother with him about pushing him, and at this moment, he also took the initiative to come over and ask Qin Yan's feelings.

"I feel more comfortable."

Qin Yan told the truth and couldn't help breathing the fresh air in the mountains.

The leader of the Five Poisons also admired him and looked at him with admiration, because in the past, no one could endure the torture of poisons, but I didn't expect this Qin Yan to actually survive.

"Don't move, let me take your pulse and see how it is"

Seeing that Qin Yan was about to get up, the Five Poison Sect Master held him down, let him continue to lie down, and then held his wrist to give Qin Yan a pulse.

By observing Qin Yan's pulse, the Five Poison Sect Master really felt that it was very inconceivable. The poison that had been inflicted by the Dark Rat Demon in Qin Yan's body had been completely dissolved. It seemed like a miracle.

"It's unbelievable, your rat poison has been completely resolved."

The leader of the Five Poisons was extremely happy, so he immediately told Qin Yan the exciting good news.

Qin Yan was also very happy after hearing this. He had to say that he couldn't see that the old man was quite capable. Although he had a bad reputation, he was rescued this time.

Now that Qin Yan has recovered, he should also get up and leave, or he should express his gratitude to the leader of the Five Poisons and let him know that he owes him a favor.

"Thank you, old man. If you need me somewhere in the future, just tell me, and I will die."

Wu Yi smiled at Qin Yan's thanks, because the reason why he chose to let Qin Yan test poison for himself was not to try to repay him, but also to realize his long-cherished wish for many years.

"Thank you very much. If you really want to say thank you, then I should also thank you, hahaha."

The leader of the Five Poisons couldn't help but burst into laughter, Qin Yan accompanied him to laugh, and the leader of the Five Poisons saw that it was getting late, so he planned to leave Qin Yan and let him have dinner with him to celebrate this beautiful day.

"You don't want to leave now. Come and have a drink with me. How can you wait until it's dawn before you leave."

Such a proposal by the Five Poison Cult Master really made Qin Yan feel embarrassed to reject his old man. Since the old man only had such a wish, then Qin Yan could only sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.

"no problem."

Qin Yan readily agreed.

The leader of the Five Poisons was even happier, letting Qin Yan be here, and then he immediately ran behind the statue to tinker with things.

After a while, the old man actually brought out a plate of peanuts, a plate of pork head meat, and a pot of wine, which was probably the best meal he could find.

"Let's have a couple of drinks. I usually don't want to eat these things. You are my noble person. I will do it first as a respect."

The leader of the Five Poisons poured wine for both him and Qin Yan, and he drank a cup first. Qin Yan saw that he had already drank it, and naturally he couldn't be neglected, so he drank it as well.

The five poison sect master continued to look at him, knowing that he had eaten peanuts and pork head meat, and he was still safe and sound, without any discomfort at all, and realized that he was invulnerable to all poisons.

"I forgot to tell you that wine and meat are highly poisonous, but after you drank that bottle of potion, all poisons are invulnerable..."

The leader of the Five Poisons was very excited and told Qin Yan the truth in person, but before he could finish speaking, he began to vomit blood.

Chapter [-] Successors

Chapter [-]:::: When someone saw such a picture, Qin Yan really felt very sad. When he heard that the leader of the Five Poisons said that he had poisoned himself, Qin Yan was immediately angry, but The words "Hundred Poisons Do Not Invade" made him very happy.

"Old man, what's the matter with you? Since you know it's highly poisonous, why do you drink it yourself? Why are you so stupid? Hold on for me."

Seeing that the leader of the Five Poisons had fallen to the ground and was dying, Qin Yan hurried over and helped him up, telling him not to think wildly, because he wanted to bring the leader of the Five Poisons back to life.

He knows the situation of the Five Poison Cult Master better than anyone else, so he really feels that since his death is approaching, he also accepts his fate, because he has developed a highly invincible poison.

"You don't have to waste your energy for me anymore. I don't want to die, but you are the last pride in my life. From now on, there will be no poison that can harm you. I'm very happy."

The leader of the Five Poisons rejected Qin Yan's treatment, because he had already drank that glass of wine with the mentality of death. In this life, in order to study the kind of poison that can make people invulnerable to all kinds of poisons, he really did a lot of evil. Such an outcome is also retribution.

"Stop talking, I must save you, I won't let you die."

Qin Yan insisted on saving him, but in the end he was unable to return to the sky, and the five poison sect master was dying, but before he died, he still had to entrust the things he was most worried about to Qin Yan.

"Young man, you must promise me one thing, otherwise, I will really die."

The leader of the Five Poisons grabbed Qin Yan's hand and was very serious, so he started talking to him like this.

Qin Yan naturally would not refuse, since this was entrusted by the Five Poison Cult Master, he had to agree to him, so he quickly nodded and let the Five Poison Cult Master go all the way.

"Many people don't know that in the rumors, the leader and the beggar, the magician, are two completely different people. In fact, I tell you, they are one person, the magician is me, and the king of poison is also me..."

The Five Poison Sect Master was struggling to speak now, and it seemed that he really didn't have much strength. Qin Yan was also very sad when he heard the secrets he said.

"I heard it all."

Qin Yan really didn't know what to say, so he had no choice but to answer like this, hoping that the Five Poison Sect Master could stop talking, save some strength and live a little longer.

"In my life, I have saved many people's lives, but at the same time, I have also killed many innocent people, so this is probably... God's punishment for me, I also recognize it. In these two books, it is recorded that I have learned all the secret skills in my life, and now I will teach it to you, I hope you can punish evil and promote good, use poison to deal with bad people, and use art and medicine to heal good people, this is my last wish, please promise."

Now that the Five Poison Sect Master is speaking, he is obviously already weak. It can be seen that he really doesn't have much time. Since the old man trusts him so much and has high hopes for him, then what reason does Qin Yan have to let him down?

"Okay, I promise you."

Qin Yan hurriedly replied like this, and it was considered to have fulfilled the last wish of the Five Poison Cult Master.

Seeing that Qin Yan had already taken over his own relics, that is, the medical book and a poisoning cheat, the Five Poison Cult Master could finally leave with confidence.

"Farewell, boy."

Satisfied, the leader of the Five Poisons released Qin Yan's hand, then closed his eyes and left this world forever.

Chapter [-] Fight for Cheats

Chapter [-]::: It is indeed an unfortunate event that the leader of the Five Poisons scrambles for the secret book to die like this, but perhaps this is his destiny.

Qin Yan was a little unacceptable, and his mood was also a little low, but he also understood the truth that people can't be resurrected from the dead.

"Master, rest in peace."

Qin Yan looked at the old man's corpse at this moment, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

For Qin Yan, although he and the Five Poison Sect Master only met by chance, they were also fateful to each other.

"He gave his life to save me, for me, now that he has died, no matter what, I will take care of his death."

Qin Yan decided to be a good person to the end, so he wanted to bury this... rumored old senior, so he was about to get up and go to the town at the foot of the mountain to buy a coffin for him.

However, before Qin Yan walked out of this small ruined temple, he did not expect that a man in black was already attacking him. In this dark night, the sneak attack was so terrifying.

"If you hand over the secret book, I will spare you not to die. If not, then you will die without a place to be buried."

The man in black dared to threaten Qin Yan, but Qin Yan didn't take it seriously, because now that he has eliminated the rat poison, he naturally wouldn't care about such a killer.

"Don't talk big, I'll give you a chance, come and kill me."

Qin Yan was really confident, so he didn't feel any worries at all.

Hearing Qin Yan despising him like this really made the man in black instantly furious, so he really felt that if he didn't give you a good look, maybe he really thought he was just looking for him to be happy.

"Damn, I think you really don't know that the man in black can't bear it, so you don't need to bear it any more, the knives can see Qin Yan's chest when you speak.

However, Qin Yan smiled without saying a word. No matter how hard he tried to kill him, he couldn't stab him in. It really made people feel that Qin Yan was protected by the indestructible power of the King Kong.

Qin Yan naturally won't let go of this person, but before he decides to kill and silence, he must let this person tell the mastermind behind it.

Since he didn't succeed in killing Qin Yan just now, the man in black also chose to leave immediately. It seemed that with his ability, he couldn't kill Qin Yan.

"I can't kill you today, but don't be too happy too soon, as long as you are in Ziwu Country, you don't want peace."

The man in black threw off those words and ran away immediately.

How could Qin Yan agree, since this guy dared to break ground on the head of Tai Sui, and he made a rude remark and threatened himself, it seems that there must be someone behind this incident.

"It's not that easy to go."

As soon as Qin Yan turned around, he was taken by surprise, came to the position in front of the man in black, and intercepted him.

The man in black really didn't expect that he was so unlucky today, and that he met such a formidable expert, I was afraid that he would really fall into his hands today.

It wasn't until the last moment, so the man in black naturally wouldn't be captured, so he even wanted to resist, but before he could make a move, he was subdued by Qin Yan.

"Tell me honestly, who instructed you to come?"

Qin Yan locked the arm of the man in black, deliberately hurt him a lot, and then threatened him to tell the truth, because he had to know.

The man in black would rather die than give in, but I didn't expect this guy to be really strong, which made Qin Yan really have no way to take him.

"Don't talk nonsense so much, you want to kill or slash, you can listen and respect, but I will never betray my master."

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