Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1976: Let's do it!

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Yun Qingyan and the Emperor of the Heavens were both examining the situation at hand, and secretly thinking of a cracking strategy.

Prajna instead was wise and calm in the past, and her eyes were all disappointed to sweep everyone present.

In the end, her eyes fell on the twelve law enforcement elders.

"Uncles, have you rushed to send me to the Chang family to invite me for the cause and effect without asking?"

When Prajna was first fostered in Shangguan's house, it was still Shangguanbai in power.

At that time, Shangguanbai gave Prajna a very high status.

Because of this, when he was very young, he came into contact with the high-level officials of the Shangguan family.

In front of these law enforcement elders, all are like Uncle's former uncle!

"Huh! Even if you have a big reason, you must pay Chang Jun's life. The Chang family is the home of the masters. The anger of the Chang family is not something we can afford!"

"Not to mention, sending you to Chang's is a big credit for us!"

"Princess, don't make fearless resistance, just obediently catch it. For the sake of the past, we will treat you well before sending you to Changjia!"

"And the friends you brought, you also persuaded them to arrest them, one with a severely injured body, one with Luo Tiandi's class, and they were like chickens and dogs in front of us."

Of the twelve law enforcement elders, seven looked at Prajna.

Their tone did not regard Prajna at all as their junior, but a cargo that could bring them benefits.

"Pranuo has been fostered in Shangguan's family since he was a child. Although he does not have a surname, he is also a member of Shangguan.

"As Shangguan people, you have the blood of Shangguan. Do you really want to send your juniors as living creatures to other forces?"

Litian Modi spoke at this time.

When he spoke, his eyes had stayed on five of the twelve law enforcement elders.

The five have remained silent since their appearance.

He has not spoken to maintain Prajna, but has not targeted Prajna.

Hearing the words of the Emperor of the Heavens, the five elders' faces changed slightly.

From the beginning, they did not agree to give Prajna to Chang Jun.

First, doing this is equivalent to losing the face of Shangguan's family!

Today's Shangguan family, although it is no longer in its heyday, is also a big family who once went out of business!

Leave the juniors in your own clan to other people, what makes outsiders think and think?

Where does this move put the face of the Shangguan family?

And everyone knows who Chang Jun is.

If anyone is like them, they know more clearly.

Chang Jun's thoughts on Prajna are not a secret. To put it bluntly, Chang Jun will die. It is entirely for his own fault, and he is completely dead!

Why should Prajna pay his life?

However, they are light-spoken, and in today's Shangguan family, they have no right to speak at all.

One hundred and twenty years ago, the ancestor Shangguanbai suddenly closed his door, and after Shangguanxun took over the patriarch's affairs ...

The heaven of the Shangguan family has changed!

Today's Shangguan family, it is Shangguanxun who has the final say, and it is the people of Shangguanxun who have the last word.

If Shangguan Xun did not do it alone, would Shangguan's family surrender to the regular family?

"Praj, we can do nothing about this ..."

The five law enforcement elders ordered by the Emperor of the Heavens all sighed.

When they looked at Prajna, they all flashed guilt. "If we object, there is a trace of effect, even if the old man fights hard, he will protect you."

"But now, we can only protect ourselves."

What they mean is obvious. If they fight to die and change the result, they will keep Prajna even if they die.

The problem now is that they can't change the outcome.

That's why ... knowingly to die.

"If you say this, it means that you still have the Shangguan family in your heart."

When Prajna looked at the five of them, his eyes were less cold, "but you are all short of blood, and people are fighting for a scent of incense, which is a truth that even mortals know. If you are like you It ’s better to die a hundred alive. ”

"Pranruo is right!" Li Tian Mo Di immediately answered, because there is an outsider, so he is not convenient to call Prajna ‘Lord of the Lord’.

"If the man is alive, he will either live vigorously or die vigorously!"

"Live like a wolf like you, it's not as good as a hundred dead! If I were you, I'd fight with this group of food inside and outside! If you die, you have to take a piece of meat, and you have to die with them. Explode! "

The words of the emperor over the past days made a lot of people's eyes fixed.

The five law enforcement elders with the blood of the Shangguan family fell into a brief silence.

Of course, they wouldn't fight with others suddenly because of the words of Emperor Emperor and Prajna.

But they did listen to the words of the emperor and Prajna.

"The situation is a bit wrong!"

Of the twelve elders that came out, the other seven eyes shot at each other in a circle.

Shangguan Da, who had been ridiculed and mocked by them before, also felt that the situation was not right, and passed the message to seven other people.

"Did you find something wrong? That person seems to know that only five of them have the blood of an orthodox Shangguan family!"

The Shangguan family moved up several generations, and a patriarch adopted a righteous son.

The righteous son was given the Shangguan surname, and also opened branches and leaves in Shangguan's house.

The five people named by the Emperor of the Heavens are the blood of the original Shangguan family. These people ... are the descendants of the righteous son.

Coldly, they had a rather terrible idea in their minds.

They thought of the chaotic vows passed down from generation to generation in the Shangguan family.

"Come here, Shangguanbai will be out soon, and today I will clean the batch of tumors."

The emperor suddenly beckoned.

Twelve law enforcement elders standing side by side, five came out uncontrollably ...

Step by step, came to the emperor of the days.


The five law enforcement elders who walked uncontrollably to the Emperor of the Heavens were all stupid.

Immediately afterwards, their minds also thought of the chaotic blood vow passed down from generation to generation.

"You ... are you the last day emperor?"

The five law enforcement elders all looked at the Devil Emperor with shock and horror.

The magic emperor nodded slightly for a few days, and now it was time, there was no need to conceal any more.

"If the Emperor never appears again, the Shangguan family will be destroyed in your generation!"

The emperor murmured softly.

Then he looked coldly at the others, "Your dog is courageous, and even the forces left by Lao Tzu dare to erode. Today, I give Lao Tzu a life!"

"Slow ..." Yun Qingyan abruptly stopped at this moment, the Litian Emperor who was about to shoot.

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