Whether Qin Yan could hear her, she would also vent.

When Qin Yan came to the gate of the palace again, since there was no certificate and no token, the guards guarding the gate of the palace refused to let him in anyway.

"I'm really in a hurry. Your king asked me to come here. Let me in. I'm begging you."

in spite of....

How can Qin Yan beg, but these guards are... unacceptable, they really want to get angry with Qin Yan.

If Qin Yan really wanted to push hard, he could do it, but he obviously didn't want to make things so big now, so he kept restraining himself.

"Who I thought was our genius doctor Qin Yan. What are you doing here and need my help? It's just a matter of words."

At this time, I didn't expect King Rocco's youngest son, Mu Yuan, to suddenly appear here. He didn't deal with Qin Yan, but now he is talking like a yin and yang, which makes Qin Yan not take it seriously.

"You're so kind and you'll help me unless the sun hits the west."

Qin Yan didn't like Mu Yuan, so he was also very indifferent.

Mu Yuan's face is really all the time, not full, so it's really hard for people to believe him, Qin Yan doesn't believe him, it's actually wise.

"It was all my fault before, so I want to take advantage of today's opportunity to apologize to you. Why don't we make peace with each other and be friends?"

Hearing Mu Yuan's words, Qin Yan really couldn't understand what medicine this guy was selling in the gourd.

Qin Yanyue felt the time, if one hour, if he still did not go to the palace hall on time, I was afraid that the body of the five poison sect master could not be found.

"Then I'll trust you once, but you have to do me a favor and let these dogs let me into the palace. I'm really in a hurry now."

Qin Yan has no choice now, hey... he can enter the palace, so he can only use the identity of Mu Yuan to let him order those guards, and they will not stop him.

For Mu Yuan, this is just a matter of his own words. After all, he is also the prince of this country, and there are only a few guards in the country. Do you dare not listen to his words: "You let him in, don't block it, or you will follow me." make life difficult for."

Since Mu Yuan said this, the guards had no choice but to retreat to the side.


Qin Yan clasped his fists and thanked Mu Yuan.

Seeing that Qin Yan was already running towards the palace, the corner of Mu Yuan's mouth showed a sinister smirk.

"I let you go and return, you are too happy too early, hahaha."

Mu Yuan started talking to himself, it was obvious that he didn't really help Qin Yan, but had other ideas, so this time I'm afraid that Qin Yan is really bad.

Before Qin Yan reached the main hall, when he was about to cross the alley, suddenly many killers appeared in the darkness.

"Master said, don't leave alive."

A killer's voice came from the darkness.

Chapter [-] Assassination

Chapter [-]::::Assassination operation Where can Qin Yan get Zhang Fan, in fact, all of this is deliberately arranged by Mu Yuan who hides a knife in a smile, but at this moment he must find a way to deal with these people.

"Who sent you here"

Qin Yan began to be naive again, this question was actually asked in vain.

"Go and ask the Lord of Hell, when you get to the underworld, you'll understand."

The killer was also very arrogant. It seemed that he didn't think they might miss out, thinking that they would win, so he responded to Qin Yan with such a tone.

Mu Yuan was also nearby at the moment, but he was far away, standing on the top of the tower, unknowingly and unknowingly manipulating everything.

"Qin Yan, Qin Yan, do you know how much I look down on you and offend me, you have no choice but to die."

Mu Yuan is still there: complacent, Da Hai really thought that after today, Qin Yan might disappear forever.

Qin Yan felt that these men in black should be in the same group as the man in black who went to the temple, and if nothing else, the mastermind behind them is the same person.

Qin Yan had to figure out today who exactly wanted to kill him, although he knew that he offended many people on weekdays, but he couldn't figure it out.

In order not to hurt himself, Qin Yan couldn't bear it anymore, so he released a powerful aura again, and once again transformed into a giant panda warrior, and began to attack the killers of the men in black.

Seeing such a picture, the smile on Mu Yuan's face was also gradually disappearing, because he had also seen with his own eyes how powerful this panda was, so he was about to fail.

"In my dictionary, there has never been a word missing. Continue to dispatch troops for me. Today, at all costs, I will kill Qin Yan."

Mu Yuan is really persistent, in order to get rid of a serious confidant, it can be said that there is no room for it, even to anger the king, he can do such a thing.

As soon as the panda made a move, it was indeed powerful and brave, but in a short time, all the men in black who attacked him were knocked down.

Qin Yan thought it was very funny, so he sat down on the huge body of the panda, and instantly made the man in black who fell to the ground screaming.

"I was wrong, please forgive me."

The man in black felt extremely uncomfortable in an instant, he was about to feel suffocated, so he didn't want to die, so he quickly pleaded with the panda.

"Then you name the mastermind, and I'll let you go, or I'll crush you to death."

Facing Qin Yan's coercion and temptation, the man in black indeed hesitated.

For fear that the man in black would betray him, Mu Yuan also acted decisively, and immediately dispatched a killer hiding in the dark, secretly fired a hidden weapon, and executed the man in black.

The clues were interrupted again, and Qin Yan was also quite depressed. At this time, a large number of soldiers and horses dispatched by Mu Yuan also quickly surrounded Qin Yan into meat dumplings.

"The daring madman actually broke into the palace without authorization and killed him for me."

The general who was in charge of leading the troops, but only listened to Mu Yuan's words, and led his subordinates to come to support.

Faced with as many enemies as ants, Qin Yan, the giant panda, indeed felt a bit of a headache, but he still had to resist stubbornly.

Since it was the appointed time, but Qin Yan was still not seen, Luo Ke became impatient and asked the archer to go out to see what was going on.

After the archer came out, he immediately heard the movement of many people fighting in the east alley, and realized something, so he rushed over there quickly.

Chapter [-] Zhiyin Manke

Chapter [-]::::The bosom friend archer soon came to the place where the fight was taking place. He also found the giant panda at first sight, and also saw so many people besieging it. .

"Stop it all for me, he is a guest invited by His Majesty the King, I just want to ask, who made you do this?"

The archer's speech was also very domineering, so he shouted loudly, and indeed that... the general who led the army was shocked, and the other soldiers also stopped.

"Don't listen to him, he's just... a false imperial edict. From what I see, the two of them are a group. Let me solve them all together."

Mu Yuan was really angry, he felt that this archer actually came out to interfere with his plan, naturally he couldn't bear it, so he personally came forward to command those soldiers.

This general only recognizes Mu Yuan, and naturally does not recognize the archer, so next he feels that he has Mu Yuan as his backer, and naturally he does not need to obey the arrangement of the archer.

"Kill them all to me."

With the general's order, the soldiers who had already stopped... once again swarmed up to besiege Qin Yan and the others, and the archers had obviously become their target.

The archer was also very angry, because he accepted the special mission given to him by the king, and only appeared here. He didn't expect this Mu Yuan to do such a thing.

"I see who of you dares to come forward. I have the king's hand card here, and all the soldiers must obey my orders."

The archer took out the king's token and showed it. After the general saw it, he was ready to turn against each other again, and once again ordered all the soldiers he brought to retreat.

"Second prince, I'm really sorry for that hand, so we can't listen to your arrangement."

General immediately.

Leading people to retreat, at this moment, at the scene, there is only Mu Yuan, his confidants...the men in black, which also makes him hate the archers to the bone.

"You scoundrel, I think my father must have been kidnapped by the two of you, so I won't let you go unpunished and kill them."

Still unrepentant, Mu Yuan continued to order his killers in black to attack Qin Yan and the others. In an instant, the two sides became one, and the scene was really intense.

The archer's archery skills are also first-rate, so he doesn't need Qin Yan, the giant panda, to shoot at all, he just needs to shoot arrows easily, and as a result, he kills all the men in black.

I didn't expect the archer to be so powerful, no wonder the king trusted him so much, and now that all his confidants have been wiped out, it really made Mu Yuan feel desperate in an instant.

"Now it's your turn."

The archer has already aimed at Mu Yuan, but in the blink of an eye, he can be left in a different place.

Mu Yuan was scared to death now, but he was so ruthless towards them, and he knew that even if he knelt down and begged for mercy, the archer might not be willing to let him go.

Seeing that Mu Yuan was about to suffer, he didn't expect King Rocco to suddenly appear at the scene,,, I have to say, this old king came at the right time, seeing that his son was about to die, he hurriedly stopped.

"Huo'er, don't kill him. In any case, he is my own son. Regarding this evil obstacle, lock him up first, and I will deal with him later."

Rocco is really partial, and of course this is human nature, so the archer... the archer named Huo'er can't do it anymore, so he has to do what the king said.

Although Qin Yan couldn't be satisfied with the result of such a disposal, he should keep this account in his mind, and one day he would definitely kill him.

"Don't be too happy, our account will be calculated with you slowly."

Qin Yan threatened Mu Yuan, and then quickly followed the archer Huo'er away.

Chapter three hundred and eighteenth ingenious

Chapter [-]::::Savvy When he came to the Queen's palace, King Rocco no longer concealed his thoughts at all, and Qin Yan had also changed back to his original appearance from that giant panda.

"Qin Yan, you are a smart person, I think you should be very clear, what is the purpose of calling you this time?"

The king did not beat around the bush, because Qin Yan knew what he was thinking.

"I said this... Your Majesty the King, I have told you many times, your queen is already dead, unless there is an elixir of Taishang Laojun, there is no way."

Qin Yan still said those words, insisting that the queen was really helpless, which made Luo Ke extremely annoyed.

"Shut up for me, even if there is really no way, you have to find a way for me, and I will recognize you."

Luo Ke is really difficult for a strong man. When he talks like this, Qin Yan really doesn't know what to say.

"You don't have to refuse like this, everything is possible. Why don't you take out the medical book that the beggar's genius doctor, that is, the five poison sect master gave you when he died, maybe there is a way to do it."

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Huo'er was afraid that if Qin Yan really confronted the king, he would be quite innocent, so he took the initiative to make suggestions to Qin Yan.

Qin Yan had no choice, so he had to follow Huo'er's instructions and took out the medical book. Although he had browsed the medical book before, he really didn't find any way to bring him back to life.

"Then see for yourself, there's no such thing at all... Is there a way?"

Qin Yan really had nothing to say, so he handed it to Luo Ke and let him see it for himself, so that he would not wrong him.

Rocco took over the medical book, and even if he turned it over and over again, he couldn't see any hope from him, and it was obvious that there was no record in the book to bring the dead back to life, which made him even more annoyed.

"I don't care, you have to find a way for me, otherwise, I will destroy the old man's body, and this medical book, and I will also destroy it for you."

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