Return of the Antagonistic Lady Boss

Chapter 858: I'm relieved to see him so shameless

   Chapter 858 Don't worry if you see him so shameless

  With Xiaoqian by her side, Yu Minglang's ability to restrain emotions has taken another step.

   "I tell you, none of the people who provoke me will end up well, haha, you little girl will definitely not be able to get involved in the industry in the future. You will lose this game in a mess, hahaha!"

  Zhao Dapao was enough, humming a small song and slowly left.

  Xiaoqian coldly looked at his back, this shameless fellow!

   "I don't know if I can cope with the freshman year."

  Xiaoqian is very worried about her freshman year. In fact, she doesn't care about the result of this boring competition.

  I only hope that the freshman can perform normally in it, even if it loses, it will be fine, as long as it doesn't affect the freshman mentality, don't undermine the freshman's self-confidence, and don't delay the future of the freshman.

  Xiaoqian is worried about her good friend Jian Ersao, while Xiaoqiang looks at the direction where Zhao Dapao is leaving.

   "Xiaomei, you go to the audience to find our mother. She has found someone to get the ticket. You can cheer for the freshman as an audience."

"how about you?"

   "I... something trivial." Yu Minglang said gloomily.

  Zhao Dapao successfully disgusted Xiaoqian, it was not too cool.

  He hummed a little song and walked all the way to the toilet, untied his pants and put water in, washed his hands after putting the water in, then stood by the sink and called on the phone.

   "It's me, that girl dug a pit by herself, haha, before our turn to start tomorrow, she was absent the next day, she was going to laugh at me, haha!"


"Yeah, let her assistant defend her instead. Her assistant is just a college student. How could she be better than other players? She is destined to be eliminated. Even if it is too much, she did not participate in the contest and let the assistant participate. It didn't conform to the rules! You quickly find someone to instigate her previous patients, as long as one can be found, she will lose the qualification to be a psychologist!"

   “Don’t take it lightly, just look at the results first, just in case, the virtual patient who cooperates with us tomorrow will not be dismissed for the time being, we must attack her in all directions!”

   "Yes, you really know what you are doing, and you really understand what you do--ah!"

   was reporting the situation. He raised his head abruptly. The shadow reflected in the mirror made him scream in fright. The phone shivered and fell into the pool.

  In the mirror, a tall figure appeared behind him like a ghost. .

   "Ah! What are you going to do!" Zhao Dapao shuddered in fright, and saw the visitor's eyes bend coldly without a smile, and said in a gloomy tone.

"you guess?"

"who are you!"

   Then, the sound is muted...

Thirty seconds later, a figure quickly flashed out of the toilet, and Zhao Dapao slapped the door and shouted, "Is there anyone outside? I don't want to stay in the smelly toilet. Someone locked me in the toilet... "

  It's illegal to hit and scold someone, so you can't do it.

  But...If your hand slips, and you accidentally lock the toilet door, it’s okay, right?

  The toilet here is very remote. In the innermost area, almost no one will come. Zhao Dapao came here in a hurry to see if other toilets were full. As a result, who wanted to be locked in it!

  Almost an hour later, Zhao Dapao was vomiting because of the smell of this toilet. Why is there still a clogged toilet on the radio? Who else has a stomachache and eats leeks, it's disgusting!

   "Is anyone..." Zhao Dapao's voice became hoarse, and his hands hurt.

  Finally, a security guard came over to patrol. He almost thought he was haunted when he heard the sound inside. He boldly opened the door, and only then saw the dark face of Zhao Dapao.

   "Are you all right?"

   "Someone turned me off and robbed my phone..."

  "Are you still holding your mobile phone in your hand?" The security guard pointed.

  It’s just that the battery of the mobile phone was still in the cesspool. It happened to be on a tuoxiang. This is so wicked that people can see but there is no way to take it out.

  Zhao Dapao looked at the cell phone without battery and complained.

  "He snatched my phone, took the battery, and threw it there! He also looked at my call log!"

   "Um, this situation, won't you be accepted?" It's not about robbing the phone to grab money!

   "Did he hit you?"

   "No... but he shut me out of the toilet!"

  "This can't be accepted either." The security guard's mind was very active. He could see it when he first came in. The door was completely unclear whether it was man-made or natural damage. The lock broke naturally.

  If this is spontaneously damaged, you must be responsible if you go out on stage!

  The concept of "TV station is my home, salary loves me and I love it" is deeply ingrained in the minds of security guards. You will have to report to the leader after a while, maybe you can get praise.

  "Why can't I accept it anymore! I'm looking for someone now!" Zhao Da Pao has been feeling the smell of the toilet after so long.

   "Did you see clearly what that person looks like?"

   "He is covering his face, I can't see clearly."

  The security guard shook his head at Zhao Dapao, "Sir, are you too tired from work and hallucinations? The radio station is holding a professional psychologist competition, or, when the meeting is over, you can find one?"

  Zhao Dapao hated it, but he couldn't do anything about it.


  No one beat him, no one scolded him, no one robbed him, he didn’t even know who kept him here, what's the use of finding someone?

  Who is that masked man? So confused...

  Yu Minglang was rushing to the workplace. The eldest brother called and he answered the call with a Bluetooth headset.

   "Brother, did you find the phone?"

   "No, I used a one-time phone card. I couldn't find out the attribution at all, and it was not purchased under real name." The eldest brother said depressed.

  "It’s normal if I can’t find it. Those who can point the finger at my daughter-in-law must be courageous and careful. This time it proves that there is someone behind Zhao Dapao. As for other things, no matter how cunning, they will show their feet sooner or later."

  "I will check Zhao Dapao's recent capital flow again to see if I can follow the vines. Please pay attention to the younger brothers and sisters. Don't let the younger brothers and sisters lose money."

"Got it."

  Yu Minglang actually wanted to go in and see her daughter-in-law. He was playing instead of Xiaoqian in his freshman year, but his company still had something to do, so he couldn't skip work, so he could only leave with hatred, and sent a text message to Xiaoqian by the way.

  Xiaoqian was already sitting next to Yu's mother at this time. She was sitting down the stage as an audience, watching the freshman on stage, her heart felt relieved.

   Freshman's expression doesn't seem to be nervous, it seems to be very calm.

  It seems that the second brother mobilized her before the game and can hold her freshman year, except for Xiaoqian, that must be the second brother.

  "Xiaoqian, do you think our freshman year can do it?" Yu's mother was worried about her daughter-in-law's troubled race trip.

  If Xiaoqian didn’t save the two hostages, how could she not even get into the arena?

   "Yes, I have confidence in the freshman." Xiaoqian is most worried about being nervous during the freshman year, afraid that the freshman will lose confidence because of this competition.

  But she was relieved when she saw the freshman face.

  Thank you for the reward of 1000 coins for rifle bullets, thank you for the reward of 1000 coins for the actor's bones, thank you for the reward of 1000 coins for Wolverine 110, thank you for the rewards of Mobile Mouse, Xue Tiantian, and book friends 110209170659998!

  (End of this chapter)

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