Chapter 765

"When I pulled the trigger, I didn’t feel it. The distance was too far, and it was done right away. We hurried to rescue the hostages and walked up to see that I vomited again. Yes, my daughter-in-law, I didn’t tell you the truth. I said I ate tofu. After the brain vomiting, I stopped vomiting. In fact, I vomited too."

  Xiaoqian seems to understand a little bit, why he would tell her this piece of unwillingness to tell others today.

   "I've been in a downturn for a while, and the Intervention Team in my heart also talked about it, but they didn't detect anything."

  "You belong to the kind of person who can be treated with anti-treatment. They didn't find it to be normal." Xiaoqian is also this kind of person, so any mental illnesses can't be cured, and it's not good to be too smart.

"Later, I took time off to see the little girl I saved, and it was fine when I came back. The thing I hated the most during those days was shooting, but every time I had an order, I had to do it. If I didn’t do it, there would be more ordinary Bad luck."

  "You are very good at self-regulation. In fact, many snipers who have participated in battles abroad will be traumatized by war, and the probability of violence and suicide is very high."

Some foreign veterans have a high probability of becoming a murderous maniac or suicide after being discharged from the army. Their mental condition is worrying. After all, they killed a lot of people on the battlefield, regardless of whether they were thinking about justice and axiom when they fired. Both are very big.

"This is also a topic that we have been paying attention to. In our case, it is relatively rare, because we have faith in our hearts. Similarly, my little beauty has insight into the human heart and grasps the weakness of human nature. When you do something, just If you have faith and a bottom line in your heart, you will not get lost."

  This is the real purpose of Yu Minglang chatting with Xiaoqian.

  He saw it.

  Xiaoqian knew that she had not concealed it from him, and that her mood changed a little, and he had already noticed it.

   "I just feel uncomfortable in my heart, and Lao Mai is well deserved, but after all, I changed the trajectory of his life."

Yu Minglang rubbed her hair, "In order to get what he wants, people like Mahathir use marriage and love as bait to deceive women. Now it’s not a good thing for him to fall into Song Qingwu’s hands, Song Qing Wu can help him get what he wants, but it makes no difference from being cheated by a woman to being cheated by a man."

   "I also know that it's just a little discomfort. I'll have a good chat with you."

  "You will be a little uncomfortable. This means that you are still a normal person. If there is no reaction at all, then it is really scary."

  Yu Minglang likes Xiaoqian like this. She is determined to kill but not hard-hearted. She can change a person's fate but won't take it easily. This scale is just right.

   "It's okay, let's go in for the string, I'll help you." After such enlightenment, Xiaoqian calmed down.

  Yu Minglang was more nervous when she heard that she went into the kitchen than seeing the bad guys. The combination of Lao Mai and Song Qingwu was not as scary as her kitchen destructive power!

So Xiaoqian was only assigned the simplest work of skewers. Yu Minglang was sure that this thing was not easy to make mistakes and could not cause too much damage, but for safety reasons, she still got her a small stool to sit far away. Yes, away from all kitchen appliances.

  "Why does chrysanthemum wheat have such characteristics?" Yu Minglang wondered, why would anyone like to be abused?

  How cheap is this?

"Why do you add chili noodles when you eat barbecue? Why do people like bungee jumping? It's all for excitement. At present, the public has demonized sms. Part of it comes from the vulgar content that you stinky men usually read. It is absolutely impossible for you to bring someone back on the street. It is to be arrested, but sm is not a forced behavior. It is based on the premise that both parties are willing."

   It seems that the abuser’s s has everything, but it is not. In sm, m is the one who has absolute control.

  The psychologist believes that the abused person m is the important factor that determines s’ behavior, and everything about s serves m’s happiness.

  Don’t imitate After imitating, it is the brain that has problems.

"You see nothing in Europe and the United States. What I want to say is that in fact, the mental health of most of these people is within the normal range. A philosopher once said that in the end, people and people are only tortured and suffer. Abuse, if you think about the ethics of Confucian monarchs, fathers, sons and couples, are they all based on spiritual rule? Some people like the feeling of conquering others, some people like the feeling of being conquered, and spiritual things everyone It's so natural to accept it. Why does it feel abnormal when it comes to the body? This world is really strange. When you analyze things from a psychological perspective, you can see many different levels."

Those women who like to be controlled by their husbands think that women who have not given birth to children are incomplete lives. They are willing to dedicate everything to the family. They eat leftovers and eat frugally. Outsiders feel abused, but they are happy Among them, it can not be said that this is an unhealthy mentality. Many women just enjoy this kind of dedication process. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. There is nothing right or wrong at all.

  "I think philosophy is something that can get people in." Yu Minglang understood a little bit, but he felt terrified to think carefully. This topic could not be continued, and something was going to happen.

"In the final analysis, it is the relationship between human nature and ethics. When nature is not released and satisfied, psychological problems will arise. From the perspective of Lao Mai’s attitude towards women, he himself should have had an unfortunate childhood. His mother is just one of his father’s many women, who are not taken seriously or even beaten. This resentment will be passed on to his children, causing him to look down on women and think that women are low-IQ creatures. At the same time, there is a feeling of longing to be abused deep in his heart. ."

"Daughter-in-law waits for me to become unemployed in the future, so I will set up a stall with you to tell fortune-telling. You can not only see through a person's current thinking, but also analyze the growth trajectory of a person. It would be a shame not to go fortune-telling. Then I will follow. You fucking, it's like talking about following narcissus."

  "In our eyes, everyone is like a canvas. The kind of picture displayed represents what kind of experience he will have. I will estimate that the growth process is just like you can do business. It is no surprise."

   "No, wait a minute, I seem to have heard something important just now—you said, did you follow the narcissus?"

In the past two days, the two women around Qian always showed extreme emotions. After Liu Mei broke up with the scum man, the sun started a new love affair with Fugui brother, and the two had a little flame of infinite love together with those with insensitive emotions. , Crackling.

   On the other side of Narcissus, it was lifeless like a pool of stagnant water, as if she was broken in love and the whole world owed her a nagging look.

   "Well, babble left from me, babble talked to me once, after weighing the pros and cons, he made a difficult decision."

  It's more than hard. When I talked to Yu Minglang several times, I kept talking.

  Thanks to Kateliu's He Shibi for the reward~Add more to send tomorrow~Thank you for your support!

  (End of this chapter)

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