Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 846: Facial paralysis old man is very conspicuous (thanks to Xiaonen learning leader

  Chapter 846 The old man with facial paralysis is very conspicuous (thanks to the leader of Xiaonen learning +10 more)

  It’s not too much to embarrass Qianbao from his family.

   "Xiaoqiang, what if someone deliberately goes against you?"

"beat him."

  The way to solve the problem is so simple and effective.

   "I mean, if you open a store, and some customers come to pretend to buy something, but after the purchase, you spread rumors about your store, what should you do?"

  "Keep on beating until he can't do anything bad."

   "...well, when I didn’t ask."

  How could she be so naive to ask this violent guy?

   "Qianbao, did anyone give you a problem? Or want to bully you? Brother masked and poke his tires."

   "Poke poke! You know poke! I tell you, I least like to use violence to solve problems, I think—"

  "Only people who do not have the ability to solve problems decently will advocate violence." Yu Minglang almost memorized her life creed.

  Xiaoqian nodded, that's what it meant!

   "Anyone, you are born to be cheap. If you don't cut him, he will not be honest. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. It's just a matter of time."

  "The problem is that it's not appropriate to beat up right now. The teacher came this afternoon and told me something like this..."

  Xiaoqian explained the rules of the game that Professor Liu said. After listening to it, Yu Minglang's first reaction turned out to be a smile.

   "Are you laughing at Mao?" Xiao Qian was worried.

  "I laugh, do you often walk along the riverside without wet shoes? Have you ever thought about it when you were able to do things with others? Did you take this competition confidently back then, and now you know that you have a headache?"

  Xiaoqian became angry from embarrassment.

  How did she know that this thing has changed the rules!

  She has seen a lot of similar competitions at home and abroad in her previous life. Why didn’t this link exist before?

  Is it really because after the rebirth, the horror is too big, the open life has caused dissatisfaction, and the rules of the competition have been changed?

  In short, President Qian is likely to capsize the gutter this time.

  But Yu Minglang's owing expression at this time still aroused her discomfort.

   "My name is Yu, do you want to sleep on the floor? My husband doesn't look at me, and tells me what is going on? I can't understand you, stinky men who can only put off guard!"

Yu Minglang originally wanted Xiaoqian to have a longer memory. Don’t agree to something like this too soon, but it’s not his daughter-in-law’s style to change his mind when he wants to be a man with his tail clipped. Therefore, he changed his face to a loyal dog. He smiled and leaned over to hug her.

   "Okay, okay, I apologize to you, come on, snoring, snoring for you, my brother will give you smooth air~"

  Xiaoqian patted his paw, "Stop giving me the opportunity to rub oil! I'm troubled!"

  He chased her with perseverance and hugged her on his lap.

"What's so worrying about? They just let them do the calculations if they want to do the calculations. In the end, my daughter-in-law took the attributes of the magic stick and fooled people, even if your virtual patient was sent by the other party to do things. If you don’t give you high scores, everyone is watching the whole live broadcast process. He is stupid, and the judges are stupid? Even if the judges are bought a few, are the national audiences stupid?”

   Awakened the dreamer, Xiaoqian patted her forehead.

   "Yes, why didn't I expect this!"

  She patronized the headache and changed the rules and how to deal with the virtual patients who came in badly, but she forgot about the whole live broadcast.

"If you can make it to the final day of the final, it means you are already in the top 6. It doesn't matter if they are going to eliminate me and not give me a trophy. The audience will definitely be impressed with me, even if the judges are unfair. Not afraid."

  Xiaoqian's eyes lit up, but that's actually better.

When the time comes, I will find Bai Jin to use the news media to build momentum, focus on the doctor-patient relationship, and do an interview from the perspective of the doctor and the patient. This popularity will not be less than the competition. The uncrowned kings of many events are often more famous than the champions and runners. It's still big.

  Looking at her thinking about the problem, Xiaoqiangniao smiled at her quietly, still feeling there.

   "Daughter-in-law, have you gained weight recently."

   "No, it's always stable." Xiaoqian will be in a good mood, and he will be pleasing to the eye, her tone is super kind.

  "Hey, don’t you all say that you have a big chest and no brains? I think your brain is almost gone, and your chest is not big, haha!"

  He felt murderous before his laughter died down.

   "My chest is not big, but I can make you have a big bag on your head, believe it or not? Don't run, get me back!"

After solving her headache, Xiaoqian was in a good mood. The interest in life came out. She suggested that she should drive to the night market and eat the roadside stalls. Xiaoqiang was scratched for joking before, and she did not dare to disobey her proposal. Just follow along when you say eat.

  The two put on simple couple T-shirts and strolled through the night when the lights were in the early hours.

The   Night Market is only a dozen minutes away from the family courtyard, and there are all kinds of snacks.

   "I remember you didn't like to eat these before." Yu Minglang lined up to buy Xiaoqian a bowl of fried stinky tofu, and she fed him with a toothpick.

   "I didn't like it before, but now I like it."

Xiaoqian found that her living habits were different from before. In her previous life, she was a woman who seldom paid attention to her life. She focused on her career, eating and dressing, whatever was expensive, anyway. It's not bad for money.

  "Is it because of Brother's charm? But I don't like to eat stinky tofu..." Yu Minglang turned his face silently, and refused to feed Xiao Qian again.

  "It has something to do with you, but not so much, because of them."

   "He? Also bring us? How many men?!" Xiaoqiang was keen on this stuff, and immediately turned his head around. Before he could use the power of the vinegar king, Xiao Qian took another bad mouthful of stinky tofu.

  "She, female. I'm talking about Shitouyu and the freshman."

  I have had more contact with the friends around me, and Xiaoqian gradually began to learn to enjoy the details of this pyrotechnic life like ordinary people. It is true that it is plain.

   "Hey, that's not—" Xiaoqian narrowed her eyes. She seemed to see an acquaintance in the line waiting for the grilled squid.

  Xiaoqian said that, Yu Minglang looked at the situation, and followed it.

   "Why did the second brother come to our side again?"

   "I guess I want to eat again in my freshman year... Tsk tsk! My second brother's job is just fine, there is so much time when I'm not flying."

  Xiaoqian remembered to call her freshman in the morning to ask her if she wanted to organize the information, Xiaoqian told her directly that it was not necessary, and took the child to the zoo with her second brother in the freshman year.

  Looking like this is too tiring to play, people don’t want to come out, let the second brother come out to buy takeaway.

  A bunch of foodies lined up to wait for this super delicious Big Mac grilled squid, and the upright figure of the second brother is particularly conspicuous inside.

  "Do you think that your second brother looks a lot like you?" Xiaoqian stood from this angle and looked at the second brother's profile, and said with emotion.

   "Can it be different from a factory? Big brother needs to lose a few jins and is like us."

The two of them walked in the direction of the second brother, preparing to rub the two giant squids of the second brother. The line for this thing was too long, and before they got there, suddenly they saw a plump woman rushing behind the second brother and directly took the second brother. Hold it!

  (End of this chapter)

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