Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2073: Wrath of Yun Qingyan!

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The envoys of the Four Realms all have fears about Yun Qingyan!

Although in their opinion, Yun Qingyan's strength is far worse than the master behind them.

However, Yun Qingyan can become the master of the Yuanwu world, and it cannot be a good stubble.

If they had no choice but to do so, they would never want to, and called it Banyun Qingyan in private!

After all, Yun Qingyan really wanted to get angry, and they might not have escaped.

However, they are used to being high, especially when they come to Yuanwu World this time, still under the banner of the envoy of the world.

In this case, they were scolded by the emperor of Litian, asking them to kneel and confess ...

All of a sudden they were angry!

Although the four of them all tacitly revealed their hole cards to Yun Qingyan and directly moved out of the lord behind them.

"It was windy just now, and I didn't quite understand. Do you want me to meet Yun Qingyan?"

Yun Qingyan drew his ears and looked at the four messengers clearly.

Taking Yun Qingyan's repair as an example, you can naturally cross the palace and see the situation of the four messengers inside.

"Yuanwu world is really strange, actually let a deaf become the master of the realm." The messenger of Bai Yuanjie said sarcastically the first time.

The emissaries of the other three realms all laughed after hearing the satire of the elders of Bai Yuanjie.

Just as they were planning to ridicule, a big hand transformed by the power of Yuanyuan grabbed directly at the palace where the messenger of Baiyuan Realm was located.


Even the highest-level masters need palaces that take hours to destroy ...

Actually a face to face, turned into a fan powder in the hands of the power of the metamorphosis.

Except for the messenger of the Baiyuan Realm, who was only severely damaged, everyone else in the palace ... all followed the palace in smoke.


The envoys of the other three realms, after seeing this scene, swallowed a saliva directly.

They never thought that Yun Qingyan would be so domineering and didn't agree with each other ... just shot!

And Yun Qingyan's cultivation is far beyond their imagination.

"No wonder Yun Qingyan can become the master of the Yuanwu world ..."

All three swallowed in their hearts and said, "When you meet, you will crush the palace, and Yun Qingyan must have at least a half-step cultivation!"

"Did you just call me deaf?" Yun Qingyan's voice sounded again.

The remaining messengers of the Three Realms, seeing the messengers of Bai Yuanjie, have been strangled by Yun Qingyan.

What made them feel creepy was that they actually saw the messenger of the Baiyuan Realm ... the flesh was withering at a speed that was visible to the naked eye!

As the Supreme Secret Realm, they knew immediately that Yun Qingyan was devouring the cultivation of the messenger of the Baiyuan Realm.

"I didn't expect Yun Qingyan to practice, and the practice of swallowing people ..." The messengers of the Three Realms flashed panic in their hearts.

Their strength is almost the same as that of the messenger of Bai Yuanjie.

Yun Qingyan can control the messenger of Bai Yuanjie with one stroke, and naturally he can knead himself freely.

And Yun Qingyan was in front of them, devouring the messenger of Baiyuan Realm ...

Will they be an exception at that time?

"Our master, although I also thought that Yun Qingyan would not be obedient, but he never expected that ... Yun Qingyan would be bold enough to hit us!"

The messengers of the Three Realms, the back became even colder.

"Ahhhh ..."

"Master of the cloud, the villain knows wrong, the villain knows wrong ..."

"Master of the cloud, please also have a lot of adults, forgive me ... forgive the offend of the villain ..."

"Ah, ah, Lord of the Clouds, the villain didn't mean to offend ..."

"Yun Qingyan, please kill me directly ..."

The ambassador of Xiuyuan who was devoured was screaming endlessly.

His screaming voice was constantly changing, begging Yun Qingyan for mercy from the beginning ...

In the end, it became Qiuyun Qingyan to kill him.

Yun Qingyan didn't speak, and when the messenger of Bai Yuan Realm and the power of the mixed Yuan died down, he directly extracted his soul.

In front of the other three messengers, Yun Qingyan searched his soul.

"Oh?" Yun Qingyan Mei Yu slightly picked.

His previous suspicions were verified, and the emissaries of the Five Realms suddenly gathered in Yuanwu Realm with a purpose.

"Unfortunately, it's just a soldier, and I don't know what happened."

Yun Qingyan sighed, he only knew that there would be something in this world ...

But what this thing is, the messenger of Bai Yuanjie doesn't know.

"Yun ... Lord of the Cloud Realm, I ... I was ordered by the Lord of the Green Soul Realm, and there is ... a letter to you!"

With the lessons learned from the envoys of the Baiyuan Realm, the envoys of the other three realms have scared the Six Gods.

They now know why the messengers of the black world have evaporated.

It turned out that Yun Qingyan really killed the messenger of the Heiyuan Realm.

"Oh? Isn't it a letter to surrender? How did it turn into a letter?"

Yun Qingyan raised her eyebrows, and the messenger of the Qinghunjie who looked at the opening with a little playfulness appeared.

"Oh, no ... no such thing, the status of the Lord of the Cloud Realm is the same as ... the owner of our Green Soul Realm, I ... where can we dare to let you down."

The messenger of the Qinghun world was full of panic.

"Since it's a letter, it's not yet handed in." Li Tian Mo Di said beside him.

The messenger of the green soul world, no matter how to change his face, no matter how pleasing, can't change a thing.

That is the content of the letter.

"Yes ... yes, I ... I'll hand in the letter!" The messenger of the Qinghun world, bracing his head, holding the seal letter with the power of the mixed Yuan, sent it to Yun Qingyan.

"Master, hope ... I hope your words in the letter can be euphemistic, otherwise I will ... I'm afraid I can't work for you anymore."

The messenger of the green soul world prayed secretly in his heart.

As soon as Yun Qingyan grabbed his hand, he grabbed the mid-air scripture.

The trick was golden yellow, somewhat similar to the imperial edicts of the secular dynasty.

After receiving the edict, Yun Qingyan opened it.

"Hehe ..." Yun Qingyan's eyes narrowed.

After seeing Yun Qingyan's response, the magic emperor knew that Yun Qingyan had killed himself.

And it's downright murderous.

"Yun Daoyou, what's written in it?" Litian Modi immediately came over.

When he saw the contents of the book, he also had a terrible murderous splash in his eyes.

"Cloud ... Lord of the clouds, letter ... the villain has been delivered, little ... the villain will not disturb you."

The master of the Qing Soul Realm can feel the bitter murderous power of Yun Qingyan over a distance of 1,000 kilometers.

Where would he dare to stay.

Knowing that if you stay here, the danger will be greater, so you must say goodbye directly.

"I am hospitable, and the last thing I am afraid of is being disturbed." When Yun Qingyan spoke, the big hands grabbed out!

Previously, against the messenger of Bai Yuanjie, Yun Qingyan only use the power of mixed Yuan to imitate a big hand.

But now, he is using his substantial hands, and it is conceivable ... how intense the killing in his heart.

What is written in the book of the master of the Qinghunjiejie that makes Yun Qingyan so angry?

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