Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1994: Heaven's Calamity in Supreme Realm!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

"It is truly a mystery ..." Yun Qingyan was quite shocked.

The power of the four rules of the wind, the rules of the ice, the rules of the thunder, and the rules of the dark have been completed.

But he didn't even have the energy to devour one-tenth of Jin Wuhuan.

"Eh? The power of which rule is already filled ..." Yun Qingyan moved slightly.

At this time, the energy he swallowed from Jin Wuhuan can freely distribute the power of which rule.

"Fill the rules of light first!" Yun Qingyan said in his heart.

He had some obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the dark light of Fengbing was habitually tied together.

In the dark light of Feng Binglei, the rule of one light is not yet complete.

With the completion of the rules of light, Yun Qingyan began to fill the power of the three rules of morality, order, and benevolence.

In fairyland!

There has always been an unwritten saying that only by comprehending the morals, order, and benevolent emperor can it be possible to step into the supreme secret realm.

From this unwritten statement, we can see how few people understand the power of these three attributes.

The rarer it is, the harder it is for Yunqingyan to get it.

He now naturally chooses to fill the power of scarce rules.

"Eh? Morality, order, and the power of rules required for kindness are actually much darker than Feng Binglei ..."

Yun Qingyan's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, but fortunately, Jin Wuhuan was strong enough to feed them even if they needed more.

The power of other rules is just a matter of breathing.

The power of the three rules of morality, order, and benevolence, Yun Qingyan spent half a quarter of an hour!

After the power of these three rules is fulfilled, Yun Qingyan puts the filled target again on the death, decay, decay, destruction, and destruction that represent the five declines of heaven and man!

The power of these five rules requires far more energy than the dark ice of Fengbing!

But it is not as good as morality, order, and love.

It takes two teas to fill up these five rules, which is equivalent to half of a quarter of an hour.

At this time, Jin Wuhuan was dying, and he was trained to be evacuated by more than 80%.

The remaining 20%, once taken away, even if Yun Qingyan does not kill him ...

He will also die for the end of his life.

He has lived too long, and the reason why he hasn't been rotten by years is because he has cultivated everything.

When the repair is gone, Shou Yuan will naturally run out.

"It's a good thing to swallow the sky ..." Yao Yuan swallowed the saliva beside.

"Unfortunately, such exercises are not suitable for the practice of the Rocks!"

Yao Yuan's eyes flashed regret again.

If he can practice, he will definitely ask Yun Qingyan for this exercise, and he knows that Yun Qingyan will not refuse.

Brother Qingyan didn't call it for nothing!

In his heart, he regarded Yun Qingyan as his elder brother.

Yun Qingyan also regarded him as his younger brother.

Soon, the rules of gold were full, followed by the rules of wood, the rules of water ...

As Jin Wuhuan was sucked into it, the rules of fire and soil were also fulfilled.

"Are you going to break it!" Yao Yuan looked at Yunqingyan Road with expectation.

Golden wood water fire soil!

Fengbing Thunder Dark Light!

Death, decay, decay, destruction, destruction!

And the power of these eighteen rules of morality, order, and love has all been filled.

Yun Qingyan herself looked with anticipation and tension.

Is stepping into the Grand Lord class? Or Jiutian Emperor? Or directly into the Supreme Secret?

Or, after filling the power of the eighteen rules, we still cannot break through?

If you can't break through ... Yun Qingyan will be desperate!

Even a master in a supreme mystery like Jin Wuhuan cannot let him step from Luo Tiandi to Da Luodi ...

His future upgrade path is almost hopeless!


Just then, both Yun Qingyan and Yao Yuan both looked up at the sky.

"No, it's God's will!"

Yun Qingyan's complexion changed, and she felt the mighty power that pervaded the heavens and the earth.

The Providence of the Chaos Realm is much stronger than the Providence of the Immortal Realm.

Yun Qingyan cannot resist at all.

Yun Qingyan didn't even have time to think, so he loaded the flesh of the star beast into the Xunyuan Tower.

The physical body of the starry beast, although it is also the emperor class, is the emperor class of the heavens and earth.

Once discovered by Providence, it will be obliterated by smugglers.

It seemed worried that Yao Yuan would also have an accident. Yun Qingyan didn't even have the chance to explain to him, and he also put Yao Yuan into the mixed Yuan tower.

Hey, crackling ...

Above Yunqingyan's head, dense clouds appeared, and the clouds were shining with ocean-like electric light.

A pair of huge pupils suddenly appeared among dense clouds.

Tianwei, which permeated the heavens and the earth, also reached its peak at this moment.

Even if it was Yun Qingyan, at this time he lost his ability to move. The whole body was taken by Tianwei, and he couldn't move.

far away!

Shang Guanbai, who is following the battle, and Guan Xun, as well as the demon emperor and Prajna who watched the battle, also looked at Yun Qingyan.

"God shows up!"

"Is there a calamity?"

"How could it be ... this is the scourge of Supreme Realm!"

The four demon emperors were dumbfounded.

The area where Tianjie is located is the battlefield between Yun Qingyan and Jin Wuhuan.

Jin Wuhuan is already a top secret!

Therefore, it is impossible for Jin Wuhuan to attract the heavenly calamity of the top secret.

In other words ...

It's a heavenly calamity brought by Yun Qingyan!

"Yun Daoyou went so far into the top secret ..." Li Tianmo Emperor was dumbfounded.

When the emperor met Yun Qingyan, it was just when Yun Qingyan sneaked into Chaos Realm.

At that time, Yun Qingyan, due to sneaking reasons, Xiu Wei fell out of the emperor class.

After they met, Yun Qingyan re-entered the emperor level.

And this time, until now ... not even a month!

Yun Qingyan actually entered the Supreme Secret from Emperor Level in less than a month.


The golden lightning directly pierced the sky, and the harsh thunder sound spread throughout the world in an instant.

Even across a distance of thousands of miles, the four Emperor Mo Li clearly saw this golden lightning.

And just looking at this golden lightning made their souls tremble ...

Instinctively, want to sting under this lightning.

"That ... that little beast, really ... really entered the Supreme Secret!" Shang Guanxun was resentful and shocked.

He also experienced a similar scene, so he knew that this golden lightning was a sign of stepping into the Supreme Secret.

The power of rules is transformed into the power of laws, which cannot be done by humans.

This golden lightning is to help the robbers transform their energy.

"I hope he didn't step into the Supreme Secret ..." Prajna murmured suddenly.

Author wind without aurora has something: pay attention to the aurora's V letter zhong: fwjg1234

A lot of people have signed the autographed book recently sent back to the Emperor Xian, pay attention!

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