Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 831: Never look back (thanks to Xiaonen Learning League Master for the reward +5

  Chapter 831 Once gone, never look back (thanks to Xiaonen Xue League for the reward +5 more)

  Banjia Kan Xiaoqian asked him nervously in a foreign language, but still pretended to be calm.

   "So what, your people invited me over, we have a contract."

  "The contract? Your contract is not legal at all. Don't think that you are a foreigner and our heavenly laws cannot govern you!"

  "You are not qualified to do this--ah!" Xiaoqian slapped the translator on his face. He wanted to fight back angrily, and Yu Minglang made a painful ouch by pinching his wrist.

   "Helping foreigners to deceive their compatriots, if this is during the war, you will be collaborating with the enemy and treason!" Yu Minglang looked down on these people most.

  From the conversation between the fake brick house and the translator just now, it is not difficult to analyze that the translator knew that the brick house was fake from beginning to end, but deliberately cooperated with the brick family’s money and wanted to harm the ball.

  If the reason why the ball dad imprisoned the ball is still for the sake of the child, although the method used is wrong, it is not an unforgivable crime.

  The two people deliberately defrauded, and they used such tricks to defraud money, which is very worthy of rejection.

"Take out the contract!" Xiaoqian has Xiaoqiang's protection, and the aura of her whole person is different. The hand of the translator is still clamped. He feels Yu Minglang's powerful and terrible, and he dare not make another mistake. beg for mercy.

  "You let me get in the car, in the briefcase..."

  Yu Minglang let go, the interpreter slid into the car and wanted to start the car running!

  If you can run in front of Xiaoqiang, that would be strange!

The translator felt that his arm was soft, and Yu Minglang followed up, pulled him out and stepped on it with his feet. Xiaoqian got into the car and found the briefcase in the back seat, took out the contract and a check from it. .

  The above expenses made Xiao Qian full of anger.

  200,000, the ball dad spent so much money in exchange for the bad idea of ​​these two bad guys to shock the ball?

"I've collected all these and accused them of suspicion of transnational fraud in practicing medicine without a license. Let them do such shameless things in our country. Wait for the lawsuit!" Xiaoqian threw the briefcase to Yu Minglang and kicked by the way. This shameless translation kicked.

  Yu Minglang put his briefcase away, and added, "I also want to tell this guy to rob the car openly."

  Airport patrol saw the anomaly coming here, Yu Minglang glanced at the distance, pointed to a certain place and said to Xiao Qian.

   "Can you get it done in 2 minutes? There is a blind spot over there."


  The fake brick family saw that the situation was not good and wanted to run, he felt that a huge grasping power came from behind him, and his collar was caught.

  "Where do you want to go? Come, let's discuss the matter of electric shock if you disobey." Yu Minglang said indifferently, Liu Mei and Aka dragged the fake brick house to the four corners of the vision.

   "If you have something to say! I'm a foreigner, I want protection, I want—ah!" The fake brick house covered her eyes, Xiaoqian retracted her fist, and Yu Minglang raised her eyebrows.

  Hey, the daughter-in-law has a tendency to develop in the direction of force and never look back!

  "On behalf of all colleagues in the International Psychiatric Department, I will beat you, beat you, the scum of the industry who does not respect scientific development!"

  Xiaoqiang gave her a thumbs up, the daughter-in-law is mighty!

  "I am an expert, I am an international psychology authority!"

"Hehe, violence can never be the antidote for correcting mistakes. Your therapy is untenable from the beginning. The international psychology industry is ashamed of having a scum like you! Before the police came, beat me to death. , There is only one principle, it can only be more painful than electric shock, not weaker than electric shock!"

  Xiaoqian raised her **** silently, speaking in foreign languages ​​all the way, with an extremely chic demeanor.

  At the police station, Dad Qiuqiu was shocked.

  The "expert" he brought back with a lot of money turned out to be just a vagrant abroad!

  I went to the police station to check, everything came out.

This translator quickly explained the cause and effect. It turned out that after graduation, this translator has not found a suitable job and got into the bad habit of playing money. I heard people say that Dad Qiuqiu has become a nouveau riche in mining, but there is a problem with a daughter. When I was worried, I used my mind.

  We found a foreigner and made such a scam.

What kind of treatments are all casually seen from books, and they don’t know if it’s right. Anyway, upstarts like Dad Qiuqiu think that foreign monks can recite sutras and speak foreign languages ​​in the name of experts. The fake ID is trusted.

  Furthermore, this fake brickman did read a bit of psychology books, got a little bit of fur, and said some industry jargon, and Dad Qiuqiu believed it true.

  Xiaoqian really didn’t know whether to say that Dad Qiuqiu’s money is too much and people are too stupid to deceive, or that these two gadgets are so tricky and tricky to kill a cat and kill a mouse. Where did this electric shock therapy come from?

  The fake brickman said the title of the book, and Xiaoqian was about to explode.

  It is a kind of unfounded and unauthoritative little picture book like domestic folk remedies, and even used this thing to run over to fool people, and get 200,000 in one go!

  If it weren’t for Xiaoqian and the others in time, they felt that the loss of Daddy’s money would still be secondary. How badly would he have to suffer?

  The two were detained, and Dad Qiuqiu and his group went out of the police station, and Dad Qiuqiu was in a trance.

  He thought he could find a way to treat the child this time, but who would have thought... it turned out to be a liar?

  Qiuqiu wanted to ridicule his father a few words, but looking at his expression, he swallowed it again.

  "The ball..." The group of people arrived at the door. The ball had to follow Xiaoqian and the others. Dad Ball stopped him, and his voice seemed to be several years old.

   "What are you doing?" The ball turned its head unwillingly.

   "Go home with Dad..."

"Do you want to get a few more brick appliances to hit me? You haven't made people watch enough, have you? Mr. Upstart, if your money grows with your thinking, you won't be fooled so badly! "

   Ball Ball's words hit Ball Ball Dad hard, his expression was a bit sad.

  Looking at this man who is no longer young, Qiuqiu has more bad memories of his childhood.

When he was a child, his mother passed away and his father patriarchal beat him every day, always telling him something his daughter was useless, he didn't dare to wear women's clothes, he didn't dare to grow his hair, hoping to make his father forget that he was a girl in this way Don't hit him. Gradually, he fell in love with the feeling of being a man and found his true self.

  The young self, seeing the failure of his father's business again and again, after the failure, the father always beats him by drinking alcohol and asking him hatefully why he is not a son.

Later, he left home, went to college, and found a lifestyle that suits him. But he still couldn’t escape his father’s beating and scolding. Later, his father became a nouveau riche and started fooling around with women, seemingly wanting to give birth to a "real" "The son.

  But God did not favor this man. He made a fortune inexplicably, but he never got his son, his only child, or the ball.

   Facing his father who already has white hair, the ball has no fluctuations in his heart, and is even bored.

  This old man caused his misplaced life, and now he wants to force himself to do things he doesn’t want. What exactly does he want to do?

  Thanks to Xiaonen’s leader for the reward, plus more to send~

  (End of this chapter)

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