"After all, there are indeed many people passing by us, so there is no doubt about this. As long as you can get your things back, of course you can leave right now."

Qin Yan nodded lightly, smiled slightly at Huo'er, and said, "Huo'er, the three-headed Cerberus senior in front of you is not bad, so we really shouldn't take his things."

"We always only take bad guys when we take things, but I don't see the bad guy's breath at all from him."

"So next time we have things, we must be optimistic about the characters, and we can't take them easily, otherwise, it will not be a good thing for... us."

Huo'er nodded hurriedly, her eyes were full of solemnity, as if she didn't care about the things in front of her at all.

But he also knew that there was absolutely nothing to do about it.

So at this moment, he can only smile slightly.

Other than that, there was absolutely no other way, and he quickly took out the things that he had on his body before.

He gave the black flower to the three-headed dog with a smile on his face, and there was a hint of doubt in the corner of his mouth and asked, "Brother, your strength is so powerful that no one should be able to pass by you. !"

"But...why is your strength so powerful, and how can it cause the current impact, so many people see you with a look of fear."

"Since this is the case, then I am very curious, is it right for us to do this?"

"According to your strength, I shouldn't have anyone who is your opponent, so why don't you leave all those people behind?"

In the expression of the three-headed dog of hell, a wry smile suddenly appeared, and he said: "This is because there is a very terrifying existence, and I am not his opponent at all."

"So after this group of people came, I didn't bother to deal with them. Maybe someone could slaughter my opponent. It's too late for me to be happy. How could I stop them because of this."

Qin Yan, who was standing on the side, heard this sentence, his eyes suddenly lit up, knowing that this time, there might be some unexpected gains.

The whole person's expression suddenly looked at the three-headed hellhound in front of him, and he said very uncertainly: "Senior, if you are small: if you guessed correctly, the enemy you said at the time should be living in the Cangqiong Cave."

The three-headed dog of hell heard Qin Yan's words, and instantly the whole person's expression changed: unusually severe, staring closely at Qin Yan in front of him.

There was a strong sense of threat in his eyes, and his tone was no longer as friendly as before, and even if the guy in front of him said something bad, he would fight.

Take this kid's life directly, let him know what cruelty is, and let him know more about reality.

Otherwise, seeing this kid's arrogant attitude makes him feel very uncomfortable in his heart, and even wants to teach him a lesson.

But he also knew that there was absolutely nothing he could do about it, so the whole person's expression suddenly became: abnormally ugly.


Chapter three hundred and ninety-five the enemy of revenge

Chapter three hundred and ninety-six worried mind

Chapter three hundred and ninety seventh pit treasure

Chapter [-] grasp

Chapter [-] Naughty

Chapter [-] Three Scrolls

Chapter four hundred and first act rashly

Chapter [-] The Unbearable Heart

Chapter [-] Approval

Chapter [-] Disdain

Chapter [-] Repayment

Chapter [-]::::In return Qin Yan smiled slightly, looked at the three-headed hellhound beside him, and said slightly: "No matter how you say it, there should be half of my credit here, what are you doing? How should I repay me?"

"In the past, I didn't know the power of this flower, and I didn't know its usefulness, so I suffered a loss, but now I know it clearly."

Hearing this sentence, the three-headed dog of hell also gave him a slight white look in an instant, feeling that this guy is just... nothing to do.

But at this moment, they also knew that now they all owe Qin Yan a huge favor, and if Qin Yan hadn't called them out suddenly, they would definitely not have received such a huge benefit.

Qin Yan smiled bitterly and said, "I don't want anything else, I just hope that you can hurry up when you need help in the future."

"After all, if this time, this mouse is very hostile to us, and even doesn't like us all the time, it is very likely that it will kill us directly."

"So next time, if you can't come earlier, then you can only collect the body for me."

The three-headed dog of hell also spoke helplessly, and said slightly: "Hey, Qin Yan, in the final analysis, it is because your strength is too poor."

"After all, your strength is a little stronger, so you won't be so weak, and you will be beaten by others at every turn."

After he finished speaking, he felt very helpless, Qin Yan felt a deep blow in his heart when he heard such words.

Immediately he sighed helplessly and said, "Forget it, I won't tell you so much about this now, I just want to ask how long it will take to leave here."

The three-headed hell dog frowned slightly, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, and said helplessly: "It only takes about half a day to get out of here."

"But once you leave here, you won't be able to call me at all, and even if you call me, I won't be able to go out and help you."

After speaking, the three-headed dog of hell looked very sad and said, "Hey, in fact, Big Brother Skull and I are the same, we are both trapped in one world."

"So I was thinking about going out, and there was absolutely no way to go out, so until now, I also feel very helpless."

Qin Yan heard the words of the three-headed dog in hell, and suddenly there was a deep sadness in his eyes.

He never thought that what was hidden in this Cangqiong Cave would be so powerful. He came here just to find medicinal herbs.

Now this is not as simple as looking for medicinal herbs. If you don't get it right, you may be trapped here forever.

Huo'er walked over gently, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, and said slightly: "Qin Yan, this matter, it's really me that dragged you down."

"After all, you were able to live a happy life before, but I dragged you here forcibly."

Qin Yan smiled lightly and said, "It doesn't matter, after all, life outside is too dull. Living a passionate life here is more interesting."

"And I like all this kind of life, so you really helped me a lot, and I should thank you."

Huo'er wanted to say something in an instant, but she didn't know what she should say.

The three-headed dog of hell smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, okay, you two guys don't want to be so provocative here."


Chapter four hundred and seventh shot

Chapter [-]:::: Shot "This black flower is very helpful to us, but you have to be careful, don't let the mouse take revenge on you."

Qin Yan waved his hand indifferently, smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Hey, it's okay, after all, that guy's character is not bad, how could he suddenly attack us."

At this moment, the three-headed dog of hell also sighed helplessly, feeling that Qin Yan in front of him, to be honest, is...precautionary is too low.

In this case, if it is really attacked by a mouse, it is really likely to die here.

Thinking of this, he took out a jade shield directly from his arms, and a wry smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

He opened his mouth and said, "I also got this thing at an unexpected moment. I always feel that this thing is very strong. Even if it is my attack, it can withstand at least three times."

"But this thing is a one-time thing, so if the tiger really wants to attack you, you can withstand it for a while."

"And on this thing, my spiritual thoughts have already been placed, so under normal circumstances, they must have nothing to do with you."

"Even if they really want to attack you, they will attack this jade shield at that time. If that time comes, then you can rest assured."

"After all, I can feel that your attack will quickly go to help you, you just need to carry it for a while."

When Qin Yan heard such words, he instantly frowned. Hearing such words before, he felt quite excited in his heart.

At least I feel that this time, maybe I have done something, and it is precisely because of this that I am very excited in my heart.

But now, he feels that things are a little less simple. If he is really attacked, he feels that he will never see this guy coming.

So even if he received the gift, he still felt very helpless in his heart, but he also knew that one more defense was better than nothing.

So this nodded lightly and walked directly towards the distance, without any hesitation at this moment.

However, he didn't know how long he had gone, and Qin Yan directly and disdainfully picked up the jade plate given to him by the three-headed dog of hell.

He threw it to Huo'er beside him, smiled lightly, and said, "Huo'er, this thing is best left to you."

"After all, I believe that I don't need to say this. You should also know the best. Generally, my resistance is relatively strong, so ordinary things can't attack me."

"But you are... a long-range attack, so your health bar is relatively fragile and easily injured, so this thing should be left to you."

After he finished speaking, there was a slight smile in the corner of his mouth, and he smiled kindly at Huo'er in front of him to express his heart.

At this moment, Huo'er still has a trace of gratitude in his heart, after all, he also has some understanding of the situation in front of him.

All of this was done on purpose by Qin Yan, and he himself definitely needed this thing.

After all, although everyone has their own treasures, who would despise their own treasures for not having enough? It is precisely because of this that he has already looked down on it, because he knows that this guy is such a character, if he If you refuse again, you will appear to be a bit of a mother-in-law.

In Huo'er's heart, he secretly thought: "Wait until next time, I must protect Qin Yan.

Chapter [-] Dangerous

Chapter [-]::: After the danger was finished, he walked slowly forward and took it for a long time, without seeing any danger at all.

Huo'er smiled instantly and said, "Brother Qin Yan, it seems that this time, it is impossible for us to encounter danger here."

"After all, if you look at the surrounding environment, we are almost at the end of the line. Under normal circumstances, the chance of us encountering danger is very small."

Qin Yan also nodded lightly, and his expression suddenly became more relaxed.

He originally thought that every level here should be full of dangers, but he found that in this level, everyone was very friendly.

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