Chapter 807 Finally met

  If there is a natural disaster or something, it is normal for a private enterprise to help nearby, not only to assume social responsibility, but also to promote the company.

   Hearing that he is not in the mountains now, so there is no need to worry about the rainstorm. Xiaoqian's heart is much more at ease. Yu Minglang will be fine for the time being, and he can talk to Xiaoqian for a while.

   "What did you come here for today?"

  "The teacher gave me a task to support the psychological consultation department of the mental hospital here. By the way, Xiaoqiang, I encountered a special coincidence today..."

  Xiaoqian doesn't want to hang up so early, and on this rainy night, she wants to talk to him a few more words.

  So Xiaoqian told Yu Minglang how she met the principal who was assaulted in the mental hospital today, how she quarreled with the principal, and how she encountered the mental illness.

   "So, you live next to a mentally ill person who admires you now?"

  Yu Minglang also felt that Xiaoqian was really weird this day, and it was an adventure.

  After going around so far, I can go from the city to this side to meet the principal.

  Then tossing around for a while, and staying at the home of the mentally ill person who delused her.

   "Does the paranoia you mentioned attack people?" Yu Minglang asked.

   "Love paranoia will not attack people, but will treat the person in his imagination as his lover, and believes in this."

  "You are wrong. Some patients with delusional disorder are prone to violent attacks. They will follow or even kidnap the people they fantasize about. Sometimes they will have the urge to die because of love and hatred."

  Fugui and his future father-in-law came over to take a look. He just heard Xiaoqian say something wrong. Dr. Xueba immediately corrected it. Xiaoqian took the phone and gave Liao Fugui a fierce look. You talked too much!

How could   qian always have no idea that the delusion might be violent, she only said that deliberately because she was afraid of being clearly worried.

  The wealth is inexplicable, why does Qianer stare at herself?

  "Xiaomei, go home soon!" Yu Minglang felt abrupt, too insecure!

   "Well, I know, I will go home tomorrow when the road is open, and you don't have to worry. He has been in a mental hospital. He is now in an onset period and the mental hospital will not release him."

   "Move to our new home as soon as I go back, and I will go home after repairing the road." Yu Minglang felt uneasy after hearing the words of wealth and honor.

  My daughter-in-law is now living next door to a mentally ill house that delusions her. It is too unsafe. If he can't get out at this time, he really wants to rush to Xiaoqian immediately.

   "Well, rest assured, there will be no problems."

  Xiaoqian chatted with Yu Minglang for a while, and then hung up the phone with confidence.

The rain tickled and answered, Xiao Qian closed her eyes but she was not sleepy. Liu Mei who slept with her was already asleep, but Xiao Qian closed her eyes but she seemed to see the patient in the mental hospital during the day. He shouted his name ferociously, and with a hand like a ghost's paw, he scratched the iron railing...

After the weather was clear, Yu Minglang called Xiaoqian and said that after they had repaired it early in the morning, a one-way street had been opened, and the car could go out but could not get in, so he had to repair it and let Xiaoqian get in. Hurry up and leave.

  Fugui drove away with Xiaoqian and Liumei. They were fine all the way. She was about to reach the place where the road was built in Yuminglang. Liumei turned her head and said to Xiaoqian in the back seat.

  "You and my brother are too able to make fuss, can't you see anything wrong?"

   "He is too nervous for me."

   "Let's stop at the place where my brother was building the road ahead. The two boxes of eggs and mineral water that my mother cooked, let us send them to the soldiers."

Liu Mei’s adoptive mother knew that Yu Minglang and the others were doing road work here voluntarily. This was a temporary job and she didn’t prepare. She was afraid that the soldiers would not eat well, so she filled the trunk with food and asked Liu Mei to give it to Yu Minglang when she passed by. Remove.

   "Well, good." Xiaoqian also wanted to take a look at Yu Minglang, after all, she hadn't seen it for many days.

  As a result, when the car drove to that section, it couldn't make it through.

  There are dense traffic jams. When I go down and ask about it, two cars collided in front of the slippery road, which caused the road to be blocked.

  "How long will it take to block this?" Xiaoqian asked the riches who came back from inquiring the news.

   "It is said that it is being processed. The main reason is that the other road will not work. It seems we will have to wait here."

  "This is too disturbing. I will call my brother and see where he is." Liu Mei was about to call, and Yu Minglang called Xiaoqian first.

   "Xiaomei, where is your position now?"

   "It's stuck, what's going on in front?"

  "It seems that one of these two people has road rage when they are rear-ending. This will put the car in the middle of the road and refuse to move. Our people are advised to take coercive measures if they do this again."

   "I'm not far away. I will go over and see if I can calm his emotions."

  Road rage is a common problem in the automobile era. The proportion of professional drivers suffering from road rage is as high as 30%. This is a very dangerous thing. Driving with emotions can easily cause traffic accidents.

  Xiaoqian happened to be here. She wanted to walk over to see the situation. Yu Minglang seemed to have something to tell her, but Xiaoqian quickly hung up.

   "Sister-in-law, I will go with you." Liu Mei also wanted to follow.

   "It's okay, I can go with Fugui. You can watch the car here. If the car in front moves, don't get in the way."

  Xiaoqian considers that both wealth and wealth are from a professional class, which is more helpful for this kind of road rage, and she has to keep people in the car.

After passing through the car array for a while, Xiaoqian and Fugui finally got to the front position. They saw only two cars on the road. A car was parked horizontally in the middle, and a car was not far away. The mud man is shouting with a loudspeaker.

  The driver who is going crazy is particularly unreasonable. If anyone dared to approach, he would drive back and forth in circles, fearing that the following car would collide and make the traffic more congested, so he could only continue to communicate patiently.

  The driver with anger on this road is really unreasonable, completely ignoring how much effort these road builders have spent in order to let everyone pass quickly, although the person who is calling is not Yu Minglang, Xiaoqian still feels a little bit painful when he sees it.

Her husband took a group of people to do what they shouldn’t have done, and built roads for everyone in the mud and in the water. These passers-by would only complain about the lack of access, turning a blind eye to the hardships of the rescuers. It seems that what people do is taken for granted, but they have never thought that they are also raised by their parents, but some people take everything other people do for granted.

  The car driven by this irritable road rage was only a few meters away. It was a bus. Everyone on the bus looked out the window. The driver who caused the trouble was still shouting.

  (End of this chapter)

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