Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 845: Do you tease me to play with this rule?

  Chapter 845 Are you teasing me about this rule?

  Professor Liu put the materials on the coffee table, and she sat on the sofa by herself. She felt that there was something chrome, took it out and took a look——

  Oka×002 pole beam large model, eye-catching on the silver cover...

   Xiaoqian quickly received the small box in her pocket awkwardly, and Yu Xiaoqiang took a few more mouthfuls in her heart.

  I blame him for messing with these things everywhere, making him romantically full of the house, and not letting him threw the house all over the house.

Professor Liu's temple jumped twice, pretending not to see, stretched out his hand and pointed at Xiaoqian, this **** cannon. She has been patronizing for her in the past two days to inquire about the game. As a result, she was nestled. Toss these at home?

  "Teacher, let me tell you a joke. What do you think the children of Xiaogangdong and Xiaogangdan are called? It's called Xiaogangbang, haha~"

  The last two ha, with endless guilty conscience and embarrassment.

  Professor Liu was exasperated by her, "Do you want children?"

"Yes, I am pregnant now. Bo has a child for a lifetime. I have finished the essay. When the Bo 3 child is older, he can get rid of it, without delaying the graduation experiment. If I miss this opportunity, I will have to wait for several years...Teacher , Are you still angry with me?"

   "What is mad at you?"

  "Last time I spoke a little bit straight, I shouldn’t compare you to that naive parent..."

"You have gotten more irritated to me. Don’t I get angry all the time? Forget it, do whatever you like. If you don’t want to go to the south, stay here and follow me. If I can’t be too busy, you You can also go back to your alma mater to help bring your younger brothers and sisters."

Professor Liu wants to open up. The relationship between her and Xiaoqian is more like a mother and daughter than a teacher and apprentice. She thinks a little bit for Xiaoqian, but Xiaoqian is right. You can't bind anything in the name of love. , The child has grown up and has his own idea.

   "I know you are good to me. I'm so glad I chose you. I have always chosen you." Xiaoqian happily hugged her and blushed for Professor Liu Dulou. Why did this little girl suddenly become sensational?

   "What is the topic I want to discuss with you?"

  Professor Liu found out that he had been taken away.

  Xiaoqian blinked playfully, "race."

"Yes, talk about the competition. I got the schedule. Tomorrow will be the preliminary round of the written test. This part is the same as the test you took before. It is the theoretical part. For example, what is James’ self-esteem formula? Kind of, it's not difficult, it's trivial to you."

  Xiaoqian yawned, "I have no problem with my apprentice."

   Although she only has a bachelor's degree in her freshman year, she has a high starting point. The top psychological counselors are all brought by masters.

"The schedule is 3 days, the first day of the written test, the next day will be based on the project given, free defense, I was also temporarily notified that I will be a judge, although I will be responsible for the final analysis is definitely not your district, But I still know some inside information. For example, the scoring standard is divided into 4 levels, in which the handling of cases not only requires reasonable treatment, but also artistic, especially the artistic column, which accounts for a lot of points."

"It's more art to see a doctor. The person who made this rule was probably kicked by a donkey. I suspect that it was a layman's work. This is like cutting a hemorrhoid. You have to cut out the texture of Michelangelo. It's useful. ?"

  The only function of that part is to skim, no matter how art is.

  Some laymen do things inside, but they don’t know their brains and think they’re good when they come up with ideas.

"Don’t complain about the organizer, you just have to take care of yourself, and I’m not worried about anything else. I’m worried about your character as a money-loving fan. Even if you pretend then, you’ll have to pretend to be a hung pot of love. The appearance of invincibility does not allow you to expose your greedy side in money, understand?"

"Hypocrisy...I didn't make people have to look at me, I don’t want to see, I’m expensive, and some people line up." Xiaoqian muttered quietly, realizing that her teacher wanted to eat people’s eyes, and laughed hurriedly. .

"Yes! Don't worry, teacher, I know how to do it. I will answer this kind of free statement in the spirit of junior high school students answering political questions. I will do whatever it takes to conform to the core values ​​of socialism and how to sing the main theme. When I answer the question, I will first boast about increasing the influence and help of the construction of spiritual civilization on contemporary clinical psychology."

  Liu Linlin nodded, yes, that's what it meant.

If someone asks Xiaoqian, why do you study psychology, Xiaoqian would like to say that the current domestic market price of psychology is not regulated, and she can slaughter the fat sheep unscrupulously. This kind of answer that is not in line with the main theme will be directly given to Zerodan, what will be the follow-up answer Everyone has to wear a hat that is not correct.

  "Didn’t it say that the final is 3 days? What about the 3rd day?"

"Previous sessions were all defenses, but this year I don’t know what’s going on. It’s changed to a simulated clinical practice. The contestants who have reached the final will each receive a virtual patient, and they will undergo treatment for 1 hour in a confined space. It was broadcast live to the judges and audience, and the final score was 70% for judges and 30% for'patients'."

   "... let a virtual patient rate the professional doctor?" Xiaoqian's face was almost written with a few big words: Are you teasing me?

Liu Linlin also had a speechless expression, "The above arrangement is that the right to score virtual patients also represents the future doctor-patient relationship. The patient may not be a professional, but they will be satisfied with the treatment according to the doctor’s attitude. Evaluation."

  This is equivalent to the buyer's rating after a certain treasure bought something in later generations.

  Xiaoqian thought with her knees, her virtual patient must have given her a bad review.

  No matter what she answers, the other party must have a bad review.

  Do you still need a reason if you want to spray people? The professional critics sent by the enemy will definitely find her to start, this is proper!

  It turned out to be waiting for her here. The trap is really simple, rude and effective.

  Yu Minglang got off work on time today, pushed the door and raised his eyebrows.

   "Qianbao, are you playing the thinker game here?"

  The look she is now, especially like Rodin’s classic sculpture Thinker.

   "I am deeply confused..."

  From the time of the teacher to the present, Qian always maintains the thinking mode of burning brain cells.

  I have a headache, get upset, I can’t think of anything.

   "What the confusion, did you buy the vegetables?"

  "When did I buy it?" Xiao Qian was confused.

  Xiaoqiang walked over and picked up her mobile phone, called out the text message, and sent it this afternoon, but it was still unread.

   "Sorry, I have something to do today." Xiaoqian was so troubled by the bad review that she was thinking about countermeasures.

"I wanted to make boiled fish for you early after get off work today. The market is closed at this point and I can only go out to eat-Qianbao, what is your headache?" His family, Qianbao, quickly came to be rational and calm, and let her There are really not many headaches like this.

  (End of this chapter)

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