Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1974: Shangguan's house!

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For these people, neither Yun Qingyan nor Prajna was surprised.

As early as they entered the city, Prajna was noticed ... and followed.

"Hana, what are you doing here?" Prajna looked at the beautiful woman headed humanely.

The guard with the knife that surrounds them is brought by Hua Hua.

"Do you still have a face asking me what to do?"

Hua Yan snorted coldly, staring resentfully at Prajna, "Isn't your daughter Shang Guan Zhen Yan's death!"

Prajna's tone was full of indifference. "If Huayao doubts me, then I can tell Huayao now that I have not killed Shangguan Zhenyao."

Yun Qingyan aside, could not help but be a little speechless, unexpectedly Prajna could also open his eyes and talk nonsense.

No, Prajna didn't lie ...

At the time in Yuanwu Huanglin, even though Prajna had no intention of letting go of Shangguan Zhenye ...

But the killer was Yun Qingyan.

So Prajna ’s ‘I did n’t kill Shang Guan Zhen’an’ is really true.

"Why? Don't you dare to recognize it?" The woman, known as 'Hua Ye', hummed.

"Did my daughter kill you, I will know after I search for the soul. As for now ... hum! Come, take them down first, and take them back to the clan to wait for the hair!

After Hua Yan's voice fell, the guards surrounding Yun Qingyan and others would catch people.

But the first time, he was stopped by the emperor of the sky, "Why would you dare to take a step forward and die!"

Along with the scolding sound, there is Emperor Wei from Emperor Demon.

Suddenly, each of Huayan and the guards she brought to the ground slumped to the ground.

Huayao is only a half step emperor.

The guard she brought was just Daozu.

How could it stop the Emperor Wei of the Demon Emperor.

"You ... you are an emperor!" Hua Yan looked at Litian Emperor in shock.

But she was shocked and shocked, but she could not see the slightest fear in her eyes.

This is Anyang City, the site of the Shangguan family.

The Emperor of the Heavens ignored Huayin, but turned to Prajna.

Li Tian's tone was filled with coldness.

In his opinion, anyone who offended Prajna would die.

"Not for now!" Prajna waved.

"Hua Ling itself was an elder of the Shangguan family, and her father was a law enforcement elder of the Shangguan family. She hurriedly killed her and caused unnecessary trouble."

The elders of the Shangguan family are divided into four grades.

They are elders outside, ordinary elders inside, law enforcement elders, and too senior elders.

Outside elders are all half-step emperor-level cultivation, such as the flower calyx in front of them.

Ordinary elders of the inner door are cultivated at the level of Luo Tiandi.

The law enforcement elders are at the level of the Great Emperor.

As for the elders of the Supreme Court, they are all served by the nine-day elders.

The law enforcement elders are inside the Shangguan family, which already belongs to the top of the pyramid and is in charge of the punishment of the Shangguan family.

"Since the Lord said so, let her have a low life first." Litian Modi just faded the murder.

The appearance of the calyx is extremely ugly.

Over the days, the Emperor and Prajna, in front of her, discussed whether to kill her.

As a direct son of the Shangguan family, his father is still an elder of law enforcement. When did Huayao suffer such humiliation?

At present, Yun Qingyan and his party took Huayan to Shangguan's house.

About half an hour later.

The group finally came to the mansion of Shangguan's house.

"Praru, wait for me. My daughter Zhen Huan will not die in vain. I will sacrifice my daughter with all your heads!"

After returning to Shangguan's house, Hua Yan's strength hardened again, and he directly threatened Prajna and others.

And even with them, Li Moyan and Yun Qingyan were hated.

Otherwise, the word she just said will not be ‘all of you’.

"Why do you think Zhen Zhen's death is related to me?" Prajna suddenly asked.

"This time I went to Yuanwu Huanglin for training. Although you are not on the list, I know you have been invited in private."

"Now only you come back alive, but my daughter and his party are all dead. How could this matter have nothing to do with you."

When Huayan spoke, there was a deep hatred in both pupils.

Shangguan Zhen Yan did not hide her from many things.

Including the private invitation of Prajna to Yuanwu Huanglin, she knew what Chang Jun meant.

"So, you know what's going on inside?" Prajna couldn't help asking.

"of course!"

Hua Yan snorted coldly. "You mean woman, you usually only pose in a high position. I don't know that people around you have long disliked you."

"Chang Jun sees you, it's your blessing. Not only do you not cherish it, you never take offense against Chang Jun."

"Do you know why this time, they are hiding everyone and inviting you privately?"

"That's because Chang Jun is ready. You would rather die than kill your preparations at any time."

Hua Yan didn't notice that Prajna's eyes had cooled down.

If she did n’t know, she just wanted to avenge her daughter, and Prajna would still understand her ...

After all, this is the feud of killing women!

However, she knew that it was Shangguan Zhenye who first joined Changjun to deal with Prajna, but she was righteous and wanted to avenge Shangguan Zhenye!

From the perspective of Prajna!

If Yun Qingyan did not appear in time at that time, with the character of Prajna ... it would inevitably die.

Shangguan Zhenye's life is fate, should her Prajna's life be cheap?

"I don't hide from you, although Shangguan Zhenye was not killed by myself, but it was me who killed."

"But these are the faults of Shang Guan Zhen Yan. If she doesn't cooperate with Changjun to harm me, how can I let someone kill her."

Prajna looked coldly at Hua Yan.

With Prajna's words fall, oh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

There were more than a dozen sounds, and there were more than a dozen figures all at once, appearing in front of Prajna.

These dozen figures are all elders from Shangguan's family.

One of them is a law enforcement elder repaired by Da Luodi!

"The death of Shang Guan Zhen Ye is what you let people do, so the death of Chang Jun's son can't be related to you, right?"

The law enforcement elders of the Da Luodi class looked at Prajna calmly.

Chang Jun has a special status, but he is the descendant of the main soul of the realm.

His death, accidentally, may cause the lord of the world to attack the Shangguan family.

The anger of the lord is not something Shangguan can afford!

"Yes!" Prajna directly acknowledged, but explained: "But there is a hidden emotion in the death of Chang Jun."

"No matter what the inside story is, since you killed Chang Jun, you must pay for it!"

"Otherwise, once the anger of the Lord is released, the entire Shangguan family will suffer from your stupid behavior!"

The elder of the law enforcement snorted coldly. At that time, he shot at Prajna. He wanted Prajna to plead guilty to the Chang family.

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