Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1975: Out of control!

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Prajna's eyes became even colder!

Even before the matter was too lazy to ask because of the consequences, she was anxious to ask her to plead guilty to her family.

Has the Shangguan family now become a slave of the regular family?

Over the days, the Emperor didn't even hesitate, and the figure greeted him. The first time was Prajna, blocking the attack by the law enforcement elders.


The two figures collided, and the Demon Emperor was shocked dozens of meters away.

Although the law enforcement elders of Shangguan's family felt his arm hurt, his body remained steady.

"The Emperor Luo Tian could actually take the palm of the old man ..." The elder of law enforcement flashed in shock.

Then he sneered and looked at Prajna, "No wonder the wings are hard. It turned out to be an emperor!"

"Elder Shangguanda, my daughter Zhen Zheng, has died in the hands of this bitch, and also asked Elder Shangguanda to take down Prajna and give her to me!"

‘Hana’ stepped forward and walked to the front of the law enforcement elder Shangguan.

"Shangguan Zhen Xuan's life is cheap, what is life and death to do with his husband? If you kill Chang Jun, you will naturally hand it over to Chang Jun. Where can you get a little elder elder from your hand?"

A law enforcement elder, Shang Guan, snorted, and was dismissive of 'Hua Ye'.

The face of ‘Hua Huan’ changed slightly, and he quickly said, “My father Shangguanyi is also a law enforcement elder. Please look at my father ’s face ...”

"go away!"

Law enforcement elder Shang Guanda didn't wait for 婶 花 婶 to finish his words, so he flicked his sleeves and flew out.

"What is Shangguanyi thinking of and want to use him to suppress the old man?"

Shangguanda naturally knew ‘Hana’, and he knew ‘Hana’ ’s father, Shangguanyi.

The law enforcement elders of Shangguan's family, but just past ten fingers, how could they not know each other.

In normal times, Shangguanda would surely sell ‘flower tincture’ for a face.

But when is it now?

Now is a great time to grab credit!

If you go over Shangguan's house and send Prajna to Chang's house in person, this is equivalent to him personally.

"Lord, are you sure that Shangguanbai is still alive?" Litian Mo Emperor suddenly turned to Prajna for instructions.

"OK!" Prajna said.

It has been more than 120 years since Shangguanbai suddenly closed to death and gave the clan position to others ...

In these 120 years, Shangguanbai has never appeared once.

But Prajna still believed that Shangguanbai was alive.

"Then I know." Litian Modi nodded suddenly.

Yun Qingyan and Prajna knew that the demon emperor would use the Chaos Blood Oath to summon Shangguanbai.

Soon, the consciousness of the demon emperor entered the strange space.

The space is dark, even if the emperor of the past days is here, he can only use his sense to distinguish the direction.

"Shangguanbai, Shangguanbai, Shangguanbai, Shangguanbai ..."

Coldly, the Litian Emperor suddenly spoke, and the dark space was suddenly filled with Litian Emperor's voice.

The sound was weird, and it sounded like an echo in the ears of those who were called.

In the dark space, a long-asleep consciousness suddenly recovered a little hazy.

"Who ... who's calling me?" When he met the old man, he sounded in doubt.

"Well? After I got poisoned, didn't I fall asleep? Why can I wake up?"

"The voice just now ... is someone calling me!"

Soon, from the consciousness of being asleep and awakened, I returned to my mind, and many things suddenly sounded in my mind.

"Shangguanbai, can't come to see the Emperor!" Li Tianmo's unquestionable voice sounded in his ear again.

Shangguanbai, who had just recovered his consciousness, flew instinctively in the direction of the sound.

At this moment, his consciousness ... seemed to be out of control.

"You, are you the first ... the ancestral emperor mentioned by the ancestors?" Shangguanbai was shocked.

For generations, the Shangguan family has had an ancestral motto.

Everything in the Shangguan family was given by the emperor.

Therefore, from generation to generation, the Shangguan family will be loyal to the emperor.

One day, the Emperor of the Days, who was born after reincarnation, will come to the door ... to receive the loyalty of the Shangguan family.

"Since I know it's me, then don't kneel down to see me!" Litian Modi said with a bit of coldness.

He was dissatisfied with the current Shangguan family, and was also disappointed!

He had already received hostility from the Shangguan family just now.

At the same time, none of the people in the Shangguan family he met were orthodox.

‘Hana’ is not!

Law enforcement elder Shangguanda is not!

People in the blood of the Shangguan family can destroy them with the thought of the Emperor.

"The descendants of Shangguanbai, meet the Lord!" Shangguanbai's consciousness quickly met the emperor's way of the heavens.

"Lord, are you in Shangguan's house now?" Shang Guanbai asked again.

"Hmm!" The Emperor of the days hummed quietly, "Since you know, then you won't get out and meet this Emperor!"

"Lord Qiu, the subordinates were treacherous, and the soul fell asleep. If the Lord did not wake up his subordinates in time, I am afraid that his subordinates are still sleeping.

Shangguanbai hurriedly explained.

"Use your fastest time to get out of the customs!" Li Tian Shen Emperor Shen said.

"Yes!" Shangguan Bai respectfully said.

The emperor moaned slightly over the days and then withdrew from the space.

"What's the situation?" Yun Qingyan said. He had felt the consciousness of the emperor of the past days and returned to the real world.

"Somewhat awkward!" Li Tian said calmly.

"Today's Shangguan family, many people are not in the blood of the Shangguan family ..."

Hearing the words of the Emperor of the Heavens, Yun Qingyan's eyes flashed in disgust.

It is not the blood of the Shangguan family, and he will not obey the orders of the emperor.

"It's too rash to come to Shangguan's house this time!" Yun Qingyan said in his heart.

"But Shangguanbai has woke up, just don't know how long it will take him to really get out of the customs." Litian Modi said again.

"Shangguanda, you have the courage to dare to hurt the husband's daughter!"

Just then, there was a sudden scream from above the sky.

The next second, twelve figures stepped out of the torn space.

Each of these twelve people is a Da Luodi-level cultivation!

They are all law enforcement elders in Shangguan's family.

"Shangguanda, you are not a thing anymore, we are looking for Prajna outside, you find that she wants to enjoy it alone!"

Naturally, there are no stupid people who can practice to the level of Emperor Luodi and become law enforcement elders of the Shangguan family.

They all guessed for the first time. Shangguanda wanted to give Prajna to the Chang family in his own name.

"The situation is not too bad!" Li Tianyan sent a secret message to Yun Qingyan.

"Of the twelve law enforcement elders, five have the blood of the Shangguan family."

The emperor secretly informed Yun Qingyan of the five people one by one.

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