Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 841: Who the hell

  Chapter 841 Who the hell

  Xiaoqian said, but she was calm in her heart.

  How can the relationship between the master and apprentice of the two generations be broken in a few words, she knows the teacher's personality, and the teacher will definitely not force her in the future.

  As soon as he walked to the front of his car, Aka stopped her from behind.

   "President Qian!"

   "Something?" Xiaoqian asked.

   "My boss wants to see you."

   "Oh?" Xiaoqian had already let go of her hand touching the door of the car, she turned around, and looked at Aka in time.

  Is the mysterious person behind Aka finally ready to come out?

When    rescued the ball, Aka had already said that her boss would see Xiaoqian when she came back, but Xiaoqian did not expect it would be so fast.

  "Baby Qian~" Professor Qi walked over quickly with panting, and gave Xiao Qian a particularly bright smile.

  This girl walked so fast in high heels. He just came out and was entangled with a professor and said a few words, but it was too late to catch up.

   "I told you, don't call me that." Xiaoqian got goose bumps all over her body when she heard him call that.

   "Baby Qian?"

   "...You should just tell me something."

  Xiaoqian finds that she is always weak in dealing with such thick-skinned hob meat.

  "I have a box of special throat lozenges here. It should be helpful to your throat. I hear your voice still a little hoarse." Professor Qi took out the candy in his pocket with a brilliant smile.

  Because it is handmade, there is no packaging.

  But don’t think that they are packed in plastic bags. They are in small carved sandalwood boxes with teeth pieces and gems inlaid on them!

  This kind of implicit expression is the same as the last time he packed Huadiao wine in expensive antique bottles, the things are not as valuable as the boxes!

   "I don't like accepting things from strangers." Xiao Qian didn't reach out her hand, just looked at him lukewarm.

  I don’t know if it was her illusion, she always felt that this guy was a little too courteous to herself.

   "It was you who said that if I come in person, you will take the medicine well. Now I am here, good, you should take the medicine or take it. The sequelae are not good."

  Aka nodded, yes, the boss was right.

   Xiaoqian still didn't care about her expression. Suddenly she got to the point of Professor Qi's words. When he came, she would receive his gift and take medicine-isn't it? !

  I remembered that Aka gave Xiaoqian something before. When Xiaoqian refused her, he told Aka that if she wanted her to receive the things, Aka’s boss would come over.

  The paint is called a beast so, is this called a beast—

   "He is my boss."

  Aka’s explanation made the world freeze for a few seconds.

  The scorching sun is blazing, cars are coming and going, only the three people here are like wax figures, as if they are still breathing.

   "So, you are the one who asked Aka to follow me?" Xiaoqian squeezed out a few words between her teeth.


   "You let her protect me with you?"


   "She was listening to the corner of our house with an eavesdropping device. You instigated it?"

   "...that's her own bad taste. In fact, she doesn't just listen to you, she even listens to my girlfriend." Professor Qi was also helpless with Aka's bad taste.

"So, what is your purpose for doing this? Don't tell me, you accept students more strictly than the political trial." Xiaoqian's voice sounds very gentle, but if Xiaoqiang is here, the bird will surely step back quietly. A few steps.

Only Xiao Qiang can hear the smell of gunpowder in Xiao Qian’s voice. Although Qi Yuxuan has done an in-depth analysis of Xiao Qian’s personality, he still doesn’t understand some of Xiao Qian’s small habits. Seeing Xiao Qian’s gentleness, he still knows how to continue life and death. Hey.

   "I can't tell you what I'm here for now, but I have no malice against you. I believe time can witness everything. What does that ancient poem say... a piece of ice is in the jade pot."

   "Oh... Yuhu." Xiaoqian said coldly.

   "Uh-huh!" The beast was still stupid and nodded.

"good very good."

  After Xiaoqian finished speaking, she suddenly took a step forward, facing Qi Yuxuan's face, she went up twice!

  It’s called a crisp, and it’s called a ring.

  "Don't let me see you again, Meow, mentally retarded!" After Xiaoqian finished speaking, she raised her **** to Qi Yuxuan, an action that was completely inconsistent with her identity, but she made an unusually gentle voice.

   "Let me see you looking for someone to listen to the corner of our couple, I will beat you!"

  After talking about driving the door, he got into the car smartly.

   Dealing with this kind of person who looks for someone to listen to her corner and treat herself like a fool, she doesn't need any restraint at all, just hit him!

  It wasn't until Xiaoqian's red car left a choking exhaust that Aka recovered from the shocked state.

   "Old, boss?" She swallowed nervously.

  Is it really an illusion just now?

  Qian not only slapped the boss twice, she also gave the boss a middle finger?

   "Haha, it's so cute." Qi Yuxuan shook his head at Xiao Qian's car. How could this little temper be so big.

   "She has such a temper. The main reason for this is that I didn't understand what I did. Qian always doesn't like others peeping into her privacy." Aka explained and carefully looked at the boss.

  She is afraid that the boss will blame President Qian. She still remembers the fate of the last person who offended the boss—isn’t it the principal who wanted to let the madman bully President Qian?

  I still have a mental breakdown and live in a mental hospital for treatment.

  The boss is a person who always smiles, but no one knows whether he is a real smile or a fake smile, so after seeing the boss scolded and beaten by Qian, the first thing Aka did was to run out to be the back pot.

   "I originally blamed you!" The boss glared at Aka, "Half a month's salary was deducted! I asked you to protect her from close range. Did I let you listen to her in the corner?"

   "I just got it right... who knew she was so angry..."

   "Is that Yu Xiaoqiang good to her?"

  "Very good." Hey, has the topic moved to Mao?

  Aka became a small bean eye.

   "Old, boss?!"

   Didn’t the boss criticize her righteously before that she shouldn’t listen to the corner of the husband and wife? Why did the gossip get up in an instant?

  "Do you still want to continue to be deducted? Now that you have listened, you have to hear some effects! What is the man's ability to do things?"

  "...I only listened to the beginning, but I didn’t finish listening specifically, should be pretty good..."

   Qi Yuxuan curled his lips, "I will call him out another day and take a sauna together. I still have to check it..."

   "Boss?!" OMG! He was so embarrassed to say that he has a bad taste, who is it! ! !

  Aka’s heart felt like a snarling dog.

"You are a parrot? Will repeat? Look at what you see, go, take you to dinner, by the way, test whether your homework during this period of time has fallen, the core content of Freud's psychoanalytic theory, do you have grasp?"

  (End of this chapter)

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