Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 840: Free yourself (thanks to Xiaonen learning leader +8 more)

  Chapter 840 Free yourself (thanks to the leader of Xiaonen for learning +8 more)

  Xiaoqian's decision made the two professors react differently. Professor Qi was full of interest, and Professor Liu was worried.

"Since the opponent's target is me, I will fight head-on, don't you want me to participate? Then I will participate. This kind of competition is organized by an authority department. Even if they have some connections, they are not big enough to cover the sky with just one hand. Their ultimate goal is nothing more than to get me in front of the public through live TV broadcasts, to make my test questions more difficult, and to wait to see me make a fool of myself, and then bring a wave of public opinion through this competition."

  If Xiaoqian's performance is not good, then these people can look for the media to build momentum, and then dig a few cases she has received in the past with a rhythm, the title Xiaoqian can imagine.

  The secret behind the sky-high medical expenses.

  The psychological counseling market is chaotic, and counselors are asking for prices.

  The little-known tricks behind the high-stakes psychological consultation, the people all over the country were shocked when they saw it!

The people who eat melon don’t understand the insider's stuff. Even if the questions for Xiaoqian are particularly difficult, the outsiders don’t understand them. They will only see that they can’t do it. Then they can find some media to bring rhythm. Xiaoqian’s future career development It was blocked.

  These people thought they did it perfectly, but Xiaoqian had already seen through it all.

  "Do you know that they have taken the initiative to send it up with bad intentions?" Professor Liu can't understand Xiaoqian now. The older the child, the more confident.

"Fishing always requires bait. They dare to treat me as a fish, so don’t blame me and run away! I, Chen Xiaoqian, was able to treat TV media as an advertisement for receiving orders a few years ago, and I still can! The competition must be broadcast on the local channel and CCTV’s life channel at least? If they dare to set up the channel for me, I will dare to let myself go!"

  How can Zhengxu expand her popularity? How could Xiaoqian not grasp this opportunity presented to her door!

   Not waiting for Professor Liu to react, Qi Yuxuan laughed.

   "Okay! Nice job!"

  Rather than staying and breathing, Xiaoqian's thinking coincides with Qi Yuxuan. This kind of domineering style also makes Professor Qi even more fond of Xiaoqian, looking at her as if she saw her when she was young.

  Xiao Qian's mouth twitched, she almost forgot about this guy.

"about you--"

  Professor Qi interrupted Xiaoqian.

  "Our business will wait for you to finish the competition, Xiao Liu, when will this competition begin?"

  "Four days later." Professor Liu was still a little worried about his lover.

  Time is so tight, I didn't give Xiaoqian time to prepare.

   "That's too late."

  What Xiaoqian said was too late. He counted all the time spent on the bed with Xiaoqiang.

  Sleep for a day of beauty sleep the day after tomorrow, and then go for a massage in the evening. It’s completely too late to recharge and prepare.

  As for the preview before the game...the word preview does not exist in Xueba’s dictionary.

"Don't go back tonight. Go to my place. I will do temporary homework for you. I will not be happy when I grind my apprentice." Although he knows that his apprentice is capable, but the other party has made it clear that there are traps, Professor Liu still wants to give Xiao Qian Be a intensive training.

  Xiaoqian has already figured out how to spend the night with Xiaoqiang in her mind.

   "Teacher, it's too late for you to sharpen your gun at this time, you'll have to sharpen your bald skin again!"

  Bald skin...Xiaoqian accidentally wanted to get crooked again, tusk tusk.

   "You kid, when are you still talking to me?" Professor Liu was dumbfounded by Xiaoqian.

  The corner of Xiaoqian's eyes measured the distance from here to the door, and she moved to the door silently.

   "That's it, teacher, I suddenly remembered that the windows at home were not closed yet, I went home and closed the windows~ I will come and invite you to dinner the day after tomorrow!

  "Bring me back!" Professor Liu's angry nose was about to smoke. Xiaoqian was wearing her mid-heeled high-heeled shoes and running windwardly under her feet. The speed was as if she would be caught for fear of being slower.

   "Xiao Liu, stay safe, don't worry, I think she has a bottom line, don't put pressure on her." Professor Qi stopped Professor Liu in a timely manner to prevent her from catching Xiaoqian.

  Professor Liu was so angry, "She is not your student now! You don't interfere with us! What are you making!"

  She is angry.

  Because she cares about Xiaoqian, she is afraid of her mistakes, and she is worried about Xiaoqian's future, so she is not polite.

  Qi Yuxuan was not angry, and said with a smile. "You should know her better than me. If it weren't for something uncertain, she wouldn't make a decision like this. Soldiers will block the water and cover it up."

  Dare to play fishing games with Qian, this is purely looking for abuse.

  Chen Xiaoqian’s character is to crush the bait even with the hook and swallow it, and also bites the fisherman by the way. Whoever gets her is unlucky.

"It's not your student, you naturally don't know how to cherish it!" Professor Liu's feelings towards Xiaoqian are like treating his own children. The flowers that he has cultivated so hard have not fully bloomed yet, how can he bear to watch a gust of wind blow the flowers off In the wind.

   "She is indeed not just as simple as my student..." Qi Yuxuan looked at the direction of the door. Xiao Qian was no longer visible there, but his eyes were still so gentle.

  "What did you say?" Professor Liu did not hear too clearly.

   "I said, wait to see her shine. If you don't put her in that position, how do you know how capable she is?"

  Professor Qi finished speaking, waved to Professor Liu, and left happily.

  Professor Liu sat back in the chair, still uneasy, and was about to call someone to ask about the event. She received a text message from Xiaoqian on her mobile phone.

There are only two words in   .

trust me.

  Professor Liu watched this text message for a full minute, and then let go of his hand holding the landline. He gave up on the call to inquire about the game, first dialed Xiaoqian, and the phone was connected quickly.

   "Teacher, I'm serious."

  "Well, I believe you. It's just Xiaoqian, do you especially want to worship Lao Qi?" Professor Liu held back these words for a long time. Today, seeing Xiaoqian getting along with Professor Qi, he finally asked.

"I don't want to. Teacher, do you know what I did for a few days out this time? I went to save my friend. His parents thought he was good because of his gender identity disorder and locked him up... What I want to say is, I know you are doing me good, but that is not what I want."

   "..." There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"Teacher, you taught me everything about me. I know you are the best teacher in the world. If you must think that Professor Bai Qi is for my good, then I am willing to compromise for you, but I will not be happy. ."

  The words are a bit cruel, Xiao Qian didn't want to say, this is the person she respects most, but some things are not good if they are not open.

  "In your mind, I have been at the same level as parents with gender identity disorders?"

   "Uh... a little bit better than them, at least you didn't shock me..."

   "You little steel gun... OK, go back and prepare for the game, and wait to see your performance." Professor Liu hung up the phone and sighed sadly.

  Her small steel cannon has grown up.

  This child has been with her for so many years, but this crazy character who doesn't care about the enthusiasm, why is it so like Lao Qi?

  Professor Liu looked out the window, thinking about this unanswered question.

  (End of this chapter)

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