Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2042: Commander Bare!

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The Yuanwu Realm has great powers of Supreme Secrets, more than thirty, but these Supreme Secrets ... most of them are in the beginning!

There are more than a hundred forces in the half step, and the specific number is more than two hundred.

The forces that are eligible to congratulate Yun Qingyan today are all big forces in the clan who have at least half a step to go.

When Yun Qingyan appeared, all the leaders of the big forces who had been invited all got up from their seats and said with a clenched fist in both hands, "See the Lord of the Cloud Realm!"

"See Master of the Cloud World!"

"Congratulations to Master Yunjie!"

Although the speeches were different, these people almost all spoke in unison, saying at the same time.

Yun Qingyan first waved his hand to signal that everyone was quiet.

Then he held up the wine glass in his hand, "You are all present at this banquet today. Yunmou thanked him again, and Yunmou respects everyone first!"

Yun Qingyan said, and drank the wine in his glass.

Everyone else saw this scene and raised their wine glass. "The host of the cloud world is welcome, we also respect the host of the cloud world!"

However, the sound of dissonance also sounded at this moment, "The owner of the cloud world is so big, and a glass of wine will pay tribute to hundreds of colleagues present!"

Yun Qingyan Mei Yu frowned slightly, he didn't have to think about it, who made the dissonant sound.

"As a few people, I'm afraid I'm not qualified to let you respect you in person, right?" Yun Qingyan said quietly.

"Ha ha, it's not small!"

The five vanguards sent by the writers both got up from their seats, and their faces appeared cold.

"Do you really think that becoming the master of the realm, is Yuanwu Realm your world?"

After the five got up, looking at Yun Qingyan, in addition to the coldness, there was a bit of teasing.

"Zhang family, Chen family, Wen family, Li family, Bao family ..." Five people looked around at the same time.

Everyone spoke out several families.

Within a few breaths, more than thirty forces had been spotted by them.

"Come and tell Yun Qingyan, whose world is Yuanwujie!"

The families visited by the five pioneers of the spokesman are all powerful forces in Supreme Secret.

When Chang Hun was still in office, all of these thirty forces were second only to the existence of the four major families.

If Yun Qingyan wants to settle down as the leader of the Yuan and Wu world, he cannot do without the support of more than thirty forces.

Otherwise, Yun Qingyan will only be a light pole commander.

"Yuanwu Realm naturally respects the Lord of the Realm, but ..." The leaders of the more than thirty forces that were spotted also both stood up.

When they said the word "but", they hesitated a little, "But this is when the speaker is not born!"

"Hahaha, Yun Qingyan, what else do you have to say now?" The five pioneers sent by the Yan family laughed dismissively.

"The lord said it was an order, but without a strong family support, the lord is just a bare commander."

"It's too early for the team now?" Yun Qingyan's eyes swept across the heads of more than thirty forces.

"Master, it's not that we want to stand in line, but that the speaker is too strong. He ... they are branches of the great forces from the Central World!"

"Don't say you, the master of the world, that is, the forces of the entire Yuanwu world will unite, and they will not be opponents of the verbalists."

The heads of more than thirty forces sighed with sigh.

They do not know the Supreme Talkers, nor do they know the Heavenly Jiujia, but they already know the Talkers in the Yuanwu world, but they are just a branch of super power.

In the face of such a behemoth, not only are they themselves small, but the entire Yuanwu world, they are just small projectiles.

If they want, they can destroy the entire Yuanwu world at their fingertips.

"You mean, is my brother Qingyan too weak?" Yao Yuan suddenly said at this time.

"The cloud world master can stand out from a group of competitors and become the new world master of the Yuanwu world. How mediocre?"

"But compared with the Talkers, the Lord of the Cloud Realm is indeed a bit tender." The heads of more than thirty forces all said.

In addition, there are more than two hundred, half-step supreme forces, seeing these families who have the supreme secrets, with such a statement ...

Hesitation appeared on his face.

None of the people present was stupid. The Yan family was pushing the palace, and it was the day when Yun Qingyan became the lord of the realm that banqueted all the great forces for the first time.

"The patriarch of the Zhang family, I have been in contact. Although I have just stepped into the Supreme Secret, but no matter what the practice or method, it is extraordinary. He stood in the team as a writer ... and must have been carefully considered."

"My Zhong family is a vassal to the Bao family. The patriarchs of the Bao family all stand in line. Even if my Zhong family is optimistic about the master of the cloud world ... they have to follow Bao's pace!"

"No one who can cultivate to the Supreme Secret is stupid. Since they choose a verbalist between a verbalist and Yun Qingyan, it means that the verbalist has an absolute advantage over Yun Qingyan!"

"It seems that we are still too tender. We didn't see the situation early in the morning, and we gave a generous gift ..."

When it comes to the word ‘thick gift’, the leaders of many forces have a pain in their faces.

If I had known it early, the Yan family would have trouble with Yun Qingyan today, and the Yan family still has the absolute upper hand ...

Where would they give such a great gift!

"Oh? Now it seems that you, the master, really want to become the commander of the bare pole."

The five pioneers of the Yan Family's face became heavier.

Not only the more than thirty, powerful forces with the supreme secret realm, stood in the public's side.

In addition, there were more than two hundred, and there was a half-step unstoppable force, and they ‘inadvertently’ retreated, keeping a distance from Yun Qingyan and others.

And keep a distance from Yun Qingyan, naturally leaning to the Yan side!

This leaning, in addition to distance, has a stand!

"Yun Dao, it seems that the Yan family is really a bad comer!" Li Tian Mo Emperor looked ugly.

"It's really a bad visitor, and it's a little bit unexpected," Yao Yuan said.

At first Yao Yuan thought that the writer was going to suppress Yun Qingyan by force.

I did not expect to play power.

First, let the more than thirty forces of Supreme Secret fall to them in private.

Then, he used the feature of "grass wind blowing on both sides of the wall" to make more than 200 other half-step forces fall to them.

"My son, what shall we do now?" Shang Guanbai looked at Yun Qingyan involuntarily.

If this situation is encountered by Shangguanbai, there is no way to crack it.

So he subconsciously pinned his hope on Yun Qingyan.

"Wolves fight with tigers and leopards, will they care about the position of a group of sheep?" Yun Qingyan said quietly, his face clouded and light.

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