Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2065: The Secret of Hunyuan Tower!

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Yun Qingyan spent ten days in the mixed Yuan tower before refining the 30% of the ancestors of the Yan family into refining.

The body of the beast of the starry sky, as Yun Qingyan envisioned, stepped from the beginning to the middle period.

"Into the Supreme Middle Ages, the eighteen small trees in Xintian have all touched the golden fruit!"

"The starry sky giant stepped into the middle of the Supreme Supreme. The fruit from the eighteen small trees was indeed gray, and exuded a suffocating gas ..."

Yun Qingyan's eyes flashed incomprehensible.

His two bodies, after entering the emperor class, went the same way.

There was a golden soil in Xintian, with eighteen seeds sprouting.

These eighteen sprouts have grown into eighteen small trees.

Unexpectedly, the fruits of the eighteen small trees of the human body and the fruits of the eighteen small trees of the starry beast ... have undergone qualitative differentiation!

The golden fruit of the human body exudes a holy atmosphere, as if it represents light!

The eighteen gray fruits of the star monster are filled with radon, like the devil fruits growing out of the Yinquan.

If we say that the golden national master of the human body represents light!

Then the eighteen gray fruits of the star monster represent darkness!

A product of two extremes!

"It's almost time." Yun Qingyan murmured, and his heart moved ... and he brought the ancestor of the ancestor to himself.

The entire Hunyuan Tower is a world controlled by Yun Qingyan.

The ancestors of the Yan family were in the mixed tower, and naturally they were allowed to be slaughtered by Yun Qingyan.

"Yun Qingyan, let's make a deal!"

As soon as he saw Yun Qingyan, his ancestor said.

Yun Qingyan didn't bother to respond to the ancestor of the Yan family. Both bodies clapped his hands and touched the back of the family.

"Woohoo ..."

The two pairs of big hands began directly, madly devouring the power of the Yuanyuan ancestor.

"Ah ..." The ancestor of the Yan family screamed heartbreakingly as soon as possible.

Yun Qingyan never thought about the deal that the ancestor Yan said.

For today's ancestors, for Yun Qingyan, there is no place worth trading.

"Mixed ..."

The ancestor of the writer was extremely painful and wanted to scream instinctively all the time.

But at this time, he froze a face, forcing the pain of heartbreaking and wanted to speak, "Yuan ..."


The ancestors of the writers exhausted all their power, and then shouted the words "Hunyuan Tower" with difficulty.

"Oh?" Unexpected appearance emerged in Yun Qingyan's eyes, "Do you even know the Yuanyuan Tower?"

However, Yun Qingyan unexpectedly returned to the accident, but did not slow down the cultivation of the ancestors of the Yan family.

If Yao Yuan was present, he would definitely praise Yun Qingyan's insidiousness!

It is worth mentioning that in Yao Yuan's eyes, the insidiousness of a friend is a virtue, a rare merit!

In a blink of an eye!

The time in the Xunyuan Pagoda passed more than half a day.

My ancestor, I do n’t know how many times I was unconscious, and how many times I woke up from a unconsciousness!

With only 60% of the cultivation remaining, he was swallowed by two Yunqingyan again, and 55% of the cultivation was consumed!

What was once the level of good fortune, now only about half of the cultivation during the heyday!

Until then, the two Yun Qingyan stopped devouring the ancestors of the Yan family.

"I only give you three minutes!" Yun Qingyan said as he opened the door.

The ancestor of the linguist was a stunner, and then a vicious color appeared in his eyes.

He immediately came over.

Earlier, he shouted the word "Hunyuan Tower" hardly, and Yun Qingyan had heard it in his ears.

Even not only the Tower of Hunyuan, but also the transaction he mentioned earlier, Yun Qingyan still remembers it. ,

First the word 'transaction' and then the word 'mixed tower', as long as Yun Qingyan is not stupid, you can think of ...

The trader's ancestors referred to the Hunyuan Tower!

"Today's cultivation is solitary, there is no one in ten, only half of the heyday remains ..."

The ancestor of Yan Yan looked viciously at Yun Qingyan. "Do you think you are alone now and still interested in trading with you?"

"I said, you only have three minutes." Yun Qingyan answered inexplicably.

If Yao Yuan is here, he must be the first to say nothing about his ancestors.

And they will yell, old things, you have n’t distinguished the situation yet?

The reason why trading is trading!

That's a case where the capital of both parties is similar!

Now you are just a prisoner. Where can I qualify for trade with Brother Qingyan?

I can give you three minutes to elaborate. It is still in the face of the Supreme Master!

"Hahaha ..." The ancestor of the Yan family heard the words and sneered, "Originally I wanted to tell you that Gu knew the secret of the Zunyuan Tower, for example, Gu knew how to open the second and third floors of the Zunyuan Tower!"

"But now, dream about it, you will never tell you if you are alone, hahaha ..."

Yun Qingyan suddenly became interested.

But on the surface, he remained calm.

At the same time, he lamented that he had enough foresight before.

Choose the practice of swallowing the ancestor of the talker before talking to him!

If you stop swallowing before, it is the secret that the ancestors of the Yan family have ...

Don't even try to devour his cultivation for yourself!

"Don't say death?" Yun Qingyan's eyes showed disdain. "As long as I extract your soul and conduct a soul search on you, the secrets you know will fall into my hands."

"Soul search? Hahaha ..."

"If you are not alone, how dare you say the word trade!"

The ancestor of the speaker heard the words and laughed out loud. "Yun Qingyan, Yun Qingyan, you are clever but you are wrong. If you search for the soul in the beginning, you still do n’t know if you are pregnant thing!"

"I don't know that you are holding the Yuanyuan Tower, so you will not seal the memory of the Yuanyuan Tower!"

"Except for the solitary self-explanation, otherwise the first generation is here, and all of them are trying to find out the secret about the Hunyuan Tower!"

Yun Qingyan knew that the ancestors of the Yan family were true.

The higher the cultivation, the more secretive methods there are.

Take Yun Qingyan himself, if he had the intention to hide a certain memory, even if he searched his soul in the early generation, he would not find that memory.

"Half-repaired, at least still alive, and slowly returning to the top, but died, but nothing."

Yun Qingyan said quietly: "To me, the tower of the Yuanyuan is a magic weapon combining time and space!"

"At this stage, I am satisfied with the function of the Hybrid Tower, even if the second and third floors are open, it is just icing on the cake for me."

"A secret to me, which is just the icing on the cake, but you can survive it. This sale ... you won't lose anything."

At this time, the ancestor of the Yan family said, "I not only know how to open the second and third floors, but also know that in one place, there are secrets to open the fourth to ninth floors of the mixed tower."

"But I will not tell you even if I die, hahaha ..."

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