Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 1995: Chang Hun is back!

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Hunyuan Tower!

After Yao Yuan learned of the matter from Yunqingyan mouth of the starry beast, his face suddenly slumped.

"Brother Qingyan, don't step into the Supreme Secret unless absolutely necessary!"

Yao Yuan looked extremely serious.

Outside, Prajna also held the same view as Yao Yuan.

"Eh, why is this?" Yun Qingyan's eyes could not help but appear doubtful.

"If the emperor level is not long enough for precipitation, after entering the Supreme Secret, in addition to encountering the" Golden Sky Calamity "that everyone will face, they will also encounter" Wind and Fire Calamity "and" Relief of Calamity " ', There is even a certain probability to face' five declines in heaven and man! '"

Yao Yuan said solemnly.

The fires and fires, the release of evils, are extremely terrible calamities.

Even in the group of Supreme Secret, the death rates facing these two catastrophes are over 90%!

Not to mention, there is still a certain chance of encountering "five declines in heaven and man"!

Heaven and Man's Five Decays Are Cosmic Calamities!

Not to mention the top secret, even those first generations encountered ... the mortality rate is as high as more than half!

"So scary ..."

Even Yun Qingyan took a little breath.

The regret on her face, because she had not stepped into the Supreme Secret, became directly relieved.

The ‘Jinguang Tianjie’ in Yao Yuan ’s mouth did not allow his body to step into the highest secret.

Just let him be promoted from Luo Tiandi to Da Luodi.

However, the ‘Jinguang Tianjie’ turned into a golden soil in Yunqingyan ’s heart.

After the baptism of the "Golden Light Calamity", all the power of the eighteen great consummate rules were turned into seeds and sprinkled on the golden soil.

With the seeds turned into eighteen regular powers, after being planted on the golden soil, Tianwei shrouded in the heavens and the earth ... disappeared very quickly.

The dark clouds and the turbulent electric light also dissipated, and the blue sky was exposed again.

As soon as Yun Qingyan's thoughts moved, Yao Yuan and another body were summoned from the mixed Yuan tower.

"We keep dormant!" Yun Qingyan, the starry giant, said to Yao Yuan.

The body Yun Qingyan, at this time flew towards the place where Prajna was.

"Isn't it Supreme?"

Shang Guanxun, who was fighting, followed Guan Bai, and they both glanced at Yun Qingyan with the knowledge of God.

It was found that Yun Qingyan was still the emperor class, but he stepped from Luo Tiandi class to Da Luodi class.

"Is it possible that the golden light disaster just happened was caused by someone else?"

Shang Guanxun kept up with Guan Bai and couldn't help thinking.

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of the two of them looked for the shadow of Jin Wuhuan everywhere.

But several breaths passed, they found no other people except Yun Qingyan.

No one else has stepped into the Supreme Secret, and no trace of Jin Wuhuan has been seen.

"Don't look for it, Jin Wuhuan is dead." Yun Qingyan spoke coldly, telling Prajna and others, and also speaking to Shang Guanxun.


In addition to Prajna's complexion and calmness, the pupils of the others were swollen and dilated.

"Jinjiezhu's realm is still above me, how could he fall!" Shang Guanxun's tone was full of disbelief.

"Every soul is gone, what's so strange about Jin Wuhuan falling!" Yun Qingyan said coldly.

"Huh! The Lord of the Golden World fell, it must be you who used your hole cards on him!"

Shang Guanxun snorted, then took out a jade smash, "Changjiezhu, you can come, the energy of that formation has been exhausted!"

Chang Hun was still millions of miles away at this time.

He didn't approach rashly, especially after the sudden appearance of Providence, he became more and more daunting.

At this time he heard the voice of Yu Jian from Jin Wuhuan, hesitation appeared in his eyes.

The energy of the matrix method is exhausted, will it lead you to show up intentionally?

"The Lord of the Realms, that formation that forced you back is just a vain expression. It can't even kill me ..."

The first time Shang Guanxun told Chang Chang that he had been bombarded by ‘every day, every second’.

After a pause, Shang Guanxun added:

"Although I was bombarded with no resistance, after a series of bombardment, I just suffered skin trauma. If the power of this formation really looks so scary ..."

"I have no bones now!"

Chang Hun heard the words and fell into a brief silence.

After a while, he still didn't move, he had a strong uneasy feeling in his heart.

"In addition, the Lord of the Golden World is dead, and the‘ Jinguang Tiancai ’just now was brought in by Yun Qingyan, but it is strange that Yun Qingyan has not stepped into the Supreme Secret.”

Shang Guanxun said again.

Chang soul's breathing suddenly became quick.

There are several points in Shang Guanxun that shocked him!

For example, the death of Jin Wuhuan, the master of the green world!

For another example, Jinguang Tianjie was brought in by Yun Qingyan, and Yun Qingyan has not yet stepped into the Supreme Secret after passing through Jin Guangtian.

"It seems that you must get rid of it!" Chang soul flashed a strong killing in his heart.

If Yun Qingyan stepped into the Supreme Secret, he would not dare.

As the existence of Supreme Supreme, he did not put too much ordinary Supreme Realm in his eyes.

And he knew that the sooner he stepped into the Supreme Secret, the less good it was.

Yun Qingyan has stepped into the Supreme Secret early, but it shows that his future achievements are nothing like this!

Instead, he passed the golden light calamity, and it was even more scary to stay in the emperor level.

Because this disguise indicates that Yunqingyan has unlimited future potential.

"Resentment has been settled, and he must never be given the chance to grow up!"

"And once you miss this opportunity, it will be difficult to kill him in the future!"

Chang Hun said calmly.

He is riding a tiger now. If Yun Qingyan is not killed now, he will only have no chance in the future!

And once Yun Qingyan grows up, he must come to find his revenge the first time.

At that time, not only him, but the entire Changjun army may encounter Yun Qingyan's poisonous hand.


Chang Hun shot violently, tearing open the space in front of him, and then stepped in.

The next moment, Chang Hun had stepped out of the cracks in the space millions of miles away.

Directly in front of him was a red robe, and Yun Qingyan whose long hair was touched by the breeze.

Sure enough, it is the Grand Emperor!

Chang Hun saw the concrete state of Yun Qingyan at a glance.

"Just stepping from Luo Tiandi to Da Luodi, you can attract Jinguang Tianjie. If you step into the Supreme Secret, I am afraid that the heavens of the chaos world will change!

As soon as Chang Hun's words fell, the power of the sky's laws swept over the cause.

Yun Qingyan's eyes flashed with dignity, and in one breath he mobilized the power of the five rules, welcoming the power of the regular soul's law.

Boom Boom Boom ...

There is only one power of Chang Hun's law, but it is as powerful as a bamboo stick, which dissipates the power of the five rules released by Yun Qingyan.


There was another loud noise, and Yun Qingyan was knocked out again.

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