Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1584: Everyone went the wrong way

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"Master, are you sure you are not kidding?"

"Are you sure that all heavens and heavens can still curse Fuyu Master? As far as I know, even the heavenly will of the immortal world cannot curse Fuyu Master."

Some of the instrumental spirits of Xunyuan Tower dare not communicate with each other.

To his knowledge, Fu Yushi is the only profession that can be compared with usurper!

Dan Dao, Zhen Dao, Qi Dao ... these occupations are all inferior to Fu Yanshi!

And different from usurper!

The usurper is distinguished because the usurper has appeared in the great shores that dominate the heavens!

It is because of this magnificent figure, that the usurper has become the most noble profession!

And Fu Yanshi, because the whole group is very horrible, so he has become a shoulder usurper.

Some of the instrumental spirits of the Xunyuan Tower cannot be believed, and the group of Fu Yanshi can still be cursed.

In his opinion, looking at the universe, there was nothing there, and they could be cursed.

Yun Qingyan heard the words for a while, and then remembered that the spirit of the Xunyuan Tower, together with the Xunyuan Tower, had been sealed for more than an era in the Thundercloud Fantasy.

The instrumental spirit of the Xunyuan Tower did not know that the group of Fu Yanshi suffered a devastating blow in the late period of the ancient times.

At the moment, Yun Qingyan informed the instrumental spirit of the Junyuan Tower.

What surprised Yun Qingyan was that the instrumental spirit of the Xunyuan Tower, after listening to the things he told, yelled directly!

"Impossible, even if all the creatures of Xiangu era joined forces, they would not be able to curse the entire group of Fu Yanshi!"

Qi Ling of Xunyuan Tower said: "This is like, hundreds, thousands of earth gods join forces, and there is no one god!"

"Fu Xun's status is so high in Yuan's heart?" Yun Qingyan said unexpectedly.

"Yuan" is the name of the Xun Yuan Tower Spirit.

"Does the master know Fuxi?" Qi Yunling's Qi Ling couldn't help asking again.

"Of course ..." Yun Qingyan cried and laughed a bit. As a former Fuyu teacher, it would be ridiculous to know Fuxi's name.

"Although Fuxi has disappeared for countless times, it is certain that ... he must be alive!"

"Fu Xi is the strongest Fuyu division ever. As long as he is alive, no one will curse the Fuyu division!"

"Not to mention, in addition to Fuxi, the group of Fuyushi has also appeared in countless amazing places."

"I don't know if those people are still alive, but it is certain that most of them are still alive ..."

"It's just that these people went to that place one after another many times ..."

The spirit of the Xunyuan Tower is a long story.

When it comes to ‘that place’, the tone flashes ... awe from the heart.

"That place?" Yun Qingyan's eyes flashed doubts.

"That place, right now, it's a taboo ..."

"But no accident, that place ... is almost about to be born."

The spirit of the Xunyuan Tower groaned slightly: "That place will be born with the advent of the Kaijiang era!"

"By that time, Fu Yushi who has disappeared from countless times will all come to life!"

Yun Qingyan heard the words and fell into a brief silence.

He is digesting these words of ‘Yuan’!

that place?

Kaijiang era?

What Yun Qingyan knows is that the era of Kaijiang has arrived, and the old monsters, the first ancestors, the first naga, the first phoenix, etc. will all be born one after another.

"Mr. Fei, the old ancestors, Shilong, Naga, Phoenix ... and other old monsters all hide in the" where "in Yuankou?"

Yun Qingyan thought so.

"Yuan, the place you said is in the fairyland?" Yun Qingyan asked again.

"I don't know!" ‘Yuan’ said without thinking.

"Until countless times, only Emperor Xian was eligible to enter that place."

"Because only the Emperor is eligible to enter, so I only know the existence of that place, but I don't know where it is located!"

"But I can be sure that, in that place, Fu Yushi is definitely one of the dominant forces!"

The spirit of the Xunyuan Tower, the information revealed, all expressed a meaning.

Fu Yanshi is very strong!

Beyond imagination!

This group can never be cursed, because there is no existence, and the curse has won this group.

"Perhaps as you said, there is no curse in the group of Fu Yushi ..."

Yun Qingyan groaned slightly and said, "But I can be sure that after arriving at the Holy Wonderland, Master Fu Yu's cultivation on the Fairy Road cannot be further advanced!"

Yun Qingyan dared to use a positive tone because he had experienced this level!

With his talents, all are trapped in the Holy Wonderland, and it is difficult to go further.

This suffices to say that even if Fu Yushi was not cursed, for some reason ... he could not enter Daozu.

"Master, do you think there is such a possibility ..."

The instrumental spirit of the Xunyuan Tower groaned slightly: "It is not the Fuyu division who is cursed, but the ancient Fuyu division ... are all going the wrong way?"

"You're all going the wrong way?" Yun Qingyan heard his words and fell into silence again.

Yun Qingyan never thought about the instrumental spirit of the Xunyuan Tower.

It's not just Yun Qingyan who never thought about it, the entire Fuyu Division group never thought about it.

But if you think about it, the problem mentioned by "Yuan" is really possible.

During the ancient times, Fu Yanshi was attacked by the group and suffered a devastating blow.

This has shown a problem in disguise, the inheritance of Fu Yanshi, at the end of the ancient times ... encountered a fault!

Fu Yushi, which has emerged in ancient times, has embarked on Fu Yushi's path through the remaining ancient books and some incomplete picture books.

Even if it is the sacred city of Fu Yushi, there is no one in Sheshan City, which completely records the ancient books of Fu Yushi's complete inheritance.

These are enough to show that the ancient Fuyu division has developed to the present day ... In many aspects, it was found out by its predecessors.

And fumble, you may encounter the wrong way.

"Master, in ancient times, can there be clear evidence that Fu Yushi was cursed during the ancient times?"

The spirit of the Xunyuan Tower suddenly spoke again.

"It really isn't ..." Yun Qingyan sighed slightly.

By now, Yun Qingyan already believed in the ‘Yuan’ rhetoric.

Regarding the fact that Fu Yushi was cursed, apart from no Fu Yushi being able to enter the ancestral realm of the Tao, there is really no other evidence.

However, Fu Yanshi cannot enter the ancestral realm of Dao. The hypothesis given by Yuan is more reasonable.

All Fuyu divisions in ancient times have gone the wrong way.

Because I went the wrong way, I couldn't step into my ancestral homeland. "Is there any curse about Master Fuyu? The master can actually do an experiment." The spirit of Yunyuan Tower said.

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