Mo Jin's cell phone kept ringing for a day. Mo Jin didn't answer or turn it off. She just threw her cell phone where no one was and rang anyway. The next day, Xie Dong called mu Ruchen and said a bad news.

All the cargo ships under their company's name were hijacked in a sea area and demanded a high ransom.

It's OK not to pay the ransom, but Mo Jin has to answer his phone.

Mo Jin can only answer the phone.

"Mr. Mo," said a man's voice on the other end of the phone, "it's not easy for you to listen to the phone. Do you have to force us to rob your son-in-law's ship?"

Mo Jin looked disapproval. "Don't talk nonsense first. I also answered the phone. Can you let it go?"

"Are you talking to me?"

"No, I'm ordering!"


Mo Jin's voice was lazy. "Haven't you been ill for a few days? It annoyed me, but it won't do you any good."

"I didn't call to quarrel with you," the other party's voice became calmer. "Mr. Mo, as you said before, as long as I can help you in the war in country D, you will cure my disease."

"Yes, this agreement is still true now, but our country won't fight." Mo Jin's voice is lazy. "God's will is so, I can't help it."

"So you mean, you want me to attack your country?"

"The country is not mine. At present, the new king rules the country. He is neither a member of the Mo family nor an admirer of the family. Even if you have the ability to call, what does it have to do with me?"

"You..." the other party repressed his anger. "Mr. Mo, let's talk about the conditions again. How can you come to treat me?"

"I've been very busy recently. I'm not free!" he said and hung up the phone.

In the living room, mu Ruchen looked at him. Saving people is not a big deal for him, but he never wants to save people who have nothing to do with himself. Such Mo Jin looks really not kind at all.

"Who is the other party?" Mu Ruchen asked.

"A pirate," Mo Jin leaned back in his chair and looked lazy, "don't worry, the pirate is dying. He doesn't dare not let go of your cargo ship. In addition, don't go to that sea area in the last month to avoid being caught again."

"Why don't you help him and treat him?"

"I'm not a doctor!" Mo Jin took it for granted.

"Oh?" Mu Ruchen looked at her. "It's the first time I've heard that you're not a doctor."

"I study poison and don't save people."

"But you are very good at medicine." Mu Ruchen looked at him, "isn't it very cost-effective for you to save a person and want a fortune?"

"I can save anyone, but I won't save her!"


"Why do you have so many questions?" Mo Jin was very unhappy. "Are you a three-year-old child? You are so curious!"

"Where did he offend you?" Mu Ruchen didn't mind, but said faintly, "can you tell me?"

Mo Jin stared at him, "Ou Muxuan, do you know?"

"Yes, almost all of us in business don't know him. He is a legend."

"So, Su Yan, do you know?"

"Miracle doctor, I have a good relationship with Ou Muxuan."

"Ou Muxuan has a daughter who marries the president of the state of menzabar, and then has a daughter named ximoyao, you know?"

Mu Ruchen nodded, "Xi moyao is the princess of state M."

"This little girl is Su Yan's apprentice and has won the true legend of the miracle doctor. In those years, the pirate didn't like me and had to treat Xi moyao for him. As a result, people didn't agree, and even almost took his whole den of thieves. He can't entangle anymore, so he came back to me."

Mo Jin said more and more angrily, "am I so bad? How can I say that I'm 40 or 50 years old, and I'll be worse than that little girl's medical skill? What can I do for a man with no eyes?"

Mu Ruchen looked at Mo Jin and flashed a touch of wisdom on his delicate face, "father-in-law, with your character, if you can tell me such an embarrassing thing, it means that you have covered up a more embarrassing one."

"Nonsense?" Mo Jin stared at him. "Do you still want to be with Xia Xia?"

"Yes!" Mu Ruchen stopped questioning.

"Xia Xia helped Zhong man to take a walk outside!" after providing the news, Mo Jin turned and left.

It was like something was hidden from mu Ruchen.

So Mo Jin still thinks that smart people are the most annoying.

After Mo Jin left, mu Ruchen dialed a phone.

"Second master, what can I do for you?" ouyangye was always on call.

"Ono, go and find out who detained the merchant ship of Mu's group."

"Yes," ouyangye responded immediately, "second Lord, check it and remove it, right?"

"No, maybe the other party has a little history. Just check it silently, especially when the pirate had any grudges with Mr. mo."

"Yes, I'll check it now!"

Mu Ruchen is really curious about this matter. However, he is curious not because of gossip, but to please his father-in-law. After all, he is the only one supporting Zhong man.

After hanging up, mu Ruchen stood up and went out.

Although he believed in an Lixia 100%, mu Ruchen was still very unhappy to let her stay with Zhong man. If he could, he really wanted to make a cage to cover an Lixia inside and refuse any man she contacted.

It was sunny outside. An Lixia helped Zhong man to walk outside.

He was dressed in a white robe and was cold. His whole body seemed to be shrouded in a light fog forever. No one could melt it and drive it away.

Even if an Lixia was so close to him, he felt that he was hazy, not so true, as if he never belonged to the world.

An Lixia looked at his beautiful face and smiled, "master, the world is really wonderful. I didn't expect you to be my father's subordinate."

"I'm from country D. I was adopted by the elder when I was a child. It's right to work for him." Zhong man's answer is very light.

"But why did you become a cartoonist? Besides, you became famous very early?"

"I like comics before you, because you also like comics, so the elder sent me to you," Zhong man said faintly. "Like you, at the beginning, I was protected by the elder. He sent me away from country D and said he wanted me to live my own life. I knelt at the door of his room all night before he finally agreed to give me a task to protect you."

Therefore, when Mo Jin said that he could not be with an Lixia, no matter how much he loved, he must restrain himself, because he understood that the elder must have his reason.

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