Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 856: President Qian again shows his professional power

  Chapter 856 President Qian again shows professional power

  You must know how boring your second brother is. He has never done this before outside. He is full of warmth and encouragement.

  "Come on, mom! You are the best!" Panpan made a cheering gesture to the freshman, the older son smiled, and stared at her husband affectionately. She wants to work hard, and she wants to earn the honor for President Qian!

  I would rather stand to die than kneel and cry. How can you be worthy of President Qian if you win without a fight.

  How can I be worthy of the husband who silently supports him!

  The freshman looked at the second brother, met his completely trusting eyes, and the love burned in his heart, not only for President Qian, but also for the trust of the man she loved!

   "Even if I can't make the moon that shines like President Qian in my entire life, I will become a dazzling star. There is only one President Qian in the world, and there is only one me in the world!"

  Second brother nodded, "Yes, if you can say this, you have already won half of it."

  The freshman stepped on the unknown door and felt the heavy responsibility on her shoulders for the first time.

  At this time, Qian is still persevering in brainwashing the bad guys.

  Under her seemingly disorderly, topical, and uncomfortable chat, the bad guy's emotions were a little relaxed.

   "Come out, it's really too hot inside, maybe a cool breeze can blow away your worries, and your body's sadness will drift away with the wind."

  Xiaoqian’s voice became a little dumb, and the high level of mental stress and the hot weather made her throat pain again within a couple of days.

  No one knows better than her what kind of professional connotations are behind her seemingly casual conversation.

  The surrounding crowds also followed suit, and some even whispered to change people, this negotiator is too unprofessional, this is a magical thing to talk about, it is not good to ask the bad guys what they need, talk about your uncle’s weather!

  But at this critical moment, a miracle happened.

  I saw the door that had been closed tightly, and opened a little gap.

  The bad guy showed up and asked Xiaoqian.

   "Is what you said is true, can the wind blow away my worries?"

   "Wind is the best medicine in the world, come out, everything is fine when you come out, come, follow my voice, take your steps..."

  The door was opened a little bit, and the bad guys moved very slowly and slowly, and the surrounding people did not dare to speak.

  The waiting process is so long. Every time the door is opened, the hearts of the people at the scene are affected.

   "Increase your hand movements, do you feel the summer wind? Yes, take your steps and move towards a new life, two steps at a time..."

  In Xiaoqian’s increasingly suggestive voice, the bad guy actually came down step by step, one meter or two meters away from the van, a little bit far away!

   And he also gradually approached Xiao Qian, Xiao Qian even saw the knife he was holding, and the blood on it had dried up.

  Suddenly, Lin Zeguang's people and Yu Minglang rushed forward, the bad guy didn't react at all, the knife in his hand was already taken off, and the whole person was controlled by the locked shoulder!

  The scene was silent for a few seconds, then there were cheers, and then applause.

  Xiaoqian breathed a sigh of relief, and it was done!

  She picked up the horn and said to the crowd onlookers.

   "I have heard everyone's comments just now. Let me explain why I didn't follow the steps you saw on TV."

  At this time, Xiaoqian has returned to standard Mandarin. The Hong Kong-Taiwan accent just now was just to win the trust of the bad guys.

  The scene became quiet again, and Xiaoqian began to explain.

"He is a mentally ill state in hysteria. In this state, he will lose control of his emotions, and may even have hallucinations and excessive behaviors similar to schizophrenia. The best way to deal with this state is to suggest him, and he will easily accept the suggestion. It is a bad suggestion that will make him act aggressively. If he keeps asking him what difficulties he has and what needs to be solved, he will think that bad things are easy to go to extremes. I just used professionalism to suggest him."

  The crowd at the scene is boiling, and I can’t understand professional matters, but I think it’s amazing!

  Even the radio station that rushed over recorded this scene, and Xiaoqian instantly became a hero.

  I just complained that Xiaoqian was unprofessional, and they were all brainwashed by President Qian. These onlookers suddenly felt so excited and passionate. They witnessed the most professional negotiations with psychologists. How much cowhies have to be bragged with relatives and friends after going back!

  But at the moment Xiaoqian didn't even think about what these boring people were discussing. She walked up to the bad guy, the bad guy's eyes were still blank, and Xiaoqian stretched out her hand and shook in front of his eyes.

   "Follow my fingers, you will feel your body is very light, very light, very tired... Go to sleep..."

  Patients with this disease have not fixed fantasy objects, but they are the easiest to accept hints.

  The eyes of the bad guy were closed a little bit, and the people around saw this scene as if they saw a conjure. It’s amazing!

  The father of the neurotic man came over and cried bitterly at the son who was taken away.

At this time, the medical team rushed to the car and rescued the hostages. One of the two little girls was frightened and the other was stabbed. Fortunately, the stabbed one was on the arm and did not hurt the blood vessels. Bleeding, illness is not threatened.

  Xiaoqian sees that the time is almost up, and she is now in time for the game.

  If it weren't for this episode that happened on the road, she should have arrived at the game by this time. But Xiaoqian thinks it is very worthwhile.

  Yu Minglang walked over and patted her on the shoulder.

   "Daughter-in-law, you really showed our face to our family, you did a good job!"

  He knew that his daughter-in-law must be fine, and she did a very good job, great~

Xiaoqian was not surprised to see him coming, she just bends her eyes at him, "Looking at your vulgar big red check clothes, it has caused me some harm. I have to rush to the game. I choose this kind of clothes—"

   "Girl, girl, are you okay!" The kidnapped father who had just made trouble rushed to the van. His daughter was the uninjured hostage. At this moment, the little girl was being held down, and her legs were weak.

  "Dad!" The little girl who was less than twenty saw her father, crying in fright. She was really frightened just now.

  The other woman whose arm was stabbed was crying and howling. After seeing Yu Minglang, the injured woman suddenly brightened her eyes and stopped howling, clutching her injured arm and rushing towards Yu Minglang.

  At this speed, with this sound, I really can’t see that it’s just out of danger, walking like flying, like a bee seeing a flower and a fly seeing it, ah!


  Xiaoqiang turned his head and felt a behemoth leaping towards him. He reflexively rushed to the side. Two people came out immediately behind him, and the fat girl was separated.

  Xiaoqian has a black line. It's her again.

  Thanks to the guardians of MAOMAO, Wolverine 110, lFy, zx819, I live my life, and Acateris for the reward of 500 coins per person~

  (End of this chapter)

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