Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2043: Yun Qingyan gives people a choice!

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The whole Yuanwu world, it will be alone by Yun Qingyan!

The ancestor of the Confucianist who refined ‘Fire Element Armor’!

In addition to him, the other people in the Yuanwu world had only one end with Yun Qingyan!

That's the nutrient for cultivation in Yunqingyan.

Yun Qingyan's remarks made a lot of people present with a slight change ...

Especially the leader of more than thirty tribes who possessed the Supreme Secret Realm suddenly became ugly.

"The Lord of the Clouds is so brave, I wait in your eyes, it's just a flock of sheep."

Several heads of clan said with a calm face.

"The giants don't look down on the bird's eye view," Yao Yuan said. "You are not as good as sheep in Brother Qingyan's eyes, saying that the sheep are lifting you up."

Anyway, tearing his face, Yao Yuan naturally no longer have any concerns.

"Junior, this is not the place where you are qualified to speak!" Immediately there was a leader of the clan, looking at Yao Yuan with a calm face.

The coercion of the supreme mystery was directed to Yao Yuan for the first time.

"My brother, can you also scold?" Yun Qingyan Mei Yu sank and grabbed one hand directly.

"President Zhang ..." The people next to him saw that all changed.

However, the Supreme Secret Realm known as 'Zhang's Clan' had no time to dodge and was strangled by Yun Qingyan.

"My brother is right, saying that you are sheep, and you are all uplifting you." Yun Qingyan said, and started to swallow the sky.

However, Yun Qingyan only devoured about 70% of the other party ’s cultivation behavior, and then crushed the other person ’s flesh under the eyes of everyone.

Unless it is the time to kill and kill, Yun Qingyan will not easily expose the existence of the devouring heaven and earth tactics.

"Yun Qingyan, you have such a courage to dare to attack the public in public!" The five members of the Yan family saw their eyes cold after seeing this scene.

"This is my home field, and today is my big day. If I make trouble at my home field, the whole Yuanwu world, I'm afraid they will feel that my world is bullied."

Yun Qingyan glanced at the five people who spoke to the Yan family, "Do you really think that if you do some tricks, you can put me in a state of invincibility?"

When Yun Qingyan spoke, he again reached out and grabbed the past.

"Yun Qingyan, we are just ambassadors of the ambassadors. If you have the patience, you will be able to speak to our ambassadors instead of targeting some of our messengers.

The five writers all changed their looks.

Yun Qingyan killed two elders in their clan, and even their young master died in Yun Qingyan's hands.

The five of them, although they have the practice of Supreme Secret Realm, how could they be Yun Qingyan's opponents.

They dare to come to Yun Qingyan's place today, not confident in their own strength.

Instead, they thought that Yun Qingyan didn't dare to shoot at everyone after everyone stood there!

"If you are honest, of course I will not condescend to deal with you."

Yun Qingyan's indifferent voice sounded, "But you don't stop playing without stopping. If I don't deal with you, wouldn't it make me think I'm afraid of you."

With Yun Qingyan's words falling!

The five writers were all strangled in the hands of Yun Qingyan's disillusionment.

The people around him flashed with horror.

Yun Qingyan's cultivation is more than several times stronger than they expected.

Five Supreme Secrets are not even his enemies.

"Yun ... Yun Qingyan, let us go!"

"I have a debt and a debtor, and I ... we also work for the talkers, you ... you should not anger us!"

"I ... we say the clan leader and have brought someone to Anyang City!"

"Even we have heard that even the ancestors of our dynasty's retreat for several times have dispatched a clone!"

"Yun ... Yun Qingyan, what anger and dissatisfaction do you have, then you can settle with our patriarch and ancestors separately. It is not a good man to ... treat us!"

The five Supreme Secret Realists all said in horror.

Yun Qingyan acted too decisively, and he shot at them without a word.

Even more frightening is that the five of them ... not even Yun Qingyan's enemies!

"What kind of man?"

Yun Qingyan's face flashed a sneer, "When you provoked alienation, why don't you think about whether you are a good man?"

"As for your patriarch and ancestors, as long as they dare to come, I will not let them leave Anyang City!"

Yun Qingyan started to swallow the heavens and secretly, after devouring Qicheng Xiu, he sent them to Xitian at one go.

The crowd around was directly frightened by this scene.

In just half a tea time, six people have already died in Yun Qingyan's hands.

One is the Zhang family leader of Supreme Secret Realm!

The other five are sent by the writers ... the messenger of Supreme Secret Realm!

"The world ... Lord Lord is angry!"

"Master Lord forgive ..."

"Master Jie, I ... I was also forced by the verbalist to be strong and forced to stand by the verbalist!"

"Also ... I hope the Lord will give us a chance to redeem ... for sin!"

More than half of the people were frightened by Yun Qingyan's methods, and all of them looked pale and begged for mercy.

Yun Qingyan was not surprised by this.

His gaze swept across the remaining half of the indifferent crowd.

"It seems that you are very confident in the speaker." Yun Qingyan said quietly.

"Cloud ... Lord of the Clouds, as you said, you and the linguists are wolves and tigers and leopards. I ... we are just a flock of sheep, where are we qualified to blend into your affairs!"

"Also ... also invite the owner of the cloud world to give us a chance to stay away!"

The other half of the people who stood still said a lot.

Although they are still standing, it does not mean that they are not afraid of Yun Qingyan.

"Well, if you started out, you said you would stay out of it, Brother Qingyan wouldn't embarrass you!"

Yao Yuan's cold humming sounded, "But when you started, you seemed to choose a team to stand!"

"Forget Yao Yuan!" Yun Qingyan suddenly waved.

Then he glanced at everyone present, then he said, "I give you three choices!"

"First, be mine!"

"Second, be my enemy!"

"Third, stay away!"

"Within ten breaths, make a choice! When my enemies leave Anyang City immediately, I won't embarrass any one of you until the Yan family arrives!"

"But the ugly words are said at the front. After I have resolved the verbalist, each of you and the forces behind you, I will not let one go!"

Someone immediately asked, "Which one to stay away from?"

"I don't have any interference wherever you stay," Yun Qingyan didn't want to say.

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