Gu Yichen was reading the document. When he heard the news, he was not very sad. Instead, he felt a little relieved.

He always felt that chuyang group was his responsibility. Without him in power, chuyang would decline and many employees would lose their jobs. He wanted to go back, just wanted to be responsible for the people who once believed in him and didn't want to live up to them.

Now, if Mu Ruchen takes over, I believe the prospect will be very good.

However, this also shows that mu Ruchen is more cruel than he thought.

"Mu Ruchen," Gu Yichen put down the document and leaned back in his chair, "you are taking advantage of the danger of others. Why, the president is tired of being a robber?"

"Yes," Mu Ruchen tilted his lips, "anyway, you can't come back for a while. When you want to come back, come to my company. Isn't it good for us to fight the world together?"

"I now have a messy world for me to fight. I don't have time to fight again. Be nice to my employees."

"I won't treat them badly."

"That's all right. Do whatever you want."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Yichen looked at the document in her hand, which was the ciphertext of country D.

These days, he has just adapted to being a king and just stabilized the situation. At present, what he has to do is reform and change country d into a presidential country, democracy and equality, and there are still many ideas that have not been implemented.

For the time being, he can't go back, can he?

At this time, someone knocked at the door outside.

"Come in!"

"Your Majesty, the woman chosen by the Mu family for you has now gone to the princess."

"I see."

These women don't know the heaven and earth. They quarrel one by one to serve him. Since they are so pious, Gu Yichen will give them a chance to cook, clean and so on. Well, is this serving?

At first, they did a good job, but now, they don't seem to be very safe?

Gu Yichen put down his work and got up to leave.

Before I got to the room, I heard the noise inside.

"Princess, this is the soup we cooked for you personally. You can taste it." a coquettish woman approached Lin Luo with a seemingly delicious soup in her hand.

"No," Lin Luo refused. "I don't want soup right now. You can go out."

It's just a bowl of soup. There must be no good in the presence of so many people.

"How can the princess be so cruel?" the woman approached Lin Luo. "I've worked so hard for so many hours. How can you refuse?"

"Am I a princess or are you a princess?" Lin Luo looked at them mercilessly. "I said let you take it away!"

"Princess, don't be so cruel." the woman gave a look to several people around her.

The other women went over and held Linluo down.

"Since the princess refuses to cooperate, we have to be polite. After all, this bowl of soup can let the princess go to a peaceful world without trouble."

With that, several women pressed Lin Luo's hand, and one of them forced the soup into Lin Luo's mouth.

Lin Luo stretched out his foot and kicked the woman in front of him. However, the woman seemed to have kung fu and leaned over.

"These days, we have been studying the princess. We all know how many kilograms the princess has, so don't make a meaningless struggle. It's useless."

"You are a killer hired by Mu family to kill me?"

"The imperial concubine is really smart, but it's too late. Only when you die can his majesty marry another woman. As long as he marries the Mu family's woman, the Mu family can turn over." the woman is carrying a bowl of soup, "die!"

"Originally, you also have a plot." at the door, Gu Yichen walked slowly past.

Straight body, like a standing mountain peak, with a smile on her beautiful face, ruthless, bloodthirsty, clearly like a high God, but at the moment, it is like a sudden incarnation of a devil, as if to destroy everything.

Such a smile frightened everyone.

The woman with the bowl immediately took out a knife from her body and stabbed Lin Luo directly.

Gu Yichen smiled coldly, but his body was as fast as welcome, approached quickly, and then directly held the woman's wrist. The blade turned and quickly stabbed into the woman's abdomen.

This knife was not fatal, and Gu Yichen didn't intend to kill them so simply.

Several people around him saw that the momentum was wrong and turned around to go out. However, Gu Yichen's body jumped up and kicked them to the ground one by one!

The strength is very heavy, which can't be borne by a third rate killer like them.

Hearing the news, the guards outside rushed in and quickly caught the women on the ground.

"Your Majesty, you are frightened."

"Take them down and carefully torture me," Gu Yichen wiped the blood on her hands with a paper towel. "You don't have to pity fragrance and jade, and you don't have to be polite. If people who admire the family want to go in, they will block out for me."


They went out and tidied up the messy room before they left.

"Xiao Luo, are you all right?" Gu Yichen walked over. The terrible expression just disappeared. Instead, he was full of care and doting. "Have they hurt you?"

"No, I'm fine," Lin Luo smiled. "I knew you would come, so I'm not afraid at all." Lin Luo hugged him. "My husband will protect me."

She is comforting him.

Gu Yichen held her in her arms, "I promise that such things will not happen again in the future."

"It doesn't matter. I'm really not afraid at all," Lin Luo looked up at him. "As a princess, how can I be so timid?"

Gu Yichen hugged her, "Xiao Luo, if you don't want to be a princess, if you want to go back, it's not too late."

Lin Luo shook his head, "Chen, I think it's more suitable for you here."

"..." Gu Yichen looked down at her.

"It's more than enough to be a king with your ability. You're such a great and small group president, you'll cover your light."

Lin Luo knows how excellent Gu Yichen is. Therefore, she also understands that a small company is not enough for him to play. Since he is so excellent, there should be a broader stage for him to show himself and let people in the world know how excellent he is.

"Fool, how can I have any light?" Gu Yichen lowered her head and resisted her forehead.

"Yes, otherwise, why do those messy women like to be close to you so much?" Lin Luo was jealous. "Don't think I didn't know how many women came to tease you yesterday."

Gu Yichen smiled and kissed her lips, "that thing is my negligence. I promise that similar things will not happen in the future."

"I warn you, stay away from those messy women. If you dare to let them touch you, I won't want you."

"Yes, I promise I'll be clean."

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