Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1899: Void and Fire Rock appear!

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Yun Qingyan looked indifferent.

It doesn't seem to be surprising that Fu Di has a second hand, or he doesn't even believe that Fu Di has a second hand.

"The wind blows down on both sides, and Gu Gu is considered to have seen it today." Yundi looked at Ji Tangli's eyes and flashed disdain.

"Hey, these people, how do you say ..." Ling Di flashed his thoughts and then said, "There is no lower limit than you think ..."

Ji Tang left the three and flew back behind Fu Di.

The mood was still a little disturbed and anxious.

"Fu ... Fu Di, what's your new backhand, hurry ... unveil it quickly!"

All three urged.

At this time, Fudi had no disgust, as if to him, these people were not even qualified to make him disgusted.

"Mo Huang, Yundi is now on the Forbidden Island."

Fudi took out a piece of jade Jank, and then crushed it in the eyes.

"I know."

In the newly crushed Jade Jane, Mo Huang's voice came.

Hearing this answer, Fu Di gave a slight stun, and Mo Huang seemed not surprised at all by the news that Yundi was not dead.

It seems that Mo Huang knew that Yundi had not died.

"The five immortals of Chaos have arrived." Mo Huang said again.

"Well ..." Fu Di nodded slightly, "I will hold him at all costs."

After saying this, Mo Huang and Fu Di broke up the conversation almost at the same time.

"Sure enough, I caught a big fish." Yun Qingyan touched his nose and said.

He still lacks six souls of immortals.

Fu Di is just one of them!

If you add the five immortals of Chaos, the number is just right.

"Miscellaneous ... Chaos?"

"The Mo Huang you contacted, is ... someone from Chaos?"

Ji Tang left the three and clearly heard the conversation between Fu Di and Mo Hai.

Mo Huang ’s sentence, “Five Immortals of the Chaos Realm Has Arrived,” made them all brow.

"If you don't want to die, drag in your reinforcements," Fu Di said coldly.

"Hey, rest assured!"

Ji Tang laughed at the first moment, "Even if it's not for Wuxi Tianshui, the old man vowed to kill them!"

In addition to being able to bend and stretch, the three Tang Jili also have tempers.

Before being so humiliated by Lingdi, they had long been anxious to unload Lingdi and Yun Qingyan.

At this time, seeing Emperor Fu Di and his reinforcements, the bloodyness in their hearts suddenly burst out.

boom! boom! boom!

Ji Tangli, Wu Zuo, and Cui Shiyuan all killed Yun Qingyan again.

Yun Qingyan and Lingdi responded immediately.

What they didn't notice was that Fu Di smashed a piece of jade in private.


When Yun Qingyan was alone, he was able to fight against the Emperor Fu Di and kill Yang Yuanlong.

At this time, there are only Ji Tangli, Yan Zuo and Cui Shiyuan, naturally they will not be Yun Qingyan's opponents.

Not to mention, now Yun Qingyan is surrounded by the Emperor Lingdi.

Not long after Fu Di crushed Yujian, he also joined the chaos.

"Cui Shiyuan, you hold Lingdi!"

"Ji Tang is leaving, Zhuo Zuo, you two deal with Yundi with me!" Fu Di said.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Ji Tang left the three, agreeing without thinking.

Soon, Yun Qingyan and Ling Emperor were separated.

Fu Di waved the dust for the first time, and an array of shrouds clouded Qingyunyan instantly.

Waiting for Yun Qingyan to split the array, the dust from Fu Di's hands suddenly flew out of his hands.

Turned into a beast unicorn, "Roar--"

"Eh?" Yun Qingyan's pupils shrank, he always thought Fu Di's dust, but only imagined the unicorn forging.

Unexpectedly, Fu Di actually turned a unicorn into a whisker.

Kirin's body is getting bigger and bigger, and soon it becomes a beast covering the sky.

A terrible flame burst out from it.

Although this flame is not a sky fire, it is not inferior to all sky fires.

This is, Kirin Ruihuo!


Instantly, the Celestial Sword was burnt red by Kirin Ruihuo, for a moment ...

Yun Qingyan almost couldn't hold the Divine Sword.


At this moment, Yun Qingyan was knocked out by Kirin.

Ji Tangli and Yun Zuo, at this time both blasted out the fist of anti-sky, banged on Yun Qingyan.

As Emperor Heng Lian Wu, their all-out punch was enough to wreak havoc on the Immortal Emperor.

Yun Qingyan took two punches at the same time, and the blood in his body boiled instantly, spitting a big blood.


Coldly, the void behind Yun Qingyan suddenly twisted, and a terrifying beast roar sounded from the twisted space.

An overwhelming fierce beast stepped out of it, and the sharp claws slammed at Yun Qingyan.

"Stripping ..."

A monstrous flame that emerged out of thin air directly turned into a fire dragon, opened his teeth and opened his mouth, biting at Yun Qingyan.

"Finally there!"

Yun Qingyan, who was seriously injured and was attacked by several big attacks, suddenly appeared cold in his eyes.

"Yundi, you are really fatal!"

"However, you must have never dreamed that I and Void would suddenly appear?"

The beast that suddenly appeared, and the sea of ​​fire, were all illusioned by the Void King Beast and the Fire Emperor.

They have been here long ago, but have been hiding, waiting to give Yun Qingyan a fatal blow.

"Did you ever dream of it?"

Yun Qingyan's eyes flashed disdain, "From Emperor Fu Emperor to contact Mo Huang in my face, I guess you are lying in the vicinity."

When Yun Qingyan spoke, the paleness on her face suddenly disappeared. At this time, the sword cut heaven sword was rolled out of horror sword and swept towards the Fire Emperor Emperor and the Nether King Beast.

After the resurrection of Yunqingyan, the combat effectiveness has long exceeded that of the Emperor Xian in the ordinary sense.

Take the Emperor Kunpeng who died in his hands not long ago ...

The Emperor Kunpeng can be said that there is no resistance at all.

boom! boom!

The sword qi swept out by Yun Qingyan actually blasted out the Void King Beast and the Fire Emperor Emperor.

"how can that be……"

Void, Fire Rock, and the three of Fu Di, all widened their eyes.

Especially Fu Di, he clearly felt that he had touched Yun Qingyan's combat power ...

But now it seems that Yun Qingyan has retained strength from the beginning.

Ji Tangli, Wu Zuo, and Cui Shiyuan, who was fighting hard against the Emperor, also changed their face at this moment.

Especially Ji Tangli blurted out subconsciously, "It's over, this time it's really over ..."

At this time, even the stupid person guessed that the reason why Yun Qingyan had deliberately retained strength before was to induce the emergence of the void and fire rock.

And Yun Qingyan dared to attract the two of them to appear, naturally has the absolute certainty to deal with them.

"Now, we should calculate the old accounts thoroughly." Yun Qingyan stared directly at the void, the fire rock, and the three emperor Fu Di.

Three of Fu Di ...

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