Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 808: Meiwei, my wife!

   Chapter 808 Meiwei, my wife!

   "If you have the ability to hit me, you hit me! You guys are great with a horn, I won't let the place, you have the ability to kill me!"

  Yu Minglang looked at this scene with a telescope and couldn’t wait to shout, and bring Lao Tzu’s iron shovel over!

  But I really can’t fight, it will cause trouble.

  "Try to communicate again. If the communication fails again, send two skilled people to jump on his car and pull this guy out for me!" Yu Minglang commanded.

  As far as this person’s behavior was, it was enough to be detained in the detention center for a few days after being caught, and it was completely enough to make trouble!

  While Yu Minglang is discussing countermeasures, Xiaoqian and Fugui are also discussing countermeasures.

   "I used to borrow a horn from someone and try to calm him down by calming his emotions." Wealth didn't look good on the road, and Xiao Qian was wearing sandals again, and he wanted to walk over by himself.

  Fugui turned and walked just two steps, and suddenly heard an over-excited voice behind.

   "Mei Wei! My wife!"

Xiaoqian was watching wealth at the time. She didn’t pay attention to her behind. She was thinking about how to communicate with the car owner who was on the road with road rage. Suddenly, she felt a huge momentum coming from behind. She didn’t even react to what’s going on. He was hugged from behind!

  It's not so much holding, as it is strangling! !

  Because the strength of this person is really too great, the big one makes Xiaoqian not even the strength to break free.

Fugui heard the sound and turned around, only to see Xiaoqian being hugged tightly from behind by a man with a distorted expression. If this was Liumei, Liumei would definitely go up and kick this person's arm in a roundabout, and take Xiaoqian away. Pulled over, but Fugui is a scholar, he is not as good as Liu Mei, his first reaction to this situation was to pull Xiaoqian, but such a move angered the person who kidnapped Xiaoqian!

   "What do you want to do! She is my wife!" As soon as the person who hijacked Xiaoqian's arm pressed hard, Xiaoqian's face turned red when he was strangled.

  The rich and the honored did not dare to move forward, he stopped, and he still hadn’t realized what was going on.

Yu Minglang originally wanted to put down his binoculars. He went to fix the brain-disabled driver in the middle of the crossroad, but he suddenly saw his wife's figure. Before he could see more, he saw a man with an unusual expression rushing over to his wife. Just under the bright eyelids, Xiao Qian was hijacked!

  The situation suddenly became dangerous, from a simple traffic jam to the hostage taking, and the kidnapped was Yu Minglang’s favorite woman!

   "You let go of her, did you admit the wrong person?" Fugui tried to communicate with the person who hijacked Xiaoqian.

   "Son, let go!" A couple came down from the bus. Rich and honorable remembered. Isn't this the couple I saw at the gate of the mental hospital yesterday?

  In other words...the kid who hijacks Xiaoqian now is a delusional patient who has an aggressive tendency!

  This disease belongs to a branch of schizophrenia. It is very scary and very persistent. What they think the world is like is what the world is like!

  "She is my woman! Haha, Meiwei, Meiwei, I finally found you!" The man who hijacked Xiaoqian looked excited.

  Xiaoqian is almost strangled and out of breath, Yu Minglang is distressed to death by looking through the binoculars, his Xiaomei is suffering!

   "Now the hostage hijacking incident, bring my slingshot." Investigations on the mountain, these are necessary self-defense equipment.

   "Vice President, do you want to ask the above..." Although I know that the little boss is good at it, everyone is afraid to cause trouble.

   "It's too late, bring things, I will bear all the consequences!" Yu Minglang was afraid that his daughter-in-law would be strangled alive in front of him if he didn't do anything!

  Wealth is completely ignorant.

  Didn’t this mental patient have been detained in the hospital yesterday? Why did he show up here at this time?

  Isn’t the psychiatric hospital strictly guarded the patients at risk of this kind of disease?

  The person with love paranoia did not escape, he was picked up by his parents.

  The matter should start from yesterday's principal who met his parents by chance and complained about Xiaoqian together.

  The principal was worried that Xiaoqian would be promoted by the xo, and he happened to meet the parents of this mentally ill patient. Hearing that the son had paranoid fantasy about Xiaoqian, the principal started to think.

  She thought that if Xiaoqian were to be xo once by this mental patient, then Xiaoqian would have no intention of spreading her own affairs, and the distorted principal did not consider that doing so was suspected of being a crime.

She incited the parents to say that there were people in her city, and asked the parents to take the mentally ill patient out to the city early in the morning, and then the principal planned to find an opportunity to introduce the patient to Xiao Qian, but it was a coincidence that the book was not written. The parents with mental illness ran into a traffic jam on the road waiting for the bus, so they ran into Xiaoqian!

For the mentally ill who has no offenders, ordinary mental hospitals are not qualified to detain them, and their parents can only release them if they want to pick them up. This mentally ill patient was originally emotionally stable because his parents lied to him and brought him to the city to find him. Wife-in fact, she wanted to go to the city to be taken to the hospital, but the moment she saw Xiaoqian's figure appeared, the patient was boiling.

   "Look at Mom and Dad, my daughter-in-law, my daughter-in-law!" The mental illness that hijacked Xiaoqian smiled at his parents.

  His parents were shocked when they saw this scene, "Why do you appear here as a woman!"

  Something happened and she didn't want her son to get into trouble. The first reaction turned out to be to question Xiaoqian, but Xiaoqian was stuck in her throat and couldn't speak. The situation was critical.

  The father of the patient was quite sensible, and he was so frightened to see such a fright.

   "Son, let him go, she will strangle you to death!"

  "Don't let go! She is my daughter-in-law, she is Meiwei!"

"Listen to the people in front, you have been surrounded by our people, quickly release the hostages, otherwise don't blame us for being polite!" A loudspeaker shouted from the front, and Xiao Qian, whose consciousness was already blurred, heard it right away. Yu Minglang!

  As soon as the parents of the mentally ill heard that people were surrounded, the mother who was frightened poked and knelt down.

  "He is mentally ill, he doesn't break the law in murder! Don't hurt him"

  Yu Minglang now wants to give this woman a look, is this human?

  Mentally ill murder is not illegal, his wife deserves to be kidnapped?

  "Let go of the hostages is your only way out, otherwise he will not break the law to kill, but when the hostages are in crisis, we will not break the law if we save someone and hurt him!"

  After Yu Minglang finished saying this, the mother kowtow to her mad son in shock.

   "Son, mom please, let me go!"

  "She is my daughter-in-law, I don’t break the law by holding her~Daughter-in-law~Daughter-in-law~hehehe!

  There is no reason to talk with a madman, this madman sometimes exerts force and sometimes loosens, Xiaoqian has already been strangled and rolled her eyes, the situation is critical!

  Thank you for being willing to give you a reward!

  (End of this chapter)

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