Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 857: Some people's head is flooded if they are not

   Chapter 857

  This is the woman who tried to bear Xiaoqiang in the night market!

  It turns out that she is the hostage taken today.

  Xiaoqiang rescued her once, and Xiaomei rescued her again. How related is this guy to his family?

  The fat girl was not reconciled yet, she was dragged away, her feet still dragging **** the ground.

  "Benefactor! I like you! Benefactor, I like you!"

  Xiaoqiang was called out with goosebumps. He rubbed his arms and asked Xiaoqian, "Is she sturdy? Is this reaction normal? Do you want to go directly to the psychiatric hospital?"

   was kidnapped and injured. After being rescued, I am not afraid to become a nympho. I really feel that this woman's IQ has been low and defeated 99.5% of the people in the country!

   "Some people are not sturdy, but their heads are flooded. Looking at her current state, there is no need to worry that she will be frightened by it."

  Xiaoqian is also full of laughter, she even sympathizes with Xiaoqiang a little bit, it is also very painful to be looked at by this dog skin plaster Erpi face!

  Just as Xiaoqian was about to leave, suddenly there was an exclamation from the other side.

   "Ah! Girl, what's wrong with you!"

  Xiaoqian turned her head, only to see the uninjured rescued girl foaming at the mouth and suddenly fell to the ground.


   "Ah! What's wrong with my daughter! What's wrong with this!" The middle-aged man was frightened and shivered while holding his child.

  Why is the injured one still jumping around, but the uninjured one is foaming at the mouth?

  The doctor hurriedly stepped forward to check, the girl was still frothing on her mouth, looking very scary.

  Xiaoqian's expression stunned, she walked over quickly and pushed the doctor away.

   "Let me take a look."

  Xiaoqian rolled the girl’s eyelids and motioned to the doctor on one side to rush to rescue her, her heartbeat and blood pressure were normal.

  "Doctor! What's wrong with my daughter!" the middle-aged man cried and asked.

  "This...we have to take it back for a detailed examination to draw a conclusion." The emergency doctors can't see what it is for the time being, unlike heart disease or epilepsy.

What exactly is this?

  Suddenly, the girl stopped smoking, she sat up and cried, crying and vomiting.

  This situation frightened her father.

  Xiaoqian sees this, she probably has a few.

   "It is very likely that she was irritated and got hysteresis."

   "Huh?! You mean, my daughter... is crazy?!"

  The middle-aged man staggered in fright, and fell behind him. Yu Minglang hurriedly supported him with his eyes full of sympathy.

  The bad guy who just kidnapped the child was hysterical, and I didn’t expect Xiaoqian to say that the child might be terrified.

  How can fate not let people sigh with regret!

"I just infer that her symptoms are somewhat like hysteria... The specifics can only be known with the results of the hospital's examination, but this family member, don't be afraid, hysteria is functional, as long as it is treated in time, the later stage of the psychological The treatment keeps up and she can recover."

   "But that nasty villain just now, he's all like that, my daughter won't be—"

"No, there are many types of hysteria. A large number of patients generally recover better. 60%-80% of patients can relieve themselves within a year. In this way, I will leave you with my contact information. She was diagnosed with hysteria, and I will help her with psychological treatment."

   "Ah!" The man held the contact information Xiaoqian gave, with mixed feelings, caring for the child, and he couldn't even say thank you.

  Xiaoqian finished dealing with these things and was about to leave. As soon as she turned around, she was shaken by the camera behind her.

  Yu Minglang decisively blocked her face with his hands, but the media still kept clicking.

  Xiaoqian even saw Baijin!

  "Please accept our interview!" The media likes this kind of hot spot.

  Baijin squeezed in front, with total admiration on his face.

   "Idol! I am your fan, we are related, you have to accept me first!"

  Xiaoqian has a black line, Bai Jin is really well informed!

  Xiaoqian really wants to say, don’t join in the fun, when will the interview not work? She is still rushing to the game now.

  But it’s useless to say it. Baijin only represents the city radio station, and there are other media too!

  The major newspapers, as well as the radio station, besides the media, there were crowds who were onlookers. They blocked the flow of water. They looked on Xiaoqian as a national treasure panda.

  Having finally waited for Xiaoqian to withdraw, Yu Minglang drove her personally, but it was still too late.

  To be precise, when Xiaoqian arrived at the radio station, there were still 2 minutes.

  But when she came to the entrance of the studio hall, several security guards blocked her way.

   "No entry, time has passed."

   "My watch has 2 minutes left."

   "No, there is an order on it, no entry is allowed."

  The security guard said mercilessly, and the door was slowly closed.

  Xiaoqian was isolated.

  Just after the security guard closed the door of the studio, a man in a suit and leather shoes stood not far away, the expression on his face can only be described by one word.

show off.

  Xiaoqian saw it, and Yu Minglang saw it too.

   "This amazing little girl, why don't you go in? Hahaha!"

  The man walked over triumphantly and stood a step away from Yu Minglang and Xiaoqian.

  "Do you know me? My name is Zhao Dapao. You may not know me, but my sister is your high school head teacher Zhao Xiaotong. You should be familiar with it, right?"

   "Ha ha." Xiao Qian sneered.

"I heard that you are amazing. My sister has always praised you. As a sponsor of this game, I also look forward to my sister's high footing. Why did you disappoint me? Can't even enter the venue?"

  It's impossible to do it in this kind of situation.

  Once Xiaoqian or Yu Minglang get started, this matter will be a big deal.

  Beating on the radio, if it is slightly exaggerated, Xiaoqian’s qualification certificate will be revoked in serious cases.

  So Yu Minglang and Xiao Qian both kept the same expressions and actions, looking at this guy with contempt.

  I want to know that if Xiao Qian was not allowed to enter in the last two minutes, it is very likely that this guy was playing tricks behind him.

  "You are the one behind you, right?" Xiao Qian said lightly.

"What about me? Is it reasonable for you to be late? Contempt for the game and bear the consequences. At the beginning, you didn't save my niece Yaya. This is your retribution, haha!" Zhao Dapao didn't conceal himself. What he did was generously admitted.

  "You are a moral kidnapping. I have the ability, but I don’t necessarily want to save it. It's as if you have money and don’t need to distribute it to the poor."

"The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp, but unfortunately I can’t participate in the defense. I will tell you clearly, I told you to close the door early, who made you late? Haha! Come on, hit me, aren’t you very good? Hit me. Try it, hahaha!"

  Yu Minglang remained motionless, Xiao Qian was afraid that he would be impulsive again, and hurriedly held his hand, Xiao Qiang gave her a calm look back.

  Thank you for your 10,000 points reward! Congratulations to the Horseshoe Crab Consortium for becoming the eighth leader of this book~

  (End of this chapter)

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