The man in black is really tough, but Qin Yan can't give up so easily, he has a way, he doesn't believe that the man in black doesn't tell the truth.

Chapter three hundred and twelve torture

Chapter [-]::::Torturing Qin Yan with a sneer in every possible way, wanting him to let the man in black go, this is absolutely impossible, unless he can name the mastermind.

"I see whether it's your tough mouth or my grandfather's tough tactics"

Qin Yan immediately took it out. Before the Five Poisons Cult Master was dying, he gave him another secret book about using poison. He decided to use the poison to torture the man in black.

"What are you trying to do? I warn you not to mess around, don't..."

The man in black saw Qin Yan started to read the highly poisonous secret book, and immediately knew what he was going to do to him next, so he was upset and he didn't want to bear it.

"Whether or not, it's up to you, who made you so stubborn? Since you don't want to say anything, then I can only do this, I'm sorry."

Qin Yan had already seen a kind of poison that was relatively easy to make, but would make people feel devastated and unbearable, so he immediately settled

"Brother, I'll give you one last chance, do you want to say it?"

Qin Yan had already tinkered with the poison at this moment, came to the man in black with the poison in his hand, and finally threatened, as long as he still refused to speak, he would pour it into him without hesitation.

"I, I...I don't know anything, don't ask me."

It's really obvious that the man in black is obviously scared now, but he is still hesitating, and it can be seen that he is indeed quite loyal to the mastermind.

However, in Qin Yan's case, his loyalty has nothing to do with him. Since he doesn't cooperate with him, he doesn't need to worry about anything anymore.

"You don't eat and drink for a toast, and you're shameless if you give it to you. You have to."

Qin Yan was impatient, he wanted to drag, but he refused to cooperate, so he directly opened the mouth of the man in black and poured the poison.

When all the poison was poured into the clothes man's mouth, he refused to swallow it, so Qin Yan helped him, but he was stunned to get all the poison into his stomach.

"You bastard, beast, you have to die, bastard..."

The man in black immediately.

The vomiting didn't stop, but that kind of... the poison melted in the mouth, and immediately entered the stomach, where can it be vomited out, the angry man in black yelled.

Qin Yan didn't care about him, because the man in black had indeed been attacked by poison, and at this moment, he really felt like a knife twisting in his body, making him grab it frantically.

"You kill me, I beg you to give me pleasure, kill me."

The man in black was really uncomfortable, so he couldn't wait to hope that Qin Yan would not torture him like this, even if he killed him, he would admit it, but Qin Yan would not agree.

"I said this... bro, what's the trouble with you? You just need to say the name of that person, and I'll give you the antidote, won't you be fine?"

Qin Yan was still unwilling to give up and continued to lobby, but no matter how painful the man in black was, he was still so stubborn that he would not speak out no matter what.

"Kill me, kill me, even if you don't kill me, you will never know what you want from me."

The man in black had a very firm attitude and refused to reveal any clues. Qin Yan really wanted to slap him to death, but he still had a glimmer of hope.

"Keep your mouth shut, I have a way for you to speak."

Qin Yan was going to continue to use poison, but he didn't believe it. Could it be that some people can really endure these...the highly poisonous torture.

The man in black really couldn't stand it, so he also worried, if he really couldn't bear the torture, and if he told his mastermind, wouldn't that be a betrayal for glory?

The three hundred and thirteenth chapter is a big master

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirteen::: The masters in the big inner circle haven't waited until Qin Yan has finished developing the poison. As a result, this man in black chose to bite his tongue and commit suicide in order to defend his bottom line. It has to be said that he is truly loyal.

"Fuck, why are you doing it?"

Qin Yan was also helpless. Originally, he thought that as long as the man in black revealed the mastermind, he would let him go, but he did not expect that he would choose such a dead end.

When Qin Yan was about to leave the ruined temple, when he turned around, he realized that the body of the five poison sect master had disappeared.

Qin Yan immediately.

I felt that something was wrong. The body of the Five Poison Cult Master was still here. What was the situation? Could it be that I was only threatening the man in black just now, so someone secretly stole the body.

"Who did this?"

Qin Yan really couldn't understand why someone would choose to steal a corpse.

While Qin Yan was thinking hard and couldn't think of a reason, suddenly with the sound of a bow being drawn, he saw a bow and arrow shot towards him.

Qin Yan's reaction was fairly quick, so as soon as she stretched out her hand, she immediately grabbed the bow and arrow in his palm, and then he found a note on the bow and arrow.

"If you want to retrieve the body of the Five Poison Sect Master, you should follow the agreement and return to the main hall of the palace of the Ziwu Kingdom. I will give you an hour. If you don't come, we will destroy the corpse and destroy it."

After reading the contents of the note, Qin Yan was really angry, he was really angry that someone threatened him with the corpse of the Five Poison Sect Master.

"These... the things of the dog days, this account, I will definitely settle it with them."

Qin Yan decided, it seems that this trip to King Ziwu is really inevitable, and he must face it in person.

Ziwu King's Palace.

King Rocco looked at his deceased queen, and his sadness came from it. These days, he didn't think about tea and rice, so he had to find a way to revive the queen.......

"Report to Your Majesty the King, we have already done things according to your instructions, and we are waiting for Qin Yan to come."

The great master beside the king, also a young man with a bow and arrow, is kneeling in front of Rocco at the moment, reporting the situation to him, and waiting for Rocco's response.

"This matter, you are very beautiful, you go down to receive the reward."

Luo Ke didn't even look at the young man, because he also knew that Qin Yan had already had a grudge against him before, and even if he came, he might not be willing to cooperate with him.

Seeing that Rocco was so depressed, his mood was not very good, so this young archer saw Rocco's heart, so he decided to advise the king.

"Your Majesty, I know what you are worried about right now. Actually, you don't need to worry. I have a method here. I don't know if I should talk about it or not."

When the archer said this, it really made Rocco feel that if he really had any good ideas, he might as well say it and listen, having ideas is better than nothing.

"The leader of the Five Poisons is also a beggar's genius doctor, so he can harm people, and of course he can save people. Although he died, but before he died, he passed all his life-long skills to Qin Yan, and we only need to get some of them. Medical book, then you can save the queen without his help."

After listening to the archer's idea, it really made King Rocco, who was in a bad mood, immediately.

Smiling brightly.

"As expected of my godson, he knows how to think about me."

Rocco was also full of joy, and directly recognized the archer as his godson. He also felt that this idea was a good idea, so next, he let the archer arrange it.

"I don't worry about you doing things. I will let all the guards in front of you cooperate with you."

Rocco trusted him, so he personally issued a token to him and ordered the guard.

Chapter three hundred and fourteenth happy friends

Chapter Three Hundred and Fourteen:::: Happy friend Qin Yan did not hesitate according to the agreement on the note, because since the time was set for an hour, it would be better for him to leave as early as possible.

When Qin Yan quickened his pace and returned to the city of Ziwu, he did not expect to be targeted by Ghidorah. Ghidorah saw that he was in a hurry and felt that there was a problem, so he quietly followed him.

"Wait... what is that"

Ghidorah paid close attention to Qin Yan, and suddenly found that a note fell from him, which made her feel very strange.

When Qin Yan walked a little further, Ghidorah did not hesitate, ran over immediately, and picked up the note.

After seeing what was written on the note, Ghidorah felt that the situation was really wrong, and she couldn't help worrying about Qin Yan's safety.

"This damned enemy, is it really going to throw himself into a net bar? Even if he is very powerful, he can transform into a panda, but there are people outside people and mountains outside the mountains, and the king will never let him go."

Ghidorah knew very well that if Qin Yan really went to the palace according to the agreement, it would be a disaster.

Although Ghidorah and Qin Yan don't deal with each other on weekdays, you don't like me, I think you're not good, but Ghidorah never thought about taking his life.

"No, I don't agree, I have to stop him from entering the palace."

Ghidorah no longer hesitated, and immediately increased the speed, used Qing Gong, and then chased Qin Yan non-stop.

Qin Yan had already arrived at the gate of the palace and was about to go there, but at this time, he realized that the note was missing.

Just as Qin Yan touched the left, flipped the right, and came out as a proof of entering the palace, suddenly a hand pulled him away.

When he stopped, Qin Yan realized that the woman holding his arm was actually Ghidorah.

Seeing Ghidorah, Qin Yan really thought, this is too incredible, why did she appear here, and why did she drag herself here.

"I said this auntie, men and women can't get along, why are you taking advantage of me again? Are you addicted?"

At this moment, Du Qin Yan became serious again, with a hilarious smile, he let Ghidorah listen to it on the spot, and his face blushed instantly.

"When the fuck is this, you are still in the mood to make fun of me, have you lost something?"

As Ghidorah spoke, she also took out the note she had picked up and swayed in front of Qin Yan.

When Qin Yan saw the note, he realized that she had picked it up, no wonder he couldn't find it.

"Give it back to me quickly."

Qin Yan immediately stretched out his hand, ready to take the note back.

Ghidorah suddenly took it back, she naturally wouldn't give it to Qin Yan, because if it was given to him, he would definitely go to the palace.

"Why the fuck do you want me to not give it to you, and you still want to rob it?"

Ghidorah directly swallowed the note, he just wanted Qin Yan to get rid of this idea as soon as possible.

"Are you sick?"

Qin Yan was unhappy on the spot, because Ghidorah did this, which gave him any credentials to enter the palace.

"I think you are really, a dog bites Lu Dongbin, you don't know good people, I'm doing it for your own good, it's okay if you don't appreciate it, and you're still scolding me, you're sick."

Ghidorah was not to be outdone, Qin Yan scolded her, and he immediately turned back.

Qin Yan really wanted to slap her, but after all, the other party was a woman, and she was also a woman older than him, so he had no choice but to do it.

Chapter three hundred and fifteen

Chapter [-]::::Hidden knife in laughter,,,Qin Yan really thinks that Ghidorah is unreasonable, she really likes meddling too much, but since the stipulated hour is approaching, she does There's no mess with her.

"I'm too lazy to care about you, don't follow me anymore, I'll thank you."

After Qin Yan said these words, he immediately turned around and left, he didn't believe it anymore, even without the note, wouldn't he still be able to enter the palace of Ziwu Kingdom? If you really die, you deserve it, it's your fault, who cares about you."

Ghidorah looked at Qin Yan's retreating back, and was also furious, no matter what...

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