Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1900: Don't even want to live one!

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Yun Qingyan's eyes directly shook Fu Di's three pupils, and the back felt a shudder.

For Emperor Fu, it was clear that he did not omit, not only the help of the ancestors of the five great immortals.

Even Void and Huoyan were hidden in the dark as trump cards.

Such a scale is enough to sweep the entire immortal world, but Yun Qingyan is not only not afraid, but a look that has been expected long ago.


The Emperor of Fire Rock hummed, his eyes were not good, "It's just a bluff, what if you expected us to come!"

"Huoyan said it right, Yun Qingyan was just a bluff. The three of us joined forces and two Emperor Heng Lian Wu helped each other. Even two or three Yun Qingyan were not enough for us to kill!"

The Void King Beast also calmly said.

The real situation is that both Nether and Fire Rock were taken by Yun Qingyan's momentum.

But now it is difficult to ride a tiger, either you die or I die. On the scene, they naturally want to pull back a city.

"We shot!"

The Void King Beast said, directly twisting the surrounding space, blocking Yun Qingyan in a small space.

Emperor Huoyan swept directly out of the sea of ​​fire and swarmed into Yunqingyan.

Fudi also shot at this time, and once again turned the dust in his hand into a unicorn. A horrible beam of light was ejected from the mouth of the unicorn and shot at Yunqingyan.

Ji Tangli and Qi Zuo found the opportunity to bomb Yun Qingyan with a horrific physical attack.

Yun Qingyan was holding the Divine Sword with long hair and no wind on his body. Immortal Emperor was impressed at this moment to the extreme.

"But only five people joined forces!"

Yun Qingyan's deep voice sounded, "You know, how many people are my imaginary enemies?"

Yun Qingyan even thought of the worst situation, that is, to the wave of people who experienced hundreds of years ago at the same time!

Void, Fire Rock, Fu Emperor, Mo Huang, and five immortals from Chaos.

Ji Tangli, Lu Zuo, these people are indeed not in Yun Qingyan's imaginary enemy.

But the five immortal emperors in Chaos didn't come here either.

The current situation is much better than the situation envisaged by Yun Qingyan.


Yun Qingyan moved, and in the hands of the Heavenly Sword, cut off the blockade of the Void King Beast in person.

Today's Yun Qingyan, although still in the realm of the Emperor Xian, but the combat effectiveness has long been beyond the ordinary immortal emperor's category.

The Void King Beast is in Xiandi, not one of the most powerful Xiandi. How could his blockade of space prevent the present Yunqingyan.

"In terms of pure blood, Ruibei Kirin can even stand up to the Chaos Big Three."

Yun Qingyan muttered in a low voice, looking at the diffused rays of light around his body, and Kirin was rushing towards him. "Before killing the void, let me practice your hands first."

Immediately after the sound fell, Yun Qingyan used the void method, and the figure instantly merged into the void.

The Void King Beast not far away hummed, and the first time the space law was mobilized, Yun Qingyan was forced out by the electric light and flint.

But also at this time, the celestial sword in Yun Qingyan's hand had swept out of the horrible swordman and rushed to Ruilin Qilin.

This angle is just the corner of Kirin's defense.


One face to face, the unicorn was blasted out by the sword sword sky, and the scales on his body, like the scattered flowers of the sky, spread across the sky.

"A sword breaks spring and autumn!"

Yun Qingyan didn't give it time to breathe, but cut it again with a single sword. Hearing the snoring, he split the unicorn into two pieces.

One sword breaks spring and autumn!

Spring and Autumn refers to history, the past, and time!

When Yun Qingyan created this sword, the idea was to use it to transcend ancient and modern times.

Of course, it's just an idea.

If you want to cross ancient and modern times, it is not something that the Emperor can do.

But this sword, although it is impossible to cross the ancient and modern, but it is more than enough to let a unicorn divide the two halves.


The moment Kirin was chopped in half, it turned into two dusts and fell to the ground below.


Fu Di's master Fu Di also spit a big blood at this moment.

This is his inborn magic weapon, Fuchen was destroyed, and he was naturally backed by terror.

"Space moves!"

The Nether King Beast was startled, and quickly transmitted the severely injured Fu Emperor behind him.

Now is the time when Emperor Fu was the weakest. Once Yun Qingyan got closer, the consequences would be disastrous.

"The fiery fire burns the sky!" The turbulent sea of ​​fire formed by the Emperor Huoyan enveloped Yunqingyan.

The temperature in the sea of ​​fire has reached an incalculable level, that is, half a step into the fairy emperor, it will instantly turn into ashes.

"Crossed Chiaki!"

The Yunqingyan in the floating sea of ​​fire directly waved the Heavenly Sword, and it was rolled out again.

A sea of ​​fire boiling around, one face was evaporated to ashes by 'crossed Qianqiu'.

"See you in the millennium, you haven't made progress."

Yun Qingyan shook his head slightly, and looked at the Emperor of Fire Rock with a bit of hatred. "This time, a hundred years later, you still haven't made any progress."

despair! despair! despair!

Yun Qingyan's footsteps moved in mid-air, and the collision between the soles of the feet and the vacuum turned out to have harsh footsteps.

Emperor Huoyan's breathing became heavier, and his steps unconsciously retreated. Looking at Yun Qingyan's eyes, there was a fear.

"You ... you have become so strong!" Huoyan Xiandi said with a trembling voice.

What outsiders don't know is that the sea of ​​fire just transformed by the Emperor of Fire Rock just now is his source fire.

Not to mention that the half-step fairy emperor is in it, it will be burned to ashes instantly, that is, the ordinary fairy emperor stepped in ...

Will be eroded by fire.

However, Yun Qingyan just broke his origin fire with just one sword.

"Thank you all for giving me a self-immolation of my soul a hundred years ago to be able to‘ bless you from misfortune ’.

When Yun Qingyan said, "Blessings are caused by misfortunes", the heartache flashed in his eyes.

His ‘blessing from misfortune’ was Jiang Ruoxian in exchange for all of her.

Dignified Heavenly Pride Girl, after the Yuan Emperor Demon Emperor, the second Demon Emperor of the Fairy ...

It is also the first in ancient times. With the emperor's realm as the cultivation, the magical existence of the demon can still maintain a sensible transcendent existence ...

But this is the man who has won the most ancient and modern times, in order to resurrect him, he gave up his seven souls.

Not only is it lost, but even memory ... is only part of it.

Even ... if Yun Qingyan can't get her seven souls back within one year, she will return to her ancestors completely!

Disappeared completely from this world!

Even if she turns back in the future, she won't be able to save her.

And if it weren't for the scene a hundred years ago, Jiang Ruoxian would not have fallen into today's fields.

Yun Qingyan's eyes swept through Huoyan, across the void and Emperor Fu, and across Ji Tangli, Lu Zuo and others.

The tone was filled with calmness: "New resentment and old resentment, today ... don't want any of you to live!"

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