The king was really making trouble without reason, it was unreasonable, he threatened Qin Yan like this, and Qin Yan really wanted to rush over and beat him, but because of that... Huo'er was by his side, he had no choice but to endure it.

"Your Majesty, don't be so angry, calm down first, I believe Brother Qin Yan will not let you down."

Huo'er tried his best to be a peacemaker and mediate, but although he was kind, wouldn't it be obvious that he would cause trouble for Qin Yan?

"I'll give you three days. If you can't find a way to save the queen, then you can do it."

After Luo Ke finished speaking, he left, leaving Qin Yan and that... Huo'er still in the hall.

"This old man, what does he mean? It's obviously forcing me."

Qin Yan was really angry, and in front of Huo'er, he spoke ill of the king without thinking.

Huo'er can fully understand Qin Yan's mood, but since he has already undertaken this task for Qin Yan, then naturally he will not stand idly by.

"Don't think about it blindly. I will help you with this matter, but I need your help. What do you think?"

Hearing Huo'er talking like this also made Qin Yan confused, because he didn't know what this Huo'er meant. Could he really have a way: "Don't talk nonsense, there is no such... way. ."

Qin Yan felt unreliable, so he also showed an attitude of disbelief in Huo'er's statement.

Chapter [-] Fantasy Forest

Chapter [-]::::Fantastic Forest Seeing Qin Yan's disbelief, Huo'er explained to him that there is a virgin forest in the west of their Ziwu Kingdom. It is said that as long as someone walks in, And then never again.

"In this world, there has never been an absolute thing. My grandfather once told me that he saw a childhood friend of his enter the fantasy forest with his own eyes, and when he was sixty years old, his friend came out still Young man."

After listening to the story that Huo'er told him, he spoke in a eloquent and vivid way, but it was still a little difficult to convince Qin Yan that it was all true, rather than just making it up.

"What do you say is true or false, how do I feel that you are telling a story?"

Qin Yan's reaction is quite normal, because people who haven't experienced it themselves will be like this. In fact, this Huo'er is not very sure.

"As for whether it's true or false, let's check it out for ourselves, we just don't know if you have the guts..."

Huo'er deliberately used the aggressive method. He felt that he had already figured out Qin Yan's psychology, so he said this, but Qin Yan decided to go with him.

"You are not afraid, I am not afraid of anything, let's go."

Qin Yan was mentally prepared immediately, so let Huo'er lead the way, Huo'er no longer hesitated, and set off immediately, the two of them left the palace smoothly, mounted fast horses, and headed towards the west forest.

When he reached Xishan, Qin Yan was really shocked when he saw this virgin forest, because this was the first time he had seen such a magnificent virgin forest, which made him amazed.

"It turns out that there really is such a forest in the world, and it gives me a different feeling. Maybe what your grandfather said is true, and those things also existed. Let's go in.

Qin Yan also gradually believed, or in this world, as long as you talk to each other, everything is really possible, and at this moment, he is also holding this mentality, following Huo'er very much into the forest.

This magical forest is usually inaccessible, because it is shrouded in thick white smoke all year round, so people in Ziwu Kingdom feel that this forest is wrong, and no one will set foot in it.

"You have to think about it. Although there may be the results we want, there is no guarantee, and there may be unexpected dangers."

"I have nothing to fear."

...Qin Yan didn't care about Huo'er's reminder either, so the two of them looked at each other and smiled, then went forward.

As the two of them gradually went deep into the forest hinterland, they couldn't see the environment around them at all, because these...smokes really caused a lot of trouble.

"Follow me closely, otherwise, you will hold my hand tightly, so that we won't be separated."

It's not unreasonable for Huo'er to worry, so he said this because he hoped that the two of them could be together, and he didn't want them to find each other.

"Hey, why are you so numb and still hold your hand tightly, I'm sorry, I don't like your brother."

Qin Yan started to be unreasonable again, he felt that the two big men holding hands were indeed ambiguous, so he couldn't accept it, so he rejected Huo'er's proposal.

Huo'er was also embarrassed, but since he didn't agree, that's fine, it's as if he wanted to take advantage of him.

It is indeed a fantasy forest, in this environment, even if something really happens, it is still possible, so as the white smoke dissipates, then I see a black smoke emerging.

Chapter three hundred and twentieth disagreement

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty:::: Entering the fantasy forest without a word is a test of life and death for ordinary people.

"You have to be more careful, these... black smoke, don't look right."

Huo'er told Qin Yan what he thought, hoping that he could be more vigilant.

Does Qin Yan still need him to say that he is not a three-year-old child, so he knows these common sense issues better than this kid Huo'er.

"Take care of yourself."

Qin Yan snorted, and then walked forward on his own, feeling really unhappy.

Seeing that Qin Yan suddenly made up his own mind and walked forward without authorization, if the two of them were separated, the consequences could only be said to be unimaginable.

"Are you crazy? Can you not do this? We came together, so we have to act together, don't act alone."

Huo'er really felt that Qin Yan was too unreasonable to make trouble, so he chased after him while talking.

Qin Yan felt that Huo'er obviously looked down on him, so he didn't need to follow his arrangement, but he had to play with him.

Qin Yan deliberately accelerated the speed, and after a while, he let himself enter the black smoke around him.

"Damn, what about people?"

Huo'er really couldn't help him, because no matter how much he searched, he still couldn't find Qin Yan.

Now that the two of them are separated, even if they really encounter any danger, they can only deal with it by themselves.

Qin Yan successfully got rid of Huo'er, and when he saw that he was catching up, he finally felt relieved, so he wouldn't go back to look for him.

"I don't believe it anymore. Without you, I'd be in trouble myself."

Qin Yan was full of confidence in himself, but now that he was the only one left, he began to feel a little uneasy again.

The surroundings were still shrouded in black smoke, and it was impossible to see the way out or retreat. Being in such an environment would indeed make people feel particularly uneasy.



......The entire forest is now filled with a terrifying aura. The cries of various beasts such as wolves, tigers and leopards are also one after another, which really makes Qin Yan feel numb in his scalp. .

Qin Yan is more cautious now, because no one can guarantee that a hungry tiger will suddenly appear in such a place.

Qin Yan's side was already very flustered, but he was... so stubborn, even if he was scared to death, he just... refused to meet Huo'er.

"Even if there are really beasts, I can't possibly turn to you, young master."

Qin Yan comforted himself like this, so he could only continue to move forward. If he wanted him to go back and admit his mistake to Huo'er, there was no way for him.

Huo'er was also very anxious because he couldn't find Qin Yan, but in this place, it was not convenient for him to call Qin Yan's name loudly.

"Why is this guy so glass-hearted, I'm really kind, just remind him, is he like this?"

Huo'er couldn't find Qin Yan, so he could only talk to himself and complain, but he didn't stop his steps, he still had to continue on his way, and of course he went to find Qin Yan.

Huo'er was also a little flustered in his heart, he really hoped that he could meet Qin Yan earlier, because only when the two of them were together would they feel more at ease.

"Qin Yan, where are you? If it wasn't to help you, why should I come here? You really can't tell the difference..."

Huo'er felt uneasy in her heart, so she could only relieve the feeling of fear in her heart by talking to herself.

Chapter [-] Bewitching People

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty One::: Demagogic As Qin Yan and the others gradually penetrated into the forest, the danger is also close at hand. After all, the stories in the legends... Everything should be traceable.

"Qin Yan, Qin Yan..."

Qin Yan originally walked well, but in the surrounding environment, he couldn't see which direction he was heading, and someone called his name.

This made Qin Yan feel very strange. He originally thought that maybe Huo'er had come here, because this voice really resembled that... Huo'er.

Qin Yan thought so, and he was still angry with him, so even if he really heard it, he still wouldn't respond.

"You're dead, you want me to find you, it's just nonsense."

Qin Yan stubborn, what he believes will not be easily changed no matter what.

In order to get rid of Huo'er, Qin Yan also accelerated and continued to run, thinking that he could get rid of him.

"Qin Yan, Qin Yan..."

What makes Qin Yan feel strange is that no matter where he goes, that... the voice calling his name is still one after another, this voice seems to be by his side.

Qin Yan felt that something was wrong. If it was really Huo'er, if he had been running for so long, he should have gotten rid of him anyway. If that's the case, then it must be... another matter.

"It's me, why don't you tell me to be a ghost, I don't care if you are a human or a ghost, get out of here if you have the ability."

Qin Yan was also emboldening himself, so he aimed at the ring that he couldn't see clearly.

When he shouted domineeringly like this, he was also curious and wanted to find out what was going on.

"Qin Yan, save me, save me..."

What made Qin Yan even more puzzled was that this time it suddenly became a girl's voice, and this voice made me feel pity when I heard it.

"Whose voice is this? It seems to be Linger's voice. Could it be Linger, no, it's impossible, there must be something dirty, it's clearly disturbing my mind."

Qin Yan noticed the crux of the problem, so he reminded himself that no matter what, he could not be led by that... strange voice, and he had to keep himself very awake.

After shouting for so long, I originally thought that Qin Yan would obediently take the bait, but I didn't expect that Qin Yan would be so steadfast, but he didn't go according to this enchanting plan.

"You can really restrain yourself, but don't dream. As long as you come to this fantasy forest, no one will come out alive, no matter who it is, of course you are no exception."

Qin Yan can finally hear clearly now, it seems that... the one who secretly imitated other people's voices, trying to confuse his own dirty things, really couldn't hold his breath, so he started to declare war on himself.

"If you're a man, don't play tricks behind your back. If you have the ability, you might as well come out and fight me face-to-face."

Although Qin Yan also believed that there are ghosts and gods in this world, as long as he has a clear conscience, why should he be afraid of ghosts and gods? Reincarnated, so he had a perverted idea and began to take revenge on innocent people.

"Don't be ashamed, you are just an ordinary person, and I am different, I am a lonely ghost, what can you do to me?"

This ghost is also fascinated with self-confidence, so it is like a shadow, moving back and forth by Qin Yan's side, which is also unpredictable.

Chapter [-] decisive battle ghost

Chapter [-] Best Guide

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