Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 830: Not a normal person

   Chapter 830 There is no normal person

  "Look where you are running!" A red Mercedes came over again, the Mediterranean bald father with the ball came down from above, pointed to Xiaoqian and others, they chased all the way, just to catch the ball back!

   "We don't want to run this time."

  Xiaoqian stepped back two steps silently, picking up the bag that was too clear behind her back.

  Yu Minglang began to move his muscles and bones, Liu Mei and Aka also warmed up, the ball rolled his eyes at his persevering dad.

   "Dad, you have to die, I have been like this in my life, it can't be cured."

   "Asshole! Go back with me!" Dad Qiuqiu was very upset when he saw his daughter like this.

  At this moment, two people got off the Mercedes-Benz. One of them looked like a foreigner and said something to the translator.

  Xiaoqian and Yu Minglang raised their eyebrows at the same time, Xiaoqian sniffed, and Yu Minglang mocked.

"He asked the interpreter to tell you that if you want to cure the ball, you need to add money. You can give as much as you want. What kind of expert is this? I thought my daughter-in-law is considered black. Now, my daughter-in-law is in the industry. Conscience, at least I won't sit down and raise the price."

   "What?!" Dad Ball was taken aback.

   "Dad! You have been taken advantage of by people, do you still trust this kind of person?" Qiuqiu can understand a little bit, including wealth and nodding.

  These people can understand foreign languages. This foreign fake brick house was unlucky enough to meet a school tyrant.

  The translator said something in a low voice with a dark face, and the other party can understand, please be cautious!

  So the fake brick family's face turned black.

  "Go back and talk about it, the ball will follow me! Look at you, what a man and a woman look like!"

  "Who am I to blame? Who told me when I was a child that girls can't inherit incense? Who told me that the last thing I regret is giving birth to a girl? I'm not a woman now, shouldn't you be happy?"


  When the father and son met, they fought each other and quarreled at each other.

   "Go, get her back for me!" As soon as Father Xiao stretched out his hand, several people behind him gathered around. In addition to the previous ones, there were a few more helpers.

  "What do you want to do?" Yu Minglang walked up to the person and asked. He felt like a king over the world as soon as he came out, and he was domineering.

  Xiaoqian looked at Yu Minglang with interest. Judging from Xiaoqiang’s current state of mind, he must have performed well in the international class training in the past week.

   "My daughter ran away, I have the right to catch him back for treatment, and your people injured me, I will sue you too!"

   "Have the right? Which domestic law stipulates that fathers can illegally imprison their daughters?" It is nonsense to say this to Yu Minglang, a master of law.

  "This is my family affair! I am her father and I have the right to control her!"

  "He has reached 18 years old and is not a minor. He is not willing to go back with you now, and no one can force him."

  Daddy Qiuqiu narrowed his eyes, "Do you want to toast and not eat fine wine?"

  Yu Minglang returned only two words to him.

Ha ha.

  Yu Minglang felt that he should persuade people with morality, and also wanted a few theoretical sentences with symbolic meanings, in order to demonstrate his status as a civilized person.

  But some people have to skip these symbolic steps and go directly into an unreasonable state. Xiaoqiang said that he is also very helpless.

球球爸不想恋战,他现在就想把小倩等人揍一顿然后把球球抓走,一声令下他带来的人对着于明朗等人形成包围的态势,说时迟那时快, Xiaoqian saw Xiaoqiang flying up, kicking one on the ground, and in the blink of an eye, he restrained one on the left and thumped one on the right.

  Aka and Liumei swallowed their saliva, and inexplicably raised the feeling that the supermarket would be out of stock if they didn’t grab a special price...

  It's a momentary thing!

The two sisters hurriedly joined the battle, barely grabbing one from Yu Minglang's hands. Liu Mei thought that although she has rich experience in the martial arts field, but the actual combat is not enough after all, she wanted to use this to practice her hand, and she just found a strong man. After making two gestures, before she could play, the strong man rolled his eyes and fell forward.

   Liu Mei dodges hurriedly, only to see the clear and cool ending, it was he who chopped someone's neck from behind and stunned.

   "Your moves on the field are too garish."

   is still Xiao Hei's move is affordable, just click on the pants, directly stunned.

  And Akka also fell one over there, and now only the ball dad, the translator and the fake brick house are left.

  Qiuqiu Dad originally had an expression of being inevitable, and his eyes widened when he saw this scene. What kind of messy friends did his daughter make outside?

  Unexpectedly, he was in his base camp, and all the people he brought with him were destroyed by the group, and it was just a moment of effort!

This reversal was so unprepared. When Dad Qiuqiu discovered that his people were lying on the ground in various shapes and positions, Yu Minglang, Liumei, and Aka, with friendly smiles, step by step. Walked towards him.

  "Don't fight! That's my dad!" The ball stopped loudly and walked over.

   "Asshole! You still know that I am your dad! Do you want to **** me off?" Dad Ball pointed at the ball, and the ball stood in front of him, and said seriously.

   "Dad, I will tell you again, I am a gender identity disorder, I am not BT, please respect me, if you must force me to do things I don't like, I will die."

"Nonsense! I don't believe that there are incurable diseases in this world. How much money I spend I will have to cure you, go home with my dad, and stop dealing with these messy people! Look, they are all Who! Yellow-haired foreign devil! Tomboy! There is also a leading sister, a weak man with glasses, and this man is the most terrifying, with a fierce look!"

  Yellow-haired foreign devils=Aka

  Tomboy = Liumei

   Take the lead eldest sister = President Qian

  Weak male=rich

  The most terrifying fierce man = Yu Minglang

  Daddy Qiuqiu bombarded these people one by one, and finally pointed at Bai Jin and said, "Just she looks like a normal person!"

   "Uh, uncle, I'm actually a lesbian."

   "!!!" Are there any normal people in this world? ! Ball Dad was stimulated.

"Dad! Can you not judge people by their appearance? Do you know who they are? The tomboys you mentioned are women's martial arts champions in the country for several times. The one with glasses is the associate chief physician of forensic psychiatry with a doctoral degree and is the most fierce man. I can't say it, but it's definitely a big man. You said that the leading elder sister has a master's degree in psychology and a well-known psychologist in China. How come we are not normal people?"

  "If you are not normal, you will have some messy people. Whose normal person will run to the house and rob you in that way? I really want to sue you for breaking into the house!"

  "Isn't all this the head you picked?"

  Xiaoqian stood up.

   Xiaoqiang saw her posture and knew that his wife would definitely want to show off.

  "If you dare to sue them, I will sue you for imprisoning me illegally, and you also tried to electrocute me!"

   "Asshole! For these messy people, you are talking to dad like this!"

  The father and son quarreled again. Suddenly, Dad Qiuqiu heard Xiaoqian's overly gentle voice behind him. He was not speaking Chinese, and it sounded very soft, but somehow Dad Qiuqiu shuddered.

  Xiaoqian said directly to the fake brick house, “It’s you, the bad idea that my friend’s father gave me, do you want to get an electric shock?”

  Insert a chapter and push! Returning to 1977, Commander Quan: I’m sorry, my daughter-in-law, I will compensate you for the rest of my life and give you a true grand pet for a lifetime. Wan Qing Doudou, the author of "Sheng Chong Qiqi"

  (End of this chapter)

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