Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2074: Great discovery!

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The envoy of Qinghunjie, where the palace is located, has no defensive power, and is blasted into the sky by the substantial hands of Yun Qingyan.

The Supreme Angel of the Green Soul Realm, even without the resistance, was strangled by Yun Qingyan's neck.

With the neck being choked.

The messenger of Qinghunjie felt the murderous spirit of Yun Qingyan more and more.

At this moment, in addition to his fear, he also hated the master behind him!

What do the masters of the Qing Soul Realm write in the edict, which will make Yun Qingyan so angry?

"I don't know if other circles can exist, but the Qinghun world must be over." Litian Modi whispered.

"Lord, oh ... what exactly is written in the book that makes Yun Gongzi so angry?"

Shangguanbai couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, just let Yun Daoyou return, otherwise the Jiulans will be connected." Litian Modi said.

The tone seems relaxed, but also flashes of terrible murderous.

In some respects, Li Tian Mo Emperor is very similar to Yun Qingyan, for example ... he also hates it, and some people threaten him with people around him.

The Jiulans of Zhulian completely angered the inverse scale of Yun Qingyan.

Even if the nine groups of Yun Qingyan are in the fairy realm, with the ability of the master of the green soul realm, they cannot reach their hands to the fairy realm ...

But this does not prevent Yun Qingyan's killing of Qinghunjie.

Yun Qingyan used the fastest speed to repair the messenger of the Qinghunjie as a vacuum.

Then extract the soul of the other party and search the soul directly!

After the soul search was over, Yun Qingyan did not immediately destroy the soul of the opponent, but arranged a large array of soul refining to throw the soul of the messenger of Qing soul into it.

The remaining messengers of Shishuijie, and the messengers of Liuyuanjie ... at this time were completely afraid!

They witnessed that the soul of the messenger of the Green Soul Realm was hardened and refined by a large array of soul refiners!

This refinement is full of pain, more pain than any capital punishment in the world.

The envoys of Shishuijie and the envoys of Liuyuanjie flew out of the palace.



The two knelt down in the air, their entire bodies trembling, "Yun ... Yun, Lord of the Clouds, I ... we are just preaching, but also ... Please raise your expensive hands and let us be like a fart!"

"Presumptuous!" The Emperor of the days snapped sharply.

"You two dogs, dare to blaspheme the Lord of the Clouds, believe it or not, I will destroy you now?"

Over the days of the Emperor's scolding, everyone present was stunned.

It is Yun Qingyan who keeps up with Guan Bai, all looking at Litian Modi.

The messenger of Shishuijie and the messenger of Liuyuanjie just beg for mercy in Yunqingyan ...

Where is the blasphemy Yun Qingyan?

"What is the identity of the cloud world master, how dare you vilify the cloud world master who farts!"

Litian Emperor scolded seriously.

The corner of Yunqingyan's mouth was drawn ... It really is black near the ink!

Yun Qingyan thought of Yao Yuan directly!

Before the days of the Emperor, it wouldn't be so boring, it must have been a long time by Yao Yuan, so it was so boring ...

"Yes, yes, it's our ignorance, I ... we said something wrong!"

The envoys of Shishuijie and the envoys of Liuyuanjie, after returning to God, slap themselves.

"Master of the cloud world, I ... we are just messengers, the two armies have not yet cut to make use of ..."

"Please also ask the Lord of the Clouds to raise your hand and spare us!"

The messenger of Shishuijie talked to the messenger of Liuyuanjie, and he continued to slap himself.

I kept apologizing while smoking.

"Take out your edicts," Yun Qingyan said coldly.

He would not show mercy to them because of their begging.

After all, the moment before, they were still arrogant ... want to let themselves catch up.

"Yes, yes, we will hand over the letter," the two answered quickly.

And don't talk about life and death!

At the same time, they were praying in their hearts, hoping that the scriptures of their Lord ...

It will not cause Yun Qingyan's murderous power to rise like Bai Yuanjie's main script.

"Yun Dao, let me see what I said ..." Litian Modi went straight up.

"Unfortunately, they can't do the opposite, they are crazy one by one!"

After watching the emperor over the days, it was straightforward.

The scriptures of the masters of Shishuijie and the scriptures of the masters of Liuyuanjie are very simple!

Not counting punctuation, there are only five words.

Die, or surrender!

"Yun Dao, let's return to his body with his own way!" Li Tian Mo Di said immediately.

After seeing Yun Qingyan's questioning eyes, Litian Modi immediately said, "Did they not give you two choices? We now also give their messengers two choices!"

In the eyes of the Emperor of the Heavens, in this way, it can be a face-slap to the master of the Shishui Realm and the master of the Six Yuan Realm.

"No need," Yun Qingyan said.

"It's boring to kill a human face."

Yun Qingyan said that he directly swallowed the sky to the messenger of Shishuijie and the messenger of Liuyuanjie.

As the two were evacuated, Yun Qingyan immediately searched them.

For the messenger of Shishuijie, Yun Qingyan got the same information as the messenger of Baiyuanjie.

I only know that there is something coming out of the Yuanwu world, and this thing is worthy of their scramble!

For the envoys of the Six Elements, Yun Qingyan received more detailed information.

A top school in the Central World, recruiting a group of disciples!

In Outer Nine Realms, the lowest criterion for selecting disciples is the Lord of One Realm!

In other words, there are only nine people in the entire Outer Nine Realms, and they may become disciples of that top school!

"The messenger of the Six Yuan Realm, although I don't know what this sect is ..."

"But I heard a saying from the master of Liuyuan Realm, if he can be a disciple of this sect gate ... even if he is only a disciple outside, he can jump into the dragon gate directly!"

"Even if they are at the helm of the supremacy of the Sixth Realm, they can communicate on an equal footing!"

Yun Qingyan whispered.

This information surprised him quite a bit.

However, he also knew that if the news was true, it would be reasonable and reasonable for the Black Yuan Realm, the Bai Yuan Realm, the Green Soul Realm, the Shishui Realm, and the Six Yuan Realm to focus on the Yuan Wu Realm ...

Once they have mastered the Yuanwu Realm, they have mastered one more ...

May be paid for the place of the top gate in Central World!

"Eh?" Yun Qingyan frowned and took out a jade bamboo slip from the sleeve.

"Yuan Hao, the results came out!"

When Yun Qingyan took out Yujian, he heard Yuan Hao's excited voice.

"Pop ... Pop, you have to reward me this time, I ... I have made a big discovery, a huge discovery!"

Yuan Hao's voice was full of excitement.

Among the messengers he killed this time, there was a son of the Lord of the Bai Yuan Realm!

Yuan Bai made a huge discovery through the soul-searching of the son of Bai Yuanjie.

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