Country D was always controlled by the Mu family. All the administrative officials at all levels of the country were from the Mu family. In the original prosperous family, almost everyone was an official. Now, Gu Yichen has become the king. Those who can stay and those who can't are dismissed.

After the Mu family controlled the country for so many years, officials were used to not working with wages, and there were not many excellent descendants, so many officials were dismissed.

However, it is the Mo family. Because of their difficult survival, they have to make themselves excellent in order to survive. Therefore, a large number of Mo family have become political dignitaries of the country, as well as people of other families, and even some talented poor people, have more opportunities for promotion.

Before, the Mu family ran against other families. Now it's their turn to unite against the Mu family. Therefore, the survival of the Mu family is very difficult. Their only way out is to pull Gu Yichen over and become their people.

However, Gu Yichen was not interested.

"Your Majesty, we have selected all these women through layers. They have both talent and appearance and excellent moral character. You can keep them around for observation for a period of time." the new elder of Mu family still doesn't give up.

Gu Yichen held his daughter in his arms. It seemed that he didn't hear what the elders said. With a charming smile on his lips, he was coaxing his daughter to be happy.

"Your Majesty, are you listening to us?"

"Well, what are you talking about?" Gu Yichen looked up with a charming smile on his beautiful face, which made the women on one side drunk one by one.

It is said that his majesty is the most handsome man in his country. This sentence is true. Except for his facial features, his every move is very eye-catching and confusing.

"Your Majesty, please listen to us carefully."

"You don't listen to me, what do I have to listen to you?" Gu Yichen continued to bow her head and coax her daughter to be happy.

Yuanbao's little hand stretched out and patted Gu Yichen's face. He didn't know what to mutter, and his face was full of a brilliant smile.

Very cute.

Gu Yichen's heart is going to be crisp.

"You are the king. There should not be only one woman. Our country D..."

"It's not your country D, but your family," Gu Yichen chuckled. "Everything you did before was just for your own interests. It doesn't matter to me that your former elders marry several wives. I'm not your family admirer, so I don't need to obey your command." Gu Yichen's voice was indifferent, "My country is a monogamous country. If you want to change, you must first find a way to be king."

"Are you trying to force us to rebel?" the elder was a little angry. The whole D country has always been theirs. When was it an outsider's turn to be arrogant here?

"If you have the ability to rebel, you can try," Gu Yichen held her daughter in her arms. "I'm not afraid of your threat. If necessary, I can also take extreme measures to punish you. After all, I'm for the whole country."

It sounds very impartial, but Gu Yichen's lips are wearing a bloodthirsty smile.

This is clearly a threat.

Gu Yichen seemed unmoved, but he gave them a tooth for a tooth. He told them plainly that he was not a vegetarian. He had nothing to do with the Mu family. If the Mu family dared to be presumptuous again, he would be impolite.

"If no former elder chose you as his successor, would you today?" the elder was completely angry.

"Without him, perhaps there would be no war in country D today. I was asked to clean up the mess for him for my mistakes. Do you think I should be grateful?"


"If you think that if I live here, I will be at your mercy, then I will live in Mo's house tomorrow. Their parents' old room is also very big."

"...." the elder dared not say anything.

Gu Yichen lives with them. They still have a chance to fight for it. If they let him go to the Mo family, the Mo family would be arrogant enough. I don't know what it would be like to be proud again.

"Come on, take your people and go. It's rare for me to have a day's holiday. I still want to take my daughter to play. Don't deprive me of my personal time." then I left slowly with my daughter in my arms.

Gu Yichen held her daughter high. "My little princess, when our house is built, shall we move away? Daddy wants to choose a clean environment for you."

Careless words were heard by the elders, which made him more angry.

Did he think they wouldn't fight in front of you?

Gu Yichen didn't care.

He is not afraid of anyone's provocation and has never been afraid of any threat. D is the king who has the final say.

It's sunny today.

Gu Yichen deliberately made time for a day to accompany his daughter and his wife, so they planned to have a picnic in a quiet place. Just when they arrived, their daughter wet her pants, so Gu Yichen had to hold her to change.

However, on the way back, I met the elder of Mu family, which delayed my time.

When he came to this quiet place, Lin Luo had been waiting for them for a long time. Finally, he saw them come back with false blame on his face.

"It's so slow!" Lin Luo looked at him. "I said to use diapers for my daughter. You don't have to."

"So wet and sticky things always stick to her daughter, which is bad for her skin," Gu Yichen kissed her daughter's face. "If we pee wet, we'll pee wet. We're just changing pants. There's nothing we can't beat."

Then he looked at his daughter with a spoiled face, "Yuanbao doesn't want to wear it, right?"

Lin Luo was embarrassed. Gu Yichen spoiled his daughter to an appalling extent. Diapers are the best. Where is there wet and sticky?

And he would rather wash his daughter's pants than let her use it. It's really

I can't stand him!

Gu Yichen lay on the ground and laid his daughter on her, "Yuanbao, come and shout daddy?"

Lin Luo was embarrassed. "Do you really think your daughter is a magic power? She's only five or six months old, so you let her speak?"

"My daughter's IQ is certainly not average. However, I hope her daughter is not so talented and stupid. It's lovely. It's best to know nothing and ask Dad everything, so that I can feel a sense of achievement."

"Hey, someone, you think too much," Lin Luo picked up his daughter. "Daughter, come on, call mom first."

"Why not Mommy?"

"Mommy doesn't pronounce well?"

Gu Yichen immediately understood that, yes, daddy is not good at pronunciation, so her daughter can't shout. It's entirely because he taught bad pronunciation words before. Well, it's his fault.

So Gu Yichen leaned over and looked at her daughter seriously, "come on, baby, shout dad, come and learn from me, Dad Dad -"

Lin Luo looked at Gu Yichen's unpromising appearance. He was already a king, still so childish.

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