Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1973: The hard work of the robbers!

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Yun Qingyan's head was buzzing, and he struck directly in place.

The imposing Fengxian Peixian is that Yun Qingyan is identified as the robber ... so he will follow him.

At this time, Prajna again mentioned 'the robbers' ...

Yun Qingyan couldn't help but think, "Isn't I really the robber ..."

Although Yun Qingyan had crazy thoughts before, he was involved with that variable.

But the moment his thoughts became real, he felt incredibly incredible.

After all, that variable is too scary.

Leading to an era ahead of time is equivalent to changing the pattern of the entire universe.

He Yunqingyan Ho De Ho can!

"What do you mean by the junction of the Chaos World and the Immortal World? What is it called?" Yun Qingyan asked coldly.

"I don't know then ..." Prajna shook her head slightly.

"Every time I try again, the memory will disappear. What I said to you just now ... just my sporadic memory."

"That junction, what is it, what's its name ... I don't know yet."

"I know!" Litian Modi said at this time.

"I've been to Fairyland through that junction. If I remember correctly, that junction is a continent. The specific name is‘ Sky Star Continent ’.”

Prajna suddenly stopped in place, the air of the avenue appeared in her eyes.

After a moment, Prajna nodded, "Li Tian is right, the junction is called the star continent."

Yun Qingyan was silent.

Now he has determined that now is the robber in Prajna's mouth.

It's just that Yun Qingyan couldn't figure it out, why did his appearance lead to the advent of the Kaijiang era?

"What's the significance of the robbers?" Yun Qingyan couldn't help looking at Prajna.

Although Prajna was strange, why was Yun Qingyan suddenly interested in the robbers?

"The meaning of the robbers is a bit complicated. Strictly speaking, the world holds two views on the existence of robbers."

"People who support the robbers think that he can bring the entire universe out of the catastrophe."

"People who are hostile to the robbers think that the catastrophes are brought by the robbers. As long as they are killed, the catastrophes will disappear.

Prajna groaned slightly.

When she spoke, if she glanced at Yun Qingyan profoundly, she always felt that Yun Qingyan was interested in the robbers suddenly.

Yun Qingyan felt a little stunned in his heart. It turned out that the world also held two completely different views on the robbers.

"What do you think of the robber?" Yun Qingyan could not help asking.

"I don't know, I haven't awoken the specific memory of the respondent." Prajna shook her head and said.

"Okay ..." Yun Qingyan nodded slightly.

In Yun Qingyan's heart, there were still many questions about the robbers, but he pressed them down.

Asking too much at this time will only cause suspicion.

In particular, Yun Qingyan now knows that the world has two attitudes towards the robbers.

"Yun Daoyou, how come you and the Lord together?" Just then, Litian Modi spoke.

This doubt, he wanted to ask when he saw Prajna, but only now has a chance.

Yun Qingyan first looked at Prajna, and then looked strangely at the Emperor of the Heavens and said, "I encountered Prajna in Yuanwu Huanglin ..."

At the moment, Yun Qingyan told him about the encounter with Prajna in Yuanwu Huanglin.

It's just that he disappeared, and Prajna became his maid for three years.

The emperor respected Prajna all the time, if he knew that his master had been Yun Qingyan's three-year maid ...

God knows if he will go to Yun Qingyan desperately.

"How can this be, this Changjun dare to be so disrespectful to the Lord!" The horrible suffocation erupted as soon as the demon emperor learned of the incident.

"Changjia, don't exist anymore!"

The first time the demon emperor sentenced Chang Jun to death.

"Chang Jun's affairs, I will personally find them to liquidate." Prajna said immediately.

After all, the Emperor of the Heavens was expelled from her Majesty during the Tianyuan era.

She didn't want to be related to Li Motian because of her little family.

"Yes, yes, it's the villain's troubles, and the family's affairs will be resolved by the Lord himself," Litian Modi said quickly.

At this time, Yun Qingyan came out to round the field and said, "Pranuo, the Taoist friends should be able to help you get it quickly."

"Oh?" Prajna couldn't help looking at Yun Qingyan.

"The Shangguan family of Anyang City is the old part of Litian Daoyou. Their ancestors made a blood oath of chaos, and they have been loyal to Litian Daoyou for generations."

Yun Qingyan opened his mouth slightly. "As long as the Taoist friends arrive at Shangguan's house, they should be able to sense the position of Shangguan Bai's closed position and call him out the first time."

Chaos Blood Oath is a poisonous vow inherited in the blood.

As their masters, Litian Modi can sense their existence within a certain range.

If the emperor of the past days is willing, a thought can make them die.

"Chaos Blood Oath!" Prajna's eyes were fixed, looking at the eyes of the Litian Emperor, there was a ray of badness.

"You forced your subordinates to make this vicious oath!"

"Master, please listen to the villain's explanation first."

The demon emperor was startled, and quickly explained: "I gave them all the ancestors of the Shangguan family, including their lives.

"I had a hunch back then that I was about to fall, so I made them take this poisonous oath."

"But I can guarantee that I didn't persecute them for a little bit, but that they think they can't repay my graciousness in this life, so they can only let their descendants repay this kindness."

Li Tian Mo Emperor seemed to worry that such an explanation was not convincing, and he could not help saying something more eloquent.

The ancestors of the Shangguan family were the descendants of the shepherds. If the Emperor of the Heavens had rescued him, he would have been buried in the tiger's mouth.

After the emperor rescued the ancestors of Shangguan's family, he took him on the road of cultivation ...

To put it bluntly, everything in Shangguan's family today is given by the emperor of the last days.

The ancestors of the Shangguan family did not have time to repay the great grace of the Emperor of the Heavens after they became famous.

At that time, the emperor of the days felt that he was about to fall, and reincarnation ... there was no exact time.

The ancestors of the Shangguan family, and other people who had been given a new life by the Emperor of the Heavens, proactively proposed the Emperor of the Heavens ... to take the blood oath of chaos.

Let their descendants pay for what Emperor Litian gave them.

To put it bluntly, the Chaos Blood Oath is what they paid the Litian Emperor.

"Praj, you are here!"

Just then, a cold voice sounded suddenly at the stairs.

Then, kick! Pedal! Pedal!

A dozen guards with knives rushed up and surrounded Yun Qingyan and others.

These were brought to the guards, each of whom was a ancestor.

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