Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1585: Qi family playing emotional cards

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Yun Qingyan's eyes flashed doubt, "What experiment?"

"The master is now in the stage of restoration, right?" Qi Ling of Junyuan Tower said.

"Good!" Yun Qingyan nodded slightly.

"In other words, the master will break through and not meet the level, right?"

"Good!" Yun Qingyan nodded again.

It is worth mentioning that the fairy devil is not a barrier.

This is because there are too many strange encounters in Yunqingyan. The original state has been several times, even dozens of times, exceeding the previous stage.

For example, in the former Yunqingyan, in Xuanxian Realm, the combat power could only be compared to the immortal.

Now Yun Qingyan, in Xuan fairyland, can kill even the existence of heaven fairyland.

To put it bluntly, the heavenly path will not allow such a strange existence as Yun Qingyan.

So invisibly, on the body of Yun Qingyan, the heart demon fairy robbed.

Every time Yun Qingyan regains a great realm, he must experience a heart demon fairy.

"Can I understand that there is no factor that can prevent the master from entering the ancestral homeland?"

The spirit of Xunyuan Tower said again.

"This is nature!" Yun Qingyan nodded again.

Hearing this, Yun Qingyan also understood the meaning of the spirit of the Xunyuan Tower, "What do you mean, let me now, regain the profession of Fu Yanshi?"


The spirit of the Xunyuan Tower said, "This is not only a bad thing for the master, but a good thing for the heavens."

"At the same time, after the master ’s cultivation and restoration to the Dao ancestors, I was able to verify my guess. Fu Yushi was not cursed, but Fu Yushi in ancient times...

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly and accepted the offer of Yuan.

In fact, even if ‘Yuan’ does n’t mention this proposal, Yun Qingyan intends to regain the profession of Fu Yanshi.

This can be seen from the two Fuxi pens made by Yunqingyan.

One is Yun Qingyan's gift to Longbei, and the rest ... Yun Qingyan intends to use it by himself.

"It's not that easy to regain the Fuyu Master. I have to stay at least closed for this period of time before I can regain the skills of Fuyu Master."

Yun Qingyan groaned slightly.

Yun Qingyan was once a Fu Fu division, once was ...

In other words, Fu Qingyan's skills were all dispersed by Yun Qingyan.

At that time, Yun Qingyan was dispersed with the magic.

Regaining Fuyu division is, for Yun Qingyan, equivalent to re-cultivating Fuyu division's skills.

Of course, compared to other Fu Yushi who started, Yun Qingyan has practiced much faster than others because he has traveled this way once.

"Fu Yunshi of this era has gone the wrong way, but from which step I started to go wrong, I still need enough time to figure it out ..."

The spirit of Xunyuan Tower said again.

He really wanted Yun Qingyan to regain the profession of Fu Yanshi.

But it wasn't for Yun Qingyan to go again, and he had gone the wrong way.

"How about this……"

Yun Qingyan groaned slightly, "After I settle the matter of Sheshan City, I will go to Luan Xingyan again ... and then I will start to die!"

There is a sequence!

It's not too urgent to get back to Fu Lushi at this time, so naturally you have to wait for it at hand, and do it after the more important things have been dealt with.

The spirit of the Xunyuan Tower will naturally not oppose Yun Qingyan's proposal.



The body of Yunqingyan came out of the Hunyuan Tower.

Outside time has passed day and night.

The Snake King and Long Qingfeng had been waiting for Yun Qingyan in the parliament hall of the city's main government house.

"My son!"

"Senior Lin!"

When Yun Qingyan arrived, they both made a tribute to Yun Qingyan.

"Are they all resolved?" Yun Qingyan looked at Long Qingfeng.

"It's all solved!" Long Qingfeng couldn't hide his excitement. "People who participated in the slaughter of the Dragon family ... have all been paid for in blood!"

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly, but didn't reveal it, a little bit of pity.

The killer kills everyone!

This is the unchanging truth of Henggu.

"Is there any news about Changyucheng?" Yun Qingyan asked again.

"There has been clear news that Changyucheng has gone to Longcheng!" Long Qingfeng replied.

Dragon City, the largest city in the Henglong Fairyland.

The top powers of Henglong Xianyu are all located in Longcheng.

Supervisor of Henglong Xianyu, the superpower of half step fairy emperor, also lives in Longcheng.

"As early as yesterday, when we shot against the city's mansion, Chang Yucheng had already received the news!"

"He didn't come back late, what important things should be held up!" Long Qingfeng said again.

"No hurry!" Yun Qingyan waved his hand. "With my knowledge of Chang Yucheng, he will come back sooner or later!"

On the face of Long Qingfeng, there was a lingering expression, and he finally said, "Afraid, afraid, often when Yu Yucheng returns, he is not alone ..."

Judging from the information they received, Chang Yucheng had reported the thigh of the Super Dragon Supervisor.

Moreover, it is the one that holds firmly.

"It's better not to be alone ..." Yun Qingyan sneered, and there was still a word in his heart that he didn't say.

This way he can kill more happily.

"Are there any people over Qi family?" Yun Qingyan said suddenly again.

Three hundred years ago, Chang Yucheng united the Qi family, and only then started to deal with several major families, including the Long family.

Since Yun Qingyan is going to help the Long family with revenge, naturally they do not intend to let the Qi family go.

"Not yet," Long Qingfeng replied.

In fact, Long Qingfeng was also surprised at this.

Lin's predecessor returned to destroy the city's main government with a strong force.

The Qi family was impossible, and could prevent the revenge of Lin's seniors.

Under normal circumstances, the Qi family should send someone to ask for sin.

"Report ..."

Just then, there was a full voice outside the parliament hall.

The voice had not fallen yet, and a young man in armor had flew into the hall. "Brother Long, Messenger of the Qi Family, please see me!"

Late at night last night, Long Qingfeng took all the people who were still alive in the Long family and received the city's main mansion.

This is the former Longjia Mansion.

The young man in front of this obituary is the son of the Dragon family.

"Let them come in!" Long Qingfeng said.

"Okay!" The young man who came to the obituary disappeared. After a few breaths, a middle-aged person had been brought to the outside of the hall.

"Xia Xian Qi Zhengyi, senior Lin Nian!"

This middle-aged man, with Tianxian Xiuwei, is one of the senior members of the Qi family in power.

"Qi Hao Lian sent you to prepare to play emotional cards?" Yun Qingyan looked at Qi Zhengyi with a sneer on his face.

Qi Zhengyi is the old knowledge of Yun Qingyan.

Although friendship is not profound, it is definitely not bad.

"Senior Lin misunderstood, I was just a messenger, the one who really hit the feelings ... not me." Qi Zhengyi smiled bitterly.

More than 2,000 years ago, he faced Yun Qingyan and was able to talk and laugh. But now, he felt an inexplicable pressure on Yun Qingyan.

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