Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 766: I turned my eyes and passed out

  Chapter 766 I turned my eyes and fainted

   Talking about Yu's feelings is absolutely different from Ma Lu's kind of people who want to use Yu's life as the pedal to fly higher.

  In the eyes of those in Ma Lü, Yu is a stepping stone for a poor family. He can get a comfortable job, but it is just a journey in his life. If there is a better place, he must not wait to go.

  But in the eyes of Nao and Yu Minglang, Yu is the place where the dream begins. It is a place where you can pin your ideals and show your ambitions. It takes a lifetime of struggle to protect the world. It is the passion and ideal of a man.

  Keyao still chose to leave, not because he didn't love, but the person he loved needed him.

"Actually, when I was doing personality analysis, I guessed that babbling would do this, but I heard it, and I still felt a little unspeakable." When Xiaoqian came to Narcissus, he expected that babbling might do it in the end, but some regret.

   "I believe he will do very well everywhere. Narcissus also has a platform for him to show his ambitions. A person like him can't go wrong anywhere."

   "Then he left, why not hurry up to find Narcissus and let Narcissus be a walking corpse here?" Xiaoqian felt that Narcissus was left with a sigh of relief, and the strong woman could not pass the emotional level.

  The chrysanthemum wheat has been **** by Song Qingwu, and the Tang family's alarm can also be lifted, so why don't you quickly get rid of the narcissus.

   "There is still something for the Tang family to do-wait, I will answer the call." Yu Minglang made a pause gesture.

   "Hey, babble—what?!"

"what did he say?"

   is equivalent to Ming Lang, after picking up the phone, Xiao Qian asked curiously.

  Yu Minglang evoked a sly smile, hooked her finger, and Xiao Qian leaned over.

   "Daughter-in-law, do you want to have fun at night?"


  Yu Minglang said to Xiao Qian like this, the two laughed strangely at the same time, it's okay, it's fine.

   "Hurry up and get all the skewers together, and call Narcissus and Liumei to come over later." Xiaoqian comes to mind as soon as she talks about playing. These days, she is busy fighting Lao Mai and dealing with Song Qingwu, and it is time to relax.

  "I hurry up, what seems to be forgotten by the two of us?" Yu Minglang vaguely remembered something else?

   "Oh! Come to think of it, Song Qingwu has brought so many fruit baskets. I'll go to make the fruit plate and ice it. It's best to eat at night." Xiaoqian stood up.

   "Yes, my wife is so smart~"

  The couple patronized eating, drinking, and having fun, but ignored one thing gorgeously.

  Who brought the fruit? Song Qingwu.

  What happened before Song Qingwu, Aka confronted the strong man.

  Qian and Yu Minglang patronized and immersed themselves in the great joy of getting Song Qingwu, completely forgot Aka, poor Aka, she would have turned her heart to the bright moon, but the moon shines on the ditch!

  Yu Minglang also remembered that his wife was so nervous today, and the crisis was finally resolved, everyone should have a barbecue and relax.

  But Xiaoqian and Yu Minglang both forgot. There is a Huangmao named Aka who was injured to save Xiaoqian.

  Uncomfortable Aka is still waiting in line in the hospital for an examination. Life is so difficult...

  It’s easy to sweat when you wear it in summer, and there will always be a strange smell in places with a lot of people. Aka has internal injuries. If you are smoked by these people, your head will become more dizzy and nauseous and swollen!

  Finally, she couldn't help it anymore, she stood up and wanted to go out to get some air. Because she was dizzy and didn't see the front, she ran into an oncoming man!

  Zheng Xu was about to see a doctor with his father’s diagnosis. He saw a daredevil approaching him, as if he had been drinking too much, and swayed from side to side.

  Zheng Xu hides to the left, she also sways to the left, Zheng Xu wants to hide to the right, and the yellow hair with a peaked cap also sways to the right, too awkward to walk without looking at the road.

  Xu Ye's temper has improved a lot recently, but he has greeted him with a fist in the past.

  Unexpectedly, another cart came over at this time, with the emergency person lying on it. The doctors and nurses quickly pushed in. Zheng Xu dodged sideways, Huang Mao also sideways, and then the two finally collided.

Zheng Xu felt as if there was a generous object rushing into his arms. He looked at a very thin person who was quite strong. He felt that he had been hit internally. This bastard... Xu Ye felt that he couldn't bear it. , Should give this daredevil a kick.

  I was in the smell of sweat and disinfectant, and suddenly there was a scent of men's cologne. Aka felt refreshed and happy. After smelling and smelling, it was very fragrant.

  Is this a dog? Zheng Xu felt unbearable, so he grabbed Aka's collar and squatted her up. He was about to give her a shot. Seeing that this face turned out to be a woman, Xu Ye stiffened his feet.

"Sorry, I'm a little dizzy..." Aka was a bit nauseous at first, and he wanted to vomit when he was caught like this. Zheng Xu saw that she was going to vomit and loosen his hand. He was a little bit hygienic and took a step back. It fell off accidentally.

   "Oh!" Aka came up with a puff of acid water, sprayed it forward, and vomited it all on the shiny leather shoes wiped by Xu Ye, who has a habit of cleanliness.

  "I'm sorry! I'll help you pick it up!" Realizing that he was in trouble, Akka went down to help pick it up, but when he was confused, he saw two big characters written on the diagnosis certificate.


  Hey, he has hemorrhoids. Aka looked up at Zheng Xu while picking it up. His eyes were full of ambiguity, and the blue veins on Xu Ye’s forehead throbbed.

  Why does this yellow hair look at him with such a look? This is his father's medical certificate! Not his!

   "No, I will do it myself."

   "I am sorry to trouble you, I must make up for it."

  Aka stood up from the ground, Zheng Xu bent over to pick it up by herself, her head was placed on Zheng Xu's chin.

  Master Xu has never been so ashamed in his life, he felt like he was bitten on his tongue...this damned yellow hair!

   "Ah! By contrast, I—" Aka stood up and wanted to see where he had been hit by him, but felt that his eyes went dark, and the whole person fell to the side.

  The last impression before the coma was that this man with a good smell of cologne and "hemorrhoids" supported her. What a good person...

  You cannot use hemorrhoids to measure the quality of a person. Look, this person is really "everything will happen if he has hemorrhoids."

  Aka thinks that they are good people, but Xu Ye is depressed.

  What's the matter, hit him and vomited him and hit him again, and then both eyes turned and fainted?

  Zheng Xu felt bad luck, holding the unconscious yellow hair and shouting at the doctor, "Is it all dead? Let me help!"

  The doctors were stunned by the cry of the soul of Xu Ye, so manic!

  He shouldn’t come over to see what trouble this has caused. This yellow hair should be thankful that she is a female, and if she is a male, she must be cut to death! Zheng Xu hugged the fainted yellow hair, thinking bitterly.

  Thank you for the peach fan of rifle bullets~Thank you for the sachet of Golden Bug, and for the safe charms of One Piece Wang Naruto, Bing Ziying, and bad Feifei!

  (End of this chapter)

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