Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2066: Variables in Beihe World!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

"Hunyuan Tower has already been destroyed. It needs repair, not its secret." Yun Qingyan Youyou said.

Even if the ancestors of the linguists knew the tower, even if they knew it, they couldn't understand it more than the spirit of the tower.

So far, Yun Qingyan has only used the first layer, not that he does not know how to open the subsequent layers.

It's purely because the Tower of Junyuan was destroyed, and now only the first floor can be used.

"Hunyuan Tower is a magic weapon of Hongmeng. If you want to repair it, you can only use Hongmeng materials."

The ancestor of the speaker said again, and in the vicious eyes, there was a little provocation, "I just happen to know, where is the Hongmeng class material!"

"It's just that I won't tell you when I die, hahaha ..."

Yun Qingyan shook his head slightly and looked at the ancestors of the Yan family with a bit of compassion. "If I were you, I would never threaten someone who can determine your situation when I am reduced to prison."

One of Yun Qingyan's bodies flew to the outside of the Junyuan Pagoda.

"Yao Yuan, there is something you need to help." Yun Qingyan looked at Yao Yuan and said.

"What's the matter?" Yao Yuan immediately became interested. "Although I don't know what it was, Brother Qingyan was right to ask me for help. In this world, there is nothing I can't do for Yao Yuan. Hahaha ... ... "

Yun Qingyan has been strange to Yao Yuan for a long time, and he doesn't think Yao Yuan is bragging.

The ancestors of the Rock clan have a normal tone, after all, their spirits are set.

"I want you to help me ask a secret from the ancestor of the Yan family." Yun Qingyan said directly.

"Torture people? Hahaha, this is my best skill!" Yao Yuan became more interested.

At the moment, Yun Qingyan brought Yao Yuan into the Yuanyuan Tower.

Yun Qingyan didn't manage it, how Yao Yuan forced to ask his ancestors.

Both of his bodies were inside the Hunyuan Tower, and he found a closed room to retreat.

Both the human body and the star monster have more than two-and-a-half of their energy in the body.

"If you can't let both bodies step into the highest peak, then you can complete one of them."

Yun Qingyan whispered.

The body of the star monster has begun to refine the energy in the body.

As for the person, I am using ‘Gossip, Six Concubine, and Xuanjue’ to begin to infer something.

Do not know why, he faintly feels that Beihe World and his party have variables ...

This variable, Yun Qingyan has a faint answer in his heart!

Time Traveler said that in the future, Chi Yao will leave Yun Qingyan first!

Chi Yao is now in Beihe World!

If a variable does appear, it must be Chi Yao ... falling!

"Even if I die, I will change history!" Yun Qingyan whispered.

How important Chi Yao is to him is self-evident!

It is no exaggeration to say that there would be no Yun Qingyan today without Chi Yao!

Chi Yao was also the first woman who walked into Yun Qingyan's heart, just because of the accident ... the two talents didn't come together!

"This time in Chaos, in addition to preventing Chi Yao from being used for marriage, at the same time ..."

When Yun Qingyan said ‘simultaneously’, his eyes flashed firm, “I also want to give Chi Yao a result!”

"One, she wants the results !!"

The time of the Xunyuan Tower passed quickly, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

It took the whole body of the starry beast three days to refine more than two-and-a-half percent of the ancestors of the Yan family.

"Still not stepping into the Supreme Peak ..." Yun Qingyan flashed disappointment in his heart.

As soon as he thought, this body appeared in a teleportation before the body of the starry beast.

After the appearance of the human body, he didn't even hesitate, and poured all the energy that was not refined by him into the body of the starry monster!

Yun Qingyan did this through a trade-off!

If there is enough time, the two bodies evolve evenly and stay at the same starting point ... the best result!

But the situation now is that neither body can step into the supreme peak, instead of ...

Might as well fulfill one of the flesh!

As for choosing the body of the starry beast, Yun Qingyan also made some trade-offs.

The physical body of the star monster, so far, has not encountered any breakthrough yoke.

In the true sense, as long as there is enough energy, it can continue to break through the realm!

The person is different!

Before stepping into the emperor level, every time Yun Qingyan broke through the level, he would encounter a demon fairy.

Although after entering the emperor level, the heart demon fairy has disappeared. When Yun Qingyan stepped from the emperor level to the supreme secret ...

Haven't encountered the Demon Fairy!

But Yun Qingyan wasn't 100% sure, the heart demon fairy gang really disappeared.

If the Supreme Realm enters the level of good fortune, the heart demon fairy rob comes again ...

That might disrupt Yun Qingyan's overall plan!

"After arriving at Beihe World, there are people walking outside, and the flesh of the starry giant dormant!"

Yun Qingyan whispered in his heart that he intends to give all the resources to the flesh of the star beast when the time comes!

Personal, responsible for playing forward, responsible for scraping all resources!

Sacrifice yourself when necessary!

After arriving at Beihe World, Yun Qingyan plans to follow Yao Yuan, Prajna, and the sky giant next to him!

The towers of Xuanyuan, the sword that cuts the sky, and the shield that blocks the sky are all left to the flesh of the starry giant!

Another day has passed!

Yun Qingyan, a giant beast of the sky, yelled a yell, a terrible breakthrough momentum, swept out of him!

Even if it is Yun Qingyan, you can feel the momentum that the starry beast breaks through ...

All felt a palpitation!

"The higher the realm, the greater the gap between the realm and the realm ..." Yun Qingyan muttered.

The current human body, I am afraid that it is not an enemy of the physical body of the star monster!

"Boss, that old guy has come!"

Not long after the starry giant broke through, Yao Yuan also sent a message to Yun Qingyan.

The body Yun Qingyan appeared in front of Yao Yuan a moment.

On the ground not far away, a pale ancestor with pale eyes and muddy eyes was lying.

"Old guy, still wondering what to do, but can't come to see my brother!" Yao Yuan said impatiently.

Originally an irresponsible linguist, after hearing Yao Yuan's words, a spirited trot ran over.

"Subordinates ... subordinates meet their masters!" Said the ancestor of the Yan family, full of awe and fear.

"How to pack up?" Yun Qingyan curiously looked at Yao Yuandao.

"Hey, I let him be in a fantasy world and was turned a thousand times by a group of men ..." Yao Yuan said with an evil look.

"..." Yun Qingyan was silent.

The stomach was turning over the river, and almost vomited.

The old saying is true, the wicked still need the wicked to grind.

People like the ancestors of the Yan family need to be cleaned up by wicked people like Yao Yuan!

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