The sunshine outside is very good, but Zhong man always has a light, clear and cool fog on his body. It seems that he has been like this since an Lixia knew him.

Pale and lonely, like waiting for something, like waiting for nothing, always so lofty and arrogant, always so cold, even if there is a bright sunshine on his head, it is several degrees lower on him.

"What are you looking at me for?" Zhong man asked faintly. With some doubts on his beautiful face, he seemed to just ask casually.

"Master, do you have anything unhappy?" an Lixia looked at his face. "I seldom see you smile, as if you are not interested in anything."

"Well, I'm not very interested," Zhong man looked at the bright sunshine in the distance. "No matter how you struggle, you still live like this day by day. You're decadent, it's the same day, so what's the significance?"

It seems that he is very casual about life.

"Since it's all a day, why don't you make yourself happier?" an Lixia asked with a smile.

"It's a day to laugh and a day not to laugh. Why bother to find happiness? Just keep these energy to do what you want to do."

"Master, what do you want to do?"

Zhong man looked at an Lixia, looked at the sunshine jumping on her face, and missed a beat for no reason.

She is not beautiful enough to make people fall in love at first sight, but she does have a charm that people can't divert their attention, and there is an impulse to hold her.

Zhong man was shaking and had stretched out his arm to hold her.

"Lixia, you are really like a little sun," Zhong man quietly hugged her. "When I am with you, I will feel very warm."

An Lixia was stunned.

In the past, master would not say she was holding her. Even if she looked at her more, she would be excited. Now, even if she was holding her so intimately, there were no ripples in her heart.

On the contrary, there is a faint sense of guilt.

It's guilt for mu Ruchen.

It seems that she has regarded herself as mu Ruchen's thing. It is a sin to be touched by others.

Ann Lixia is a little embarrassed. Does her psychology seem very servile?

Reaching out, I just wanted to push Zhong man away, but a gust of wind blew behind me. Then, a strong force suddenly pulled her over and knocked Zhong man down to the ground!

It's mu Ruchen.

It's disturbing enough to see them together. Now I actually see Zhong man embracing an Lixia?

At the moment, there is no reason.

"Master?" an Lixia, ignoring mu Ruchen, immediately pulled Zhong man up, "master, are you okay?"

"It's all right." some of the wounds on my body have been soaked with clothes. "The wound is cracked. I'll go to the elder."

There was a serious wound on his body, because the other party used poison when cutting him, so the wound was difficult to heal. Mo Jin finally made his wound heal, and now it was opened by mu Ruchen.

It's terrible.

More and more traces of blood were stained on the white robe.

And Zhong man's body is shaking. It seems that he may faint at any time.

"Master?" an Lixia exclaimed, trying to catch up, but he was pulled by mu Ruchen.

"Don't go!" Mu Ruchen pulled her. "Mo Jin treated his wound. Don't worry!"

"Mu Ruchen, don't be so unreasonable, master, he..."

"He deserved it!" Mu Ruchen said coldly.

"How can you do this?"

"What should I do?" Mu Ruchen looked at her fiercely. "An Lixia, you are my wife. What do you look like hugging other men in public?"

"You misunderstood, I just..."

"I saw you holding together with my own eyes. Dare you say it was a misunderstanding?" Mu Ruchen roared. "Do you want to tell me that you didn't hug and what I saw was dislocation?"

"You..." an Lixia didn't know how to refute, "forget it, I won't tell you until your anger is gone!"

"Do you still want to go to Zhong man's side?" Mu Ruchen blocked her way. "Without my permission, you are by my side, and you are not allowed to leave!"

"Mu Ruchen, don't go too far!" an Lixia was angry!

"Who went too far?"

"You..." an Lixia didn't want to say a word to her. She turned and wanted to go back to the room. However, she was held by mu Ruchen again, "let go!"

"Don't let go!"

"Mu Ruchen, you bastard!"

Mu Ruchen simply picked her up and went out.

He went out of Mo's house and walked directly to the place where there was no one.

"Mu Ruchen, you put me down, you bastard!" an Lixia kicked him, "you fucking put me down!"

Mu Ruchen ignored his words, only carried her and walked to the open space outside before putting her down.

Although she was very angry, she didn't act rude. Even when she couldn't stand stably, he reached out to help him, but she was pushed away by an Lixia!

Who wants him to help!

"Explain!" Mu Ruchen looked at her coldly.

"Well, you explain, I listen!"

Mu Ruchen was angry, "I want you to explain your hug with Zhong man!"

"I want you to explain your rudeness and irrationality!"

"An Lixia!" Mu Ruchen stared at her.

An Lixia also stared back!

Two pairs of eyes stared at each other, as if no one would let anyone.

However, after two minutes of stalemate, mu Ruchen turned his eyes and sat on the grass with a look of anger.

"My explanation is very simple. I'm jealous. Seeing you hug Zhong man, I even have the heart to kill him. Tell Zhong man to stay away from me in the future. I may kill him at any time!"

This is his explanation. It has the style of Mu Ruchen.

An Lixia looked at him and sat beside him, "stingy."

"An Lixia, I tell you, I like you. I am willing to do anything for you and change everything for you. However, I will never learn to forgive you for being with other men and never get rid of the problem of stinginess. You should be prepared as soon as possible!"

Mu Ruchen said angrily.

An Lixia was originally very angry, but seeing mu Ruchen's unpromising appearance, she really had no anger at all.

This guy is really

"It's not my fault, an Lixia, it's your fault!" Mu Ruchen continued to roar at her.

"What did I do wrong?"

"Your beauty and charm is your biggest mistake!"

Ann Lixia is embarrassed. Is this... Praising her?

"Mu Ruchen, are you angry or trying to please me?"



"Coax me!"

An Lixia looked at his unpromising appearance and silently despised him. Can he not be so childish and admire the president?

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