This attitude made him feel very comfortable, so there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

However, in a place that the two of them didn't know, the three heads of the three-headed dog were discussing something with each other.

The leftmost head opened his mouth slightly and said, "If I'm not mistaken, he should definitely encounter some danger before going out. Anyway... there's not much distance to go, or let's just follow"

The little head on the right side shook his head slightly, smiled bitterly and said, "It's better not to, after all, if we really follow, then it will not be good for him, but will harm him."

"Do you feel that if you follow, that guy will come out? If he has a huge aura, I believe no ghosts will dare to come out."

After a while of discussion, the three-headed hellhound lowered his head and rested on the spot.

However, Qin Yan knew about the matter here, and it was even more impossible to know.

So it is precisely because of this that the whole person is holding himself tightly, as if he has been thinking about something.

Qin Yan opened his mouth slightly and said, "Let's talk about today's affairs here for a while, Huo'er, the more you get to the last moment, the more you can't relax your vigilance."

"After all, danger may come to you at any time. If you don't get it right, danger may come at any time."

Huo'er nodded slightly, and the whole person's expression also became: unusually serious, as if he was very optimistic about these things in front of him.

Qin Yan smiled and said, "It's good that you know it yourself, but I feel that the more you go behind, the more dangerous it is, so you must be careful."

After speaking, the whole person gently walked forward without any hesitation.

The two of them didn't know how long they had been doing, but just ahead was... another exit:.

Qin Yan and Huo'er hurriedly walked forward, but before they left, an animal suddenly appeared.

Seeing this animal in front of them made these two guys give up any idea of ​​moving forward.

Huo'er smiled awkwardly and said, "Brother Mouse, why did you come back in such a busy schedule that you were not in the cave before?"

The mouse gave him a slight white look, and his eyes seemed relatively friendly, he smiled bitterly, and said, "Hey, it's not that I don't want to go back to that cave, it's really that there's nothing worthy of my memory from that thing. "

So there is absolutely no way to do this. If I had known that such a situation would happen, I would definitely not do it.

When Qin Yan heard such words, he felt that he was indeed right. After all, he had hurt this guy so miserably, how could he let them go so easily.

Moreover, he always felt that the origin of the mice this time must be somewhat unknown. After all, they have already harmed this guy so badly, how could he let them go so easily.


Chapter four hundred and ninth serious

Chapter [-] Means

Chapter [-] Humanity

Chapter [-]::::After the three-headed dog of human love finished speaking, there was no hesitation at all, and he quickly walked in the direction of the mouse. After all, he had a position on it.

Therefore, following the breath, one can find the location of the incident, and can easily find where the mouse is, so at this moment, his heart has been relatively calm until now.

At the same time, the speed is also extremely fast. After all, as long as the mouse in front of you is solved, then the next step is to repay the favor.

......The mouse at this moment, seeing the fire in front of him, was still uninjured at all, which instantly filled his eyes with a deep sense of wonder.

He opened his mouth and asked, "What the hell are you, Huo'er? Didn't they hit you just now? Why are you still fine?"

Hearing this, Huo'er was also slightly stunned, and then thought of the jade shield Qin Yan gave him, and his face suddenly became happy.

Knowing which thing must be, saved yourself, otherwise, the current thing will definitely not happen.

Up to now, the mouse still seems to still not be able to believe the reality of this matter, so the expression of the whole person is still full of deep inconceivable.

Finally, Wei Wei said: "Bah, I don't believe it anymore, I still can't deal with you yellow-haired boy."

After speaking, the whole person's expression suddenly changed: extremely serious, and even the whole person looked completely different from before.

At this moment, Qin Yan looked at the face mouse slightly, knowing that the mouse was still ready to keep attacking.

After all, the mouse knows that now is a chance, how could it be possible, so at this moment, Qin Yan said quickly: "Rat, I advise you to take the easy shot."

"After all, we have already informed the three-headed dog of hell, if he guessed correctly, he should be able to arrive in the shortest time."

Hearing Qin Yan's words, the mouse instantly revealed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said slightly: "I was tricked by you last time, do you think you can trick me this time?"

"To tell you the truth, in fact, before I came, I had already set up a barrier around this place, so as long as I don't want to, then there is absolutely no way to send your news."

"That's why you don't need to say that you are going to ask for help. If there is any news of asking for help, it has already been intercepted by me, let alone being able to send it out."

When Qin Yan heard such words, there was a hint of inconceivable expression in his eyes. He never thought that the mouse in front of him would be so witty.

At the same time, there is still some happiness in the heart, fortunately, the three-headed dog of hell still left some means.

If it wasn't for the fact that the three-headed hellhound in front of him had left some means, then they would really feel good about it.

Therefore, there was a slight smile on the corner of the whole person's mouth, and he said: "No matter what you do, you can't be too confident. If you are too confident, then you will become conceited."

The mouse snorted with disdain, and didn't take the matter in front of him into his heart at all. He felt that this guy was plain, and he was just... teasing him.

At this moment, Huo'er, who was standing aside, nodded hurriedly, smiled, and said, "Rat, in fact, it won't take long for the three-headed hell dog to come again."

"So if it's really according to what I said, you'd better get out of here quickly, in this case, it's all as if nothing happened."

Chapter [-] Playing

Chapter four hundred and thirteenth death

The four hundred and fourteenth chapter strength gap

Chapter [-]:::: The difference in strength hurriedly said: "No, let me weaken his strength to a level that is much lower than the combined strength of the two of us. Only in this way can we make him completely Not that kind of . . . irrational."

When Qin Yan said these words, he had a very serious expression, and people could see that he was definitely serious.

Huo'er didn't dare to speak to me at all, because he knew that once the guy in front of him stood up, he would have no intention of resisting at all.

At this moment, the three-headed dog of hell also nodded lightly, smiled, and said, "I have to say, boy, I just like your hot behavior very much."

"At least it seems to me that I still appreciate it very much, and I have a 10-point admiration for you. Now I think you are more and more pleasing to the eye."

Hearing such a compliment, Qin Yan instantly burst into a wry smile. After all, where is there such a compliment? The mouse lying on the ground immediately began to resist violently, and even wanted to say something, but no matter how much he struggled, he simply couldn't. Can't speak.

This made a trace of cold sweat appear in his mind instantly because of the struggle, but the more he struggled, the more useless it was.

The mouse sighed slightly, and at the last moment knew that his resistance was completely useless, so he could only drop his head and fall into a state of silence.

The three-headed dog of hell suddenly snorted and said coldly: "Under my hands, even thinking of resisting hum, it must be too much to look down on me."

"But now you and I are my hands, and your life and death are... in my hands."

After finishing speaking, the whole person did not hesitate at all, and the whole popularity changed greatly, and he touched the mouse's head with his right hand.

Then the fingertips used a slight force, and a trace of true energy was slowly drawn out of the mouse's body from the top of the mouse's head.

At this moment, the face of the mouse showed a trace of pain, which made people look cruel.

I don't know how long it took, and the mouse was thrown aside like a stone by him.

The mouse's forehead was instantly filled with thick cold sweat, and he wanted to speak, but he couldn't speak at all.

The whole person looked pitiful, making people feel very distressed, Huo'er also sighed softly when he saw this.

However, at this time, the mouse's eyes were also full of deep surprise, and he said uneasy: "This... what the hell is this, I have never seen this kind of exercise."

"However... I have indeed heard of it a long time ago. It seems that there is such a practice that absorbs the spiritual power of others and transforms it into one's own, but this kind of practice seems to have been banned for a long time."

"I didn't expect that you still have it on your body. If you let others know, they will definitely find a way to kill you in the future."

Qin Yan heard this, and suddenly his eyes did not light up, he smiled and looked at the three-headed dog in front of him with a pleasing expression.

He smiled slightly and said, "Brother Three-Headed Dog, you should have seen that it has developed into this situation now."

"So if it's really according to me, we might as well resolve this matter in front of us as soon as possible."

"For example, if you hand over this skill to me now, I can also help you remove some obstacles."

The three-headed dog gave Qin Yan a slight white look, and said, "You still want to learn this exercise, aren't you afraid of being attacked by these people?"

Chapter [-] Cultivation

Chapter [-]::::Cultivation "After all, if others know that you have practiced this technique, then they will completely treat you as a mortal enemy, and it is impossible to let you go easily."

Hearing these words, Qin Yan also smiled bitterly and said, "As long as you are strong, then you don't care about anything else. As long as you are strong, then no one is afraid."

The Cerberus Three-Headed Dog nodded with great relief, smiled, and said, "Boy, I have to say, I really like your character, but I just like your character."

"But this exercise, to be honest, is really not suitable for you. After all, this requires a huge appetite, so this thing is generally for us orcs to practice."

"According to normal circumstances, it's not suitable for your human cultivation at all, so if you ask me to say, you'd better give up."

When Qin Yan heard such words, he immediately frowned. After all, if he really said that, he should really think about it.

Although he does compare and hopes to learn some good methods earlier, he does not want to be able to put his own danger in it.

So after hesitating for a moment, the whole person smiled bitterly and said, "Since you have already said this, I will definitely not be able to continue to study."

"After all, I really don't want to become a monster-like existence. I don't like the appearance of being neither a ghost nor a ghost."

After speaking, there was a wry smile in the corner of his mouth, and he suddenly thought that this exercise seemed to be quite suitable for mice.

If this mouse learns this method, it can completely change its name. Thinking of this, the corners of the whole person's mouth instantly burst into laughter.

But at this time, he found that the mouse had already disappeared without a trace, which made his complexion change greatly in an instant.

Nian Nian looked at Huo'er beside him with uneasy eyes, and said, "Huo'er, have you seen that... mouse just now?"

Huo'er nodded lightly, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes, then took a deep breath and said, "I have seen it, but I think that guy is quite pitiful so far. of."

"So when the guy escaped just now, I did see it, but he didn't stop him at all. After all, his strength is not scary now, so we can definitely defeat him easily."

Qin Yan said slightly: "Hey, you have to say, you are really stupid, you will definitely suffer in this regard in the future."

"After all, although this guy seems to be relatively weak now, he can still quickly restore his strength."

"This area has always been his territory, so he must have hidden a lot of cultivation treasures. If he wants to restore his cultivation, it will be a breeze."

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