Return of the War God

Chapter 1006: : Still suppressed


Strong, invincible and unpredictable!

This is the posture of Ye Wuque at this moment. He carries his hands on his back, not like a person about to face a big battle, but like a **** of war walking in the courtyard. No matter who the opponent is, he will be suppressed, and his heart is already invincible.

Ye Wuque's attitude fell in the eyes of Fulong County Guard, and the aloof county guard nodded slightly with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Develop an invincible general trend, save yourself, keep polishing, and finally explode!

This is one of the essential qualities of Tianjiao!

Among the ten super geniuses of Longgu County, Fulong County Shou had only discovered two people, they were Ye Wuque and the elegant minister.

"Maybe this time in the genius finals, my Dragon Bone County can finally no longer just be a foil and spectators..."

As if thinking of something, an inexplicable meaning flashed in Fulong County's abyss-like eyes.

"it is good!"

Ke Xian didn't feel angry about Ye Wuque's indifferentness, because he understood the strength of the person in front of him. Although there was no fluctuation, the invisible pressure exuding seemed like the sky!

A clean and neat one spit out Ke Xian directly holding the giant axe, and a strong source of light burst out of his body. The whole person suddenly turned into an indomitable giant, and the giant axe in his hand skyrocketed to tens of thousands of meters!

As soon as he shot Ke Xian, he used all his power. In the face of a terrifying opponent like Ye Wuque, the root of retaining his power is self-defeating, it is better to burst out the strongest blow!

"Nine Heavens and Ten Grounds!"

A low growl with a sonorous voice echoed in the void, as if falling from outside the sky, with the determination to do everything!

Nine Heavens and Ten Grounds Breaking Slash is the strongest trick he has so far understood in the territorial top-class combat scheming "Reincarnation Ten Slashes" given to Ke Xian by the Fulong County guard!

Once this trick is used, it is claimed to be enough to cut the nine heavens and ten earth in half. Although it is only an exaggeration, it shows its terrible power!

At this time, Ke Xian's whole person has merged with the giant axe in his hand, cutting out with one axe, there is no return!

The black hair was turbulent, and the overwhelming storm invaded Ye Wuque, and the nine days and ten grounds that fell from the sky caused the entire battlefield to tremble, as if it would collapse at any time.

The power of Ke Xian's attack was undoubtedly several times stronger than the methods used when defeating Guo Xiaotian before. It was completely different!

Those Dragon Bone County monks who had full confidence in Ye Wuque were also shaking at this moment, and their ears were buzzing, being taken by Ke Xian's axe momentum, they couldn't help worrying about Ye Wuque.

"Nice cut."

The faint voice of words sounded from Ye Wuque. Such a earth-shattering cut was only "not bad" in Ye Wuque's eyes, and his voice at this moment was still clear and audible even under the roar of infinite eyes, unmoving.

Immediately, the hands of Ye Wuque's shoulders slowly fell down, began to pinch, and his fingers fluttered, simple, heavy, invincible, majestic...

"Move the seal from the prison!"


In the sky that was originally submerged by Ke Xian's Nine Heavens and Ten Grounds, suddenly overflowed with a majestic meaning of invincibility!

I saw an incomparably black giant peak from the sky turned out, the whole body blooming with pitch black brilliance, as if a giant peak condensed from a pure land has been drawn from the outer world, which can suppress **** and kill the common people!


The void burst, the ripples of power exploded, and the Nine Heavens and Ten Grounds were completely suppressed before they had time to release their ultimate power!


The giant axe fell off the battle platform, making a clash, and Ke Xian also fell.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, Ke Xian's face turned pale, but his eyes were extremely bright. He picked up the giant axe and slowly stood up, looking at Ye Wuque, with a hint of admiration in his eyes and said: "Thank you brother Ye for showing mercy. "

Ke Xian knew that the power contained in Ye Wuque’s Supreme Seal could easily kill him, or even severely hurt himself, but Ye Wuque recovered most of his power, only slightly shook himself, obviously. Be merciful.

Ye Wuque nodded slowly, then turned and left.

After the blessing and transformation of the mighty heavenly dragon power, the evolving Gaitian Seven Seals is infinitely powerful, and has completely surpassed the category of the territorial top-grade combat esotericism, reaching an incredible level.

Facing the super genius of Dragon Bone County, Ye Wuque only needs to use part of the power of the prison to move the mountain seal to suppress most people, so the remaining six-type seals do not need to be used at all.

Still a strong suppression!

Ye Wuque's performance immediately caused the arena to boil again!

After successively suppressing Wei Qianxiang and Ke Xian, Ye Wuque was extremely strong, clean and tidy, and ended the battle in the shortest time. His combat power was so terrible that it had reached an unpredictable situation.

It seems that no one can force Ye Wuque's full strength at all, only a glimpse.

With the end of this battle, the candidates for the second battle have been decided!

Green Haired Knife Dry Gang vs Heavenly Sword Style Admiral!

Gan Gang carried an eight-foot long knife on his shoulders, raised his head up to the sky with a long smile, and stepped out. The whole person seemed to wake up from a deep sleep, and the earth-shaking fierce and sharp aura overflowed from him!

The graceful minister slowly appeared on the stage, and the simple sword behind him was also groaning, a hint of interest flashed in his clear eyes.

Above the throne, Ye Wuque's bright eyes swept across the dry gang, but he knew that this person, as a swordsman, might be the most powerful person except for himself and the handsome minister!

But for this battle, Ye Wuque still had some expectations.

Because the elegant minister is the swordsman of sword repair, this Qiangang is the swordsman of sword repair!

This is a duel between swordsman and swordsman!

The sword is the king of a hundred soldiers. The swordsman has the style of a gentleman and the style of a king.

The knife is the honor of a hundred soldiers, the knife is sharp and domineering, and the force is heavy, and I am invincible!

Since ancient times, the battle between swords and swords has never stopped, has been continuing, fighting.

Now, Qiangang will undoubtedly be a gluttonous feast against the elegant and graceful officials.

On the battle platform, Qian Gang carried an eight-foot long knife on his shoulder, and the dark red blade kept screaming, and the light of the blade circulated, exuding a sense of fierceness and sharpness!

"Okay! I didn't expect to be able to fight a swordsman. I hope you don't let me down. After all, the sword is the supreme, kendo, but Xiaodaoer."

Gan Gang stared at the handsome minister, laughed out loud, with green hair all over his head, and his momentum was compelling.

The handsome minister stood up long, and the sword raised behind him was also moaning softly, expressing a sense of joy.

"No matter the way of sword or sword, although the road is different, the road is the same, and the end is the same. I want to see your sword way, and I hope you don't let me and my sword down."...Coolsmith ! Net s positive c version; first 1e issued b

"Haha! Come on then!"


Qian Gang looked up to the sky and let out a long roar, his right arm was raised high, and the eight-foot long sword suddenly exploded with endless blades, slashing directly at the handsome minister! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update! Say:

Fourth update

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